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Dragonslayers [Aftermath]


Alrighty - then. :)

with eight prospects I will have to have some sort of judging criteria - so
it will be based on character depth.
my orginal thought for books was PHB, DMG, Draconomicon (of course)
but i do own Comp Arcane, and UA. No orb spells. wrong flavor, wrong mech.

As for warlocks I am intrigued, but have no place for them in my world, as of yet.
So the warlock with the best flavor/ stories will set them up for the world.
there are rumors of the Black Isle - where demonic forces have driven off the dragons.
there are only 3 evil planes - The halls of dead - for most spirits, Hell where the evil are punished by devils and the Battlefields where Demons, other outsiders and Yugoloths fight endless battles, among a multitude of Lords.

I am not wedded to demonic influences - If someone has a better idea pitch it.
details will be in an editited first post.

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First Post
Any restrictions on the base classes? (for example some DMs don't allow monks)
Also where would you like the character bios/stats posted?
And finally, starting at lvl1?


Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Evilhalfling, I like your style. I've developing a homebrew along those very lines for over a year. If you want to mine for ideas or brainstorm, I'd be happy to correspond. I have a link to it in my sig, and you can PM me, or IM me sometime.

I did :)
your stuff looks great btw.
I am not sure I took anything directly, but we have similar themes.

Azmodean - monks on the islands serve either the god of peace (dragonkilling allowed)
or the god of punishment. Either can multiclass freely as clerics.
poststats here, and accepted characters will move to a RG thread

Ferrix - no Im going to keep paladins and rangers seperate.

Island gods are in for groups called courts.
Each court has a multitude of gods covering different aspects
and druids are treated as clerics in the very loose hiearchy.


Evilhalfling said:
Ferrix - no Im going to keep paladins and rangers seperate.

Seperate, as it not allowing that variant from UA? Wasn't conflating the two into one class, I've just been wanting to play a Paladin Dragon Hunter type using the Favored Enemy variant from UA, that eventually goes into the Vassal of Bahamut, but it seems that idea is out anyways.

Draconomicon eh?

Think I could sneak in some Complete Adventurer? I was looking particularly at the Scout class, I could type it up and e-mail you. If that's no good I'll probably just go for a straight ranger headed towards the dragonstalker PrC.


Ferrix said:
Think I could sneak in some Complete Adventurer? I was looking particularly at the Scout class, I could type it up and e-mail you. If that's no good I'll probably just go for a straight ranger headed towards the dragonstalker PrC.

Tempting but Ill pass on the scout. The paladin with species enemy dosn't fit my view of paladins on the green isles.


First Post
Evilhalfling, do you have a name for the god of punishment? The short bio I'm writing seems empty without it. I'm taking the liberty of assuming the existence of a temple to the punishment god whose primary purpose is to train dragonkilling monks and clerics (or at least ones who will try). Monk/cleric is an interesting concept, do you have any problems with the Practiced Spellcaster feat? Actually I'll just sblock what I have so far right here, please excuse the lack of a name, I'm terrible at making them up on the fly, so I'm calling him Character for the moment. Also let me know if the oriental naming for the item bugs you.
[sblock]Character is from a temple on the Green Isles which specializes in training warriors to focus their minds to the task of driving off or destroying the dragons who have usurped control of the Green Isles. Character has trained at the temple nearly all his life to this point. Originally he was enrolled at the temple as a way to lessen the burden on his family, as the temple does not require a tuition for fit students. As he has trained with the monks of the temple however, Character has observed the hardship the people in his area of the Green Isles must endure due to the depredations of the dragons, and has adopted the temple's quest as his own, to do whatever necessary to drive the dragons from the Green Isles. After he made this decision, Character gained a focus almost unrivalled in the temple, shrugging off physical discomfort and injury to train ever harder to master his body and mind. This has made him somewhat unpopular with the other students of the temple, as his ferocity does not allow him to "go easy" on those he trains with. However, it makes him extremely popular with the leaders of the temple, as their purpose is to train dragonkillers, and their greatest shame is those students who selfishly use their teachings for other ends.

