DUNE Movie: Thoughts, Opinions, and Impressions


I just never had an issue with it- you could always tell when they were 'just' thinking, and in trying to squash the entire story down into a single movie, I don't really see what else he could have done. It is one of the most commonly heard complaints about that version, though- a LOT of people don't like it.
The first half was great, which made the second half seem even more terrible than it was. At the same time, there was the release of the Giger Dune artwork, the "illustrated encyclopedia" of Dune which the movie was riding that same wave, that crashed with the last books: Heretics, and Chapterhouse, though tbh even God-Emperor was more of a stand alone novel, and that the original trilogy was best. But yeah, going back to the late 70's, early 80's Dune was a franchise, there was even and avalon hill board game: Dune

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New Publisher
Listening to some of the music while working on my novel this am.....it is quite good (the music, who knows about this first draft novel).

The first half was great, which made the second half seem even more terrible than it was. At the same time, there was the release of the Giger Dune artwork, the "illustrated encyclopedia" of Dune which the movie was riding that same wave, that crashed with the last books: Heretics, and Chapterhouse, though tbh even God-Emperor was more of a stand alone novel, and that the original trilogy was best. But yeah, going back to the late 70's, early 80's Dune was a franchise, there was even and avalon hill board game: Dune
The Dune board game has been re-released by Gale Force Nine - it's quite a solid reproduction.

It's an interesting boardgame with asymmetrical design. I'm not sure how well it works by modern standards, but as a historical curiosity, it's worth playing.

It's an interesting boardgame with asymmetrical design. I'm not sure how well it works by modern standards, but as a historical curiosity, it's worth playing.
True, it drags out quite a bit and there are a lot of quirks in the rules.

GF9 is also making a newer revision of the game, for up to 4 players with shorter gameplay, in conjunction with the movie release. Link here: Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy

there are a lot of quirks in the rules.
You can kinda sorta draw a line from the exception based design of boardgames like Dune and, especially, Cosmic Encounter (acknowledged as an influence) to Magic: the Gathering. But like everything else, exception based design is a lot better now than it was when O.G. Dune boardgame was created.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
The sad truth is that Dune, like Foundation and The Silmarillion, is a landmark work of science fiction that is so dependent on lore and internal dialogue that it is unfilmable.
It's not unfilmable - proof: they have filmed it several times. Your hyperbole is no good here.

What Dune is, is a work that took great advantage of the strengths of one medium. The idea that it can't be translated into a medium that does not share those strengths - ignoring the strengths of the other medium simply because they are not the same - is elitist purism. It is like saying that a movie with a good score is "unwritable" and can never be turned into a book.

And yes, the score is one of the great things about this. Another was the amazing sense of humongous scale - so visceral when seen. I'm looking to go see it for my second viewing in IMAX to maximize those.

I'm not saying this was the perfect Dune. What I am saying is that proclaiming it dead because the format changes is shortsighted and false - each format has it's own strengths that it brings.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Well, you certainly wouldn't give a major character a boring name like Paul!
I think "Paul" is looking up, @Paul Farquhar . :D
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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
The idea of the Kwisatz Haderach (which the Bene Gesserit are trying to breed by crossing centuries of human bloodlines) is basically a prescient 'superbeing' of sorts, a male Bene Gesserit who can bridge the gap between the yin of the Bene Gesserit disciplines and the yang of those abilities open to beings like Guild Navigators (who are all male). Jessica and the Reverend Mother of the Bene Gesserit believe Paul is potentially the Kwisatz Haderach- and that is why Jessica has been training him in the Bene Gesserit disciplines, like the Voice, something which would never normally be done with a male child.
It's been a while, my memory doesn't agree with this. Could you provide a source?

I thought the Bene Gesserit, with two X chromosomes, could only access the female part of Genetic Memory, while a male one would be able to access both the X and Y sides.

Also, the first guild navigator was female and I don't remember anything about navigators being locked ot a specific gender.

Voidrunner's Codex

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