Dragonlance Dragonlance Philosophy thread

Since we don't seem to be capable of having a single Dragonlance thread focus on actually discussing the book releasing next week, here's a thread to focus on all your Dragonlance philosophy thoughts. Please keep it civil so this thread can keep going as long as needed and we can keep these conversations out of the other Dragonlance threads.

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One Side: Kender are terrible and annoying without exception.

Other Side: Hey, One Side, you're talking alot of sense.

There we go. Saved you 10 pages of people agreeing with each other about how terrible Kender are. ;)
In fairness, the new 5e Kender are not the one-note, endless thieves who don't understand personal property anymore. They got rid of that.

Now they are Halflings who are relatively fearless. And they have a somewhat cool weapon that alternates between ranged and melee.

The one-note nature of the Kender in prior editions made every kender PC a rehash of Tasslehoff. It was tiresome and disruptive.


Reeks of Jedi
One Side: Kender are terrible and annoying without exception.

Other Side: Hey, One Side, you're talking alot of sense.

There we go. Saved you 10 pages of people agreeing with each other about how terrible Kender are. ;)

Weird how Ive only ever played with exceptionally well played Kender. Must be that the player and DM aren't out to cause Chaos. Must be that a crappy player plays crappy characters. shrugs


#1 Enworld Jerk™
Must be that the player and DM aren't out to cause Chaos.
The World GIF


Free Will, or Freedom of Choice, vs Tyranny and Subservience without choice.
Old Testament Good and Evil.
Colour Coded Morality.
Orders (Towers/Knights) and what it means to be part of them, or why they exist. -> Moderation and Control vs Freedom and Independence.
People's role in the relationship to their Gods.

DL asks questions on all this and more and this is probably the most interesting product of the year out of Wizards thanks to the work done and choices made originally in the settings creation.

Free Will, or Freedom of Choice, vs Tyranny and Subservience without choice.
Old Testament Good and Evil.
Colour Coded Morality.
Orders (Towers/Knights) and what it means to be part of them, or why they exist. -> Moderation and Control vs Freedom and Independence.
People's role in the relationship to their Gods.

DL asks questions on all this and more and this is probably the most interesting product of the year out of Wizards thanks to the work done and choices made originally in the settings creation.
Only Evil gives free will or freedom of choice, as Good apparently is Tyranny and Subservience without choice. Which doesn't sound particularly good.

Color Coded Morality, meaning everyone does the same terrible stuff but wears different team logos.

People's role in relationship to their gods= Gods don't need people and people don't need gods. Has it ever been demonstrated that there was a need for the gods to return? Why did the gods plan to return at all? People obviously didn't even understand the signs and lesson that the Cataclysm was about- and that was when there were people with a direct line to the gods. It's more like the gods came back because they just couldn't stay away.


Only Evil gives free will or freedom of choice, as Good apparently is Tyranny and Subservience without choice. Which doesn't sound particularly good.
I'm afraid I dont follow.

Color Coded Morality, meaning everyone does the same terrible stuff but wears different team logos.

No? White vs Red vs Black Robes all are markedly different in their outlooks and behavior/motivations.

People's role in relationship to their gods= Gods don't need people and people don't need gods. Has it ever been demonstrated that there was a need for the gods to return? Why did the gods plan to return at all? People obviously didn't even understand the signs and lesson that the Cataclysm was about- and that was when there were people with a direct line to the gods. It's more like the gods came back because they just couldn't stay away.

I'm not sure that tracks with the novels at all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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