Dragonlance Dragonlance Philosophy thread

I'm afraid I dont follow.

No? White vs Red vs Black Robes all are markedly different in their outlooks and behavior/motivations.

I'm not sure that tracks with the novels at all.
Paladine says that if there is too much good then it becomes intolerant, and basically stops being good. So Good=intolerance and forced conformity. So if too much good means Intolerance, then too much evil must lead to Tolerance. or all things being permissable- true freedom of choice.

CG Elves enslave their fellow elves, but are still CG. Thus, slavery isn't an evil act. Not a single god broke ranks to oppose the Cataclysm- mass genocide approved by even Mishakal.

Like I said, where is it in the novels that there was a need for the gods to return? The world recovered and went on without them. Did all the races learn their lesson from the Cataclysm? No, in fact there seems to have been huge misunderstandings what it was all about- no one even understood the signs of the Cataclysm when the gods were around to explain it. The gods just came back for their own reasons- certainly not because the races had changed.

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Paladine says that if there is too much good then it becomes intolerant, and basically stops being good. So Good=intolerance and forced conformity. So if too much good means Intolerance, then too much evil must lead to Tolerance. or all things being permissable- true freedom of choice.

I mean this is the issue here made clear.

Its not Good = Intolerance. Its Good, without balance (and likely its Lawful Good, not "Good") leads to intolerance and forced compliance. Good itself, is not intolerant, but a singular interpretation of Good that many would argue is a perversion of what Good actually is.

Too much Evil would not lead to Tolerance, but to an inability to transgress. Even this doesnt fly because Taskhisis wasnt about freedom, but was about all being subservient to her.

I mean this is the issue here made clear.

Its not Good = Intolerance. Its Good, without balance (and likely its Lawful Good, not "Good") leads to intolerance and forced compliance. Good itself, is not intolerant, but a singular interpretation of Good that many would argue is a perversion of what Good actually is.

Too much Evil would not lead to Tolerance, but to an inability to transgress. Even this doesnt fly because Taskhisis wasnt about freedom, but was about all being subservient to her.
So following Paladine's teachings inevitably leads to intolerance and forced compliance, which results in more Cataclysms? Sounds like LG is bad for the world. And this is why Krynn's alignment interpretations are completely stupid.


So following Paladine's teachings inevitably leads to intolerance and forced compliance, which results in more Cataclysms? Sounds like LG is bad for the world. And this is why Krynn's alignment interpretations are completely stupid.

A singular interpretation of LG, or LG taken to an extreme, is bad. We even see this at times in the novels, with Sturm. Its not like the "LG Paladin, unable to be in a party with a CN Rogue" tropes and behaviors right?

The issue again, is thinking there is only one possible view on Good. One possible view on LG.

The Kingpriests.

Well, he was rebuked. Repeatedly, and was abandoned by Paladine. So again your reading does not match mine.

One side: They are stuck in alignment system, good gods have to act good all the time!

Other side: It's a game, just use your imagination. Not to mention it's all based on real world religious stuff anyways.

There we go. Saved you 10 pages of back and forth ;)
That plus the "you can fix it for your game so why complain for the book to be changed"
and the "it was written once it can't be changed"

A singular interpretation of LG, or LG taken to an extreme, is bad. We even see this at times in the novels, with Sturm. Its not like the "LG Paladin, unable to be in a party with a CN Rogue" tropes and behaviors right?

The issue again, is thinking there is only one possible view on Good. One possible view on LG.

The Kingpriests.

Well, he was rebuked. Repeatedly, and was abandoned by Paladine. So again your reading does not match mine.
And how was the Kingpriest threatening the whole world when he was limited to 2nd level spells?

Paladine had to murder an entire city, caused untold devastation to BOTH sides of a planet, just to stop his own good aligned priest. It's just silliness.


And how was the Kingpriest threatening the whole world when he was limited to 2nd level spells?

Paladine had to murder an entire city, caused untold devastation to BOTH sides of a planet, just to stop his own good aligned priest. It's just silliness.

I believe that Istar at the time, and lets not forget the Knights were on a path the Gods didnt approve of either, was on track for taking over. More so than just a 'can cast 2nd level cleric spells' type issue.

A singular interpretation of LG, or LG taken to an extreme, is bad. We even see this at times in the novels, with Sturm. Its not like the "LG Paladin, unable to be in a party with a CN Rogue" tropes and behaviors right?

The issue again, is thinking there is only one possible view on Good. One possible view on LG.

The Kingpriests.

Well, he was rebuked. Repeatedly, and was abandoned by Paladine. So again your reading does not match mine.
Paladine wasn't talking about viewpoints, he was talking about the nature of Good, and that Evil and Neurality were necessary. So the God of Paladins thinks Evil is necessary and too many good people is bad.

Voidrunner's Codex

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