Upon graduation he was presented with the temple's Bougyo gi in recognition of his abilities, and in the hope that he would be able to go forth and carry out the wishes of the temple. The Bougyo gi is a powerfull magical item in the form of a thick, long-sleeved shirt with metal fibers woven with cotton which enhances the martial abilities of the wearer in many ways. When the gi is worn the skin of the wearer toughens, especially the striking surfaces used in unarmed combat, this both allows the wearer to avoid damage more easily and to deal out damage more effectively. Due to its special construction and enchantment, the gi itself acts as armor without encumbering the wearer, and it even repels magical attacks directed at the wearer.

Since leaving the temple, Character has headed toward Cillune’s harbor to seek out news of vunerable dragons and allies to aid in his cause.

Buogyo gi
Mighty Fists +1 4,000
resist +1 1,000
Armor +1 1,000
natural armor +1 2,000

8,000 total

The cost of the mighty fists enchantment is based on a recent article on the wizards web site indicating that the amulet of natural armor costs 6,000 gp due to it being in an innapropriate affinity slot, as you said to ignore affinity slots for the main item, that would reduce the cost of that enchantment to 4,000, if this doesn't seem kosher to you I will drop the natural armor bonus, leaving the total at the same cost.
The article is at: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20050111a[/sblock]


First Post
I think I'd like to try a rogue elf (foreigner). I'll try and have something up soon although I doubt I can do as well for background as the rest of these folks. (Heh can we do evil?, I could be an assassin, that death attack will work well against dragons. :p)


Vixzu - god of punishment
Alignment LE, worshipers LN,NE,LE
Domains - Evil, Death, War,
Favored weapon - chain (d6 crit 20,x2 otherwise as spiked chain)
Vixzu's worshipers are the dark inquistion. They specalize in punishing wrong do'ers
normally using what ever legal code is enforceable. Those worshipers who are rightious with punishment, and strive to only punish lawbreakers are LN, If the become to enammored of causing pain to other then they drift into NE, punishing on flimsy pretexts.
Vixzu trains monks with the following bonus feats- Stunning fist, Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip. These monks can multiclass freely as clerics of Vixzu, although the chain cannot be used as a monk wepon.

These monks are powerful, but nearly vile.
No one is eagar to see them coming and many fear them. Their place in society varies by community. Of course clerics get only spontaneoue inflict spells. You can be sued for punishing indiscriminately and subject to your breatheren if you loose.
You are fairly far afield to consider dragons worthy of punishment, but its not like the order will ban you.
Edit: perhaps a whole temple of dragon killers as a sect? that would work as well

The Monks of Peace (Da) get barbarian-like damage reduction. They are allowed to kill if other options fail. They encourage peace among humanoids, anything else is killable.

Hmm vile monk, Warlocks and Assasins, w/o a paladin - looks like an evil party to me. not what I intended, but doable, as long as you keep focused and don't degerarate into mindless cruelty.

BTW practiced spellcaster is fine.
Last edited:


First Post
A few more questions for you:
How closely do you monitor money/equipment? I don't mind keeping track of it very rigorously, but not necessary if you don't want that level of accountability over it. Examples are keeping track of food reserves while travelling, minor costs such as food and lodging, mundane ammunition. Some DMs prerer to track it all some don't I'm fine with either.

Any thoughts on the Buoguo gi? price resonable, flavor matches what you were looking for, etc. If you're still mulling it over never mind :)

Chain weapon, how fortuitous, I was planning to use one as an off-hand weapon (if allowed) I agree with the 1d6 damage, the spiked chain is a bit overpowered at 2d4. Would I get proficiency with it with the war domain as it is an exotic weapon? If I need to spend a feat on it that's fine too.

Heh, you know you're the one pushing the monk order in the vile direction, I was all set to play a righteous avenger type. At the least I would strive to stay LN and punsh only those who truly deserve it (especially dragons).


First Post
Well I was kind of kidding about the assassins (fort save) based death attack working well against dragons but if we are a mostly evil party I'm going to avoid being all goody goody.

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