Bill Zebub
“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
- Goblin hermit. Tamed giant rat.
- Sleeping area behind curtain to NE.
- Cautious but not hostile. Eager for conversation.
- Makes outstanding sushi with fish from 1.10.
- Sushi knife is a magic dagger.
I will see if I find the time for a making off Video. But it is all very simple things I do and I just follow tutorials I found online after I google "How to draw rpg maps by hand".Gorgeous!
You are inspiring me to think about trying to up my game.
How about a “making of” video?
3–6 1d hobgoblins (Monsters, p. 34) + twice as many goblins (Monsters, p. 33)
7–8 1d goblins (Monsters, p. 33)
9–12 No encounter
13–15 2d coleopterans (The Bugstiary, p. 48)
16–18 Nýi, a Dvergr scout (~375 points) on a mission. A loner with high
Stealth (17), she will only interact with the group if they appear
friendly. On a good reaction, she would be willing to guide the party
through the snow caves (see 1/5 — Snow Day) in exchange for
information about areas that the PCs have explored.
2 1 ice wyrm (Monsters, p. 38); 1 in 6 chance of a coleopteran rider
(see 1/7 — Chtiksizz and the Ice Wyrms).
3 The Dvergr scout, Nýi, referenced in 1/4 — Gear Room. If the party
already met her there (or she is accompanying them), treat this
roll as an ice alf, below.
4 1 ice alf (Norðlondr Óvinabókin, p. 115).
5 Snow well — The wind and uneven floor of the cavern create a few
nearly-invisible “pits” of loose snow that can be quite dangerous,
especially to skiers. Roll vs. Per-8 to spot the pit in advance. Skiers
must roll vs. Skiing to avoid it if they see it first. (Snowshoers can stop
more easily.) When someone falls in, snow from the surrounding area
will collapse into the pit, potentially trapping a victim. Treat it as a three
yard fall with injury to a random hit location. Roll vs. Survival (Arctic) to
extricate oneself from the pit without help. Otherwise, other PCs need
to assist.
6–7 Equipment failure — Ski or snowshoe breaks or comes loose.
8 Crevasse, 1d yards across, 1d+3 yards deep.
9 1d goblins (Monsters, p. 33) on makeshift skis.
10 1d hobgoblins (Monsters, p. 34) + twice as many goblins
(Monsters, p. 33) on makeshift skis.
11 2d coleopterans (The Bugstiary, p. 48) with custom
12 1 ísmargfætlur (Norðlondr Óvinabókin, p. 117).
Room 34 - The "Mayor's Office"
This outward opening doors to this room has metal bands around it and an apparently good quality lock (DC 20 to break open or pick). In the center of the left door is a silver moon painted over a tree carved into the door, and the center of the right is a gold painted sun above a carved ocean. The inside walls appear to be in the process of being painted to show the woods that surround a forest clearing in the fey wild. The owner "hasn't had a chance to paint very much lately".
This is the quarters of Shirazz, the Feywild exile Hobogoblin Warlord that commands the "legionnaires" in the rooms next to it and who is the unofficial manager of the floor.
The room is fairly spartan, featuring his bed, armor and weapons rack, and a table with five stools. The table has a map of some of the surrounding dungeon, and four flasks with continual flame to provide light. The weapon rack (when he is in the room) has a scimitar, rapier (of wounding), dagger (+1, +2 vs. humanoids), three spears, a suit of +1 mithral chain mail, two hand cross-bows, and an assortment of quarrels. The chamber pot is under the bed, as are his pack and adventurer's kit.
Actually a Raskshasa, Shirazz's current main goal