DUNE Movie: Thoughts, Opinions, and Impressions

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I really hope Villenueve’s Dune spawns a franchise… that stops after God-Emperor.
By Chapterhouse, the whole Bene Gesserit vs Honored Matres thing was cringe-groan. Though Delaney claims the entirety of Dune was merely based on a pun that got out of hand might be true too.


Mary Shelley also wrote Frankenstein and kicked off modern science fiction because of a holiday writing challenge that got out of hand, so that tracks.
I have also heard it is a thinly veiled criticism on the colonial policy in Ireland, though I do not know the situation enough to tell. Philip K Dick called science fiction a "divine fool" a way to say something, without saying it directly.

That was one of things the Lynch version gets excoriated for, but I thought was a clever touch- the occasional 'hearing' of the character's thoughts- especially when the actors acted along with it,

I hated that in Lynch's Dune. I think it is something that works well in a book, but doesn't translate well to film. It always felt very jarring to me.



I hated that in Lynch's Dune. I think it is something that works well in a book, but doesn't translate well to film. It always felt very jarring to me.

I just never had an issue with it- you could always tell when they were 'just' thinking, and in trying to squash the entire story down into a single movie, I don't really see what else he could have done. It is one of the most commonly heard complaints about that version, though- a LOT of people don't like it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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