Dragon 368 - First Subscription Issue

How do you feel about Dragon 368?

  • Dragon 368 was well worth paying for

    Votes: 67 67.7%
  • Dragon 368 - I really don't have a strong opinion

    Votes: 17 17.2%
  • Dragon 368 was not worth paying for

    Votes: 15 15.2%


First Post
Yeah, I've been loving Dragon ever since it went 4e. This month, I thought the Sunderheart, Barbarian, both Gladiator, and Items of Legend articles were all money. Here's hoping next issue brings us another Deconomicon or Codex of Betrayal (Dispater or Grazz't!)

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I think it was really good. I am curious why some people do not think articles of that quality are worth a measly $5. Is it because they do not play 4e? or is it because they simply will not pay for digital services? Or do they really think the quality was poor?

I've read most of it. Well worth the price, just for what I've read.

I've got more useful stuff from the last 4 digital issues of Dragon (the 4E ones) that the entire last year at Piazo (not that the Paizo stuff was bad by any means). I've had uses for almost every article in there.

I'm a crunch junkie so all the extra stuff they put in is sweet sweet music to me. :D

I signed up for three months as a test. If Dungeon and Dragon stay as good as they have been, I will be signing up for a year when my 4 months run out.


First Post
I voted "no strong opinion," but really, my thinking is that because this month was half free and half pay, it isn't really the "first pay issue." I'd say November will get that title.


First Post
I think it was really good. I am curious why some people do not think articles of that quality are worth a measly $5. Is it because they do not play 4e? or is it because they simply will not pay for digital services? Or do they really think the quality was poor?

D) We simply prefer a print magazine for our money.


First Post
I think it was really good. I am curious why some people do not think articles of that quality are worth a measly $5. Is it because they do not play 4e? or is it because they simply will not pay for digital services? Or do they really think the quality was poor?


I think the quality is excellent for Dragon (on par with Paizo) and good for Dungeon (a bit of a step down from Paizo there FWIW). I would happily pay at that price point for a print magazine. However, I do not like the electronic format, especially without an easy print-on-demand option.

I have no use for the electronic tools, so consider them zero value personally.


First Post
Well, I have 2 more days to think about subscribing so I can have access to the PDF which I may never print in full but I may use in parts in the future. I am off on Friday so I will probably decide then.

Voidrunner's Codex

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