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Dude Where's My Ring? (DM: garyh, Judge: Ozymandias79)

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Watching as several drunken dwarves, in red boots, shuffle out of Magnus' meandering spiral, Kamotz begins to see the effect before Magnus circles the first time.

Kargyll's guide can come along. Our pack is strong enough to do this on our own, however I will acquiesce to the pack decision. If we look hard enough, we can find someone with solid armor and the training to join us, back at the tavern. Shall we?

I'm great with picking up a new member, Kamotz is reluctant. Thought it pertinent to express how excited I would be to have another defender. Kamotz would like to think he could handle the role but he would be wrong...

I assume that we all tromp off to the tavern, Kamotz is heading there immediately. Hopefully there is a defender there as insane as the rest of us...

From the Tavern I say we go immediately to the Starkreach, unless someone need make a purchase, which I suggest be taken care of en route to the tavern.

Yay, we are moving again!!!:lol:

EDIT: I posted in the Tavern, as each of you arrive the bartender may let you know that Kamotz is already in the Back Room
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"The Hanged Man would be a logical place to find someone, yes. I agree that we should move as quickly as we can, before the trail grows any colder."

[sblock=OOC]Heh, just had a mental image of Magnus walking in to the tavern, being as obscure and insane as possible, and then Morvannon coming in and translating for the more stable patrons. :) [/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC for garyh, and whoever else, but mostly garyh]

Picked up a new character, Vrrsk't, played by roadtoad.

[sblock="Message to Reggie"]"Progress Report --
A. Gwendolyn (possibly also known as "Gwynyth") recognized by worker at harbormaster's office and by artist in Commons -- she did not take a ship.
B. Gwendolyn is likely a con artist. She has some connection with a possibly-criminal group that helps run things in the Commons. They do not know where she is either, but have information as to her last known location.
C. One member of the group has disappeared -- Tristan, the military fellow. We are currently in the back room of the tavern, attempting to recruit a replacement.

Further messages as warranted.

-- Morvannon Rinael"

I don't know if you know about the magic burn paper, but that is what was used, let me know if you haven't been updated on it.

Most all of this happened in the Back Room

Thanks for taking over and getting us moving! :D



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The reinforced pack, now with Vrrsk't in tow, travel with Craggen, an old, scarred dwarf Kargyll instructed to escort them, through the city's northern gate, and to the edge of the Starkreach.

"Dis is where I sees 'em enter the woods, Dennis an' Gwendolyn did," Craggen tells them. "Were dey went af'er, I canna' say, but wherever it was, dis path be where dey started. Ya freaks're on yer own from here out, us Red Boots be stickin' to Daunton, where we know what's what."

With that, the dwarf tramps back through the gates.

Skill Challenge: Navigate the Starkreach Woods to track Dennis and Gwendolyn.
Complexity 5 (Requires 12 successes before 3 failures)
Primary skills: Nature, Perception
Secondary skills: Endurance, Insight

Primary skills have an easier DC than secondary skills. Other skills may be considered if you convince me in your description of their use that they're applicable.

I will not be strictly tracking initiative on skill challenges. However, all party members must make a check before the group can start making their next set of checks.

Welcome aboard, roadtoad!


First Post
Wait Craggen, before you go, have you any items that had been in either of their possession, something that may still have their scent on it?

Kamotz remembers the charcoal rendering and smells that as well.

Knowing the amount of time that has passed, Kamotz focuses less on visible tracks and more on his Shifter nose.

Getting to all fours and walking in front of Mikara, Kamotz resembles his mother far more than normal.

I smell something!


"The game is afoot"
Mikara studies the pathway as it opens into the woods, not expecting to see anything on a trail so cold, but remembering that unexpected things often prove to be the most useful

[sblock=Skill Check]I'll take 10 on Perception and Nature

Perception: 1d20+10=20
Nature: 1d20+10=15
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First Post
Magnus had been fairly quiet on the journey out of the Daunton, content to mutter to himself about this and that. He did have to be practically dragged away from the North Gate as they exited the city though, the dwarf had seemed particularly enamored with the portal.

When they reached the edge of the infamous forest Magnus became very intent on his surroundings, spending the same sort of care that he had until point reserved for doorframes and other seemingly unimportant objects.

A forest is a living thing....yes...it has a will of its own...those that enter...directed by its will...some paths blocked...some paths more inviting...you go where the forest wants...know the forest...know where its taken the ring.

Magnus pointed his crooked, gnarled staff along a certain path indicating they should follow it.


Nature (1d20+8=18)

To determine the most likely path of someone entering the woods at this point.


[sblock=ministats]Magnus Madiron- Male Dwarven Wizard 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 18, Senses: Low-light
AC:15, Fort:12, Reflex:14, Will:15 -- Speed:5
HP:25/25, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:8/8
Action Points: 1
Powers -
Cloud of Daggers

Grasping Shadows
Staff of Defense
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere


Full character sheet[/sblock]


formerly roadtoad
Vrrsk't, though he does not know much about the quarry that the group is hunting, has a look around to see if there's any obvious direction someone running into these woods might have taken.

[sblock=Skill Check]1d20+2=10
A Nature or Perception roll (doesn't really matter which, they're both +2, unless the DCs are different, in which case... Perception) to try to spot an obvious direction for our quarry to head into the woods. [/sblock]
The big dragonborn runs out in front of the others in his excitement and tromps right in front of Mikara as she's studying the pathway. It's doubtful this helps her in her task.

"Oh, uh... sorry about that. Who are these folks we're looking for?"

[sblock=OOC]Not sure how much help I'm gonna be on this particular skill challenge. He's pretty focused on just being a big scary bastard. Can I use my action each "round" to Aid Another, or does it have to be a check on my own?[/sblock]
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