Whether there actually is any divine intervention is also far from clear, so one less reason for an actual rule… people believe things without them actually being true all the time
5e hides a lot of it's complexity from players by dumping responsibility for hiding its complexity from players onto the GM, that makes it hard to answer a question like that.
Different in good ways that feel more engaging for both sides of the gm screen. There were a few videos posted earlier covering character creation & actual play. I wouldn't call it "complex" & it doesn't take much to grok enough for folks to get rolling.
I started watching gameplay from the playtest and it looks really fun and easy for both DM and players. Not sure if the groups or the mechanics but it definitely felt really fast paced. The DMs really had an easy time finding cool stuff to use without significant prep - they are were reading the monsters cards as they turn came up.
When questions came up they were resolved easily through quick searches of the books.
I am not familiar with the classes at all but the thing that really stood out for me is that the players and DM had stuff to do almost all the time. It felt really actioned packed with everyone completely glued to what was happening so that they had an opportunity to use an ability.