Dragon Talk: Margaret Weis

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If they release a Dragonlance setting book....



Book-Friend, he/him
Making a replica dragon lance? An update?

In Spoilers & Swag, they had been talking about how cool a replica Zelda Mastet Sword they had seen at a charity auction was. Stewart said he would like to get something cool that for D&D. Kate said she had idea, Nate said he knew what she was thinking, but they shouldn't talk about it before June, and them muttered something about a Dragonlance.

In Spoilers & Swag, they had been talking about how cool a replica Zelda Mastet Sword they had seen at a charity auction was. Stewart said he would like to get something cool that for D&D. Kate said she had idea, Nate said he knew what she was thinking, but they shouldn't talk about it before June, and them muttered something about a Dragonlance.

Oh okay...I'm tracking now. Sorry


Book-Friend, he/him
Oh okay...I'm tracking now. Sorry

Nah, no worries: it was kind of subtle at the time, but the way Nathan Stewart thoughtfully said his bit about the Dragonlance made me take notice. It definitely felt like they were specifically holding something back about the setting.

Dragonlance is the setting what needs most a teleserie adaptation, maybe a cartoon or CGI. The question is if this could justify some little retcon.

Other idea is about "time spheres", alternate timelines where Krynn Story is..."different".

Voidrunner's Codex

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