D&D 5E Drow Wizard with a sorcerer dip. Which class to start in at 1st level?


Rolled Stats before bonuses:
D16 (18 after race)
Ch12 (13 after race)

Thinking of Drow elf Wizard (bladesinger) with a sorcerer (Divine sould) dip. I will go one level in each class then to level 6 in wizard, then to level 4 in sorcerer. Get the metamagic initiate feat at wizard 4 with twin spell and quicken spell.

Mostly I want sorcerer for the extra cantrips, the extra spells and at higher levels the extra sorcery points. Having the sorcerer levels gives me 3 more spells prepared essentially (which is important with a low intelligence wizard) and 4 when he goes to level 2.

Drow starts me with the perfect weapons and good ability bonuses for this build. This will be mostly a melee/ritual character.

I want the initial sorcerer spells to be Protection from Good and Evil, Shield and probably healing word. Also guidance, Booming Blade, mending and sacred flame (I have been told having a way to do radiant damage will be important)

Wizard gets Green Flame Blade, Chill touch and Sapping Sting to start, with catapult, Mage Armor and sleep as prepared spells and the rest rituals. At higher levels this character will get invisibility, shadow blade, mirror image, blur, haste, fly and whatever he finds on scrolls.

Having the sorcery points will help with a bladesinger using quicken spell, that way when the defenses (PGE, Blur, mirror image) go down he can recast them as a bonus action and still get in his attack and cantrip.

My main question is what class to start at in 1st level. The only real difference is save proficiencies - constitution and charisma vs wisdom and intelligence.

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My vote would be for sorcerer first for the added flexibility of spell points and favoured by the gods for better save in that first level to make up for the low wis save. Also I would suggest custom lineage rather than drow as it appears that TCOE is in game.
1. sunlight sensitivity is bad for melee (if your dm observes it)
2. metamagic initiate from level 1 (the 1 pt to Cha is odd and you don't plan to resolve it until lvl 10 at earliest)
3. allows different feat choice or at lvl 4 instead - I assume you will want to be using shadowblade once you get sorcerer 3 so warcaster or elven accuracy could be good, or to max out dex at lvl 4
4. weapon profs are irrelevant as you get 1h weapon prof from bladedancer

you trade elfinness (depending on dm ruling of custom lineage possibly not), the bonus spells from drow, and sleep immunity\charm resistance for early access to metamagic, an extra feat (elven accuracy if you can be a custom elf? or maxing attack stat at lvl 5), and not having disadvantage all the time during the day



My vote would be for sorcerer first for the added flexibility of spell points and favoured by the gods for better save in that first level to make up for the low wis save. Also I would suggest custom lineage rather than drow as it appears that TCOE is in game.
1. sunlight sensitivity is bad for melee (if your dm observes it)
2. metamagic initiate from level 1 (the 1 pt to Cha is odd and you don't plan to resolve it until lvl 10 at earliest)
3. allows different feat choice or at lvl 4 instead - I assume you will want to be using shadowblade once you get sorcerer 3 so warcaster or elven accuracy could be good, or to max out dex at lvl 4
4. weapon profs are irrelevant as you get 1h weapon prof from bladedancer

you trade elfinness (depending on dm ruling of custom lineage possibly not), the bonus spells from drow, and sleep immunity\charm resistance for early access to metamagic, an extra feat (elven accuracy if you can be a custom elf? or maxing attack stat at lvl 5), and not having disadvantage all the time during the day

Thanks. I need the 13 charisma to multiclass in or out of sorcerer so custom lineage would mean I need to take a half feat to boost charisma or I need to wait until level 4. Given that I think Human and not custom is the way to go for a feat (although that leaves me with 17 Dex unless I take a dexterity half feat here two). I could also go custom and a charisma feat like fey touched.

I find if the DM is rigid in application of "direct" sunlight and not just sunlight it is workable. Overcast, partly cloudy, buildings, trees .... few areas are in "direct" sunlight even during the day. When you really can't avoid it though, you are right it does suck.

This is primarily a weapon attack character and Drow has great weapons, if I go human or custom I am stuck with a dagger until level 3 and then after that I only have a dagger and 1 other weapon. That is workable but far from ideal. Drow gets you hand crossbow (the best missile weapon for bladesingers) and everything else you want on a bladesinger except whip and scimitar. Take whip at bladesinger 2 and now you have all of the weapons you want except scimitar. I think if I go human I will probably take weapon master feat at 1st level (Rapier, S.Sword, whip, hand xbow), which would put me back to about where I was with a Drow, but without the extra abilities and without the sunlight sensitivity.

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