D&D 5E Download LEGO's The Red Dragon's Tale

The Red Dragon's Tale is a free 20-page adventure you can download from D&D Beyond.

The Red Dragon's Tale is a free 20-page adventure you can download from D&D Beyond (along with some digital dice and graphics). It's produced by WotC to go with LEGO's recent D&D set, which you build as you play through the adventure, and is four four 5th-level characters--pregenerated characters are provided for a gnome fighter, elf wizard, orc rogue, and dwarf cleric.

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The adventure in which a 5th level party is thrown into a final three-way battle between an adult red dragon, a cr5 mage, and themselves and in which the only way to succeed is to defeat both mage and dragon 😂

If the dragon somehow rolls terribly, repeatedly, it's possible that the party can succeed...
Nevermind, she has 3x legendary resistance.

The rest of the adventure is fun! Having to shoehorn in the red dragon because it's part of the LEGO set I understand, but not as an unwinnable fight!

Who designed..
Oh. Oh Chris... 😢
This from the guy who designed Old Bonegrinder? He must be getting soft in his old age. 😜

The adventure in which a 5th level party is thrown into a final three-way battle between an adult red dragon, a cr5 mage, and themselves and in which the only way to succeed is to defeat both mage and dragon 😂

If the dragon somehow rolls terribly, repeatedly, it's possible that the party can succeed...
Nevermind, she has 3x legendary resistance.

The rest of the adventure is fun! Having to shoehorn in the red dragon because it's part of the LEGO set I understand, but not as an unwinnable fight!

Who designed..
Oh. Oh Chris... 😢
The intent is that the PCs don't fight the dragon but use her to defeat the sorcerer.
The Player Characters must deal with two foes at once: Cinderhowl and Ervan Soulfallen. Clever characters can turn one of these foes against the other.
As an action, a character can try to redirect Cinderhowl’s rage toward Ervan, doing so with a successful DC 20 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check. Use whichever skill seems most appropriate.


The Red Dragon's Tale is a free 20-page adventure you can download from D&D Beyond (along with some digital dice and graphics). It's produced by WotC to go with LEGO's recent D&D set, which you build as you play through the adventure, and is four four 5th-level characters--pregenerated characters are provided for a gnome fighter, elf wizard, orc rogue, and dwarf cleric.

Now it's time for the Lego D&D video game, and then the movie. I'm surprised it hasn't been done/announced already.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
The intent is that the PCs don't fight the dragon but use her to defeat the sorcerer.
Yes, and then when the mage is dead they have to defeat the dragon. The mage can't do much to the dragon- the adventure says at the start he uses his Hold Monster scroll against her. She has 3 legendary resistances. And she'll wreck up the mage's day in a couple turns. Maybe one since it's a CR17 dragon with legendaries.
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