Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
They jump as a move action then attack as a full action at the end of it. Only one sequence of attacks. The ability only works w/ swift leap, which is always a move action (Quicken mark will allow you to jump your normal distance than still have a full round of actions left so you could jump, swift jump, then full attack, but still only one attack). The name "Swift leap" is a bit of a misnomer as it only allows the jump to used quicker than normal, not as a swift action.Rystil Arden said:Hmm...but it does allow them to get more than full attack worth of attacks in a round, right? Like they attack once, then leap, then full attack. Or worse, if they Quicken it with Quicken Dragonmark, they full attack, then leap, then full attack again, or perhaps leap with a Swift action and full attack, then leap with a move action and full attack, then leap with a move action again and full attack.
Still have to look at that combo.Rystil Arden said:Also note that the ability to jump in and always get a full attack on enemies that try to move out to prevent it and then often stop the enemy from themselves getting a full attack with the not-yet-approved feat is rather abusive, and since both are for Orien, this is a combo you're likely to see if the feat is allowed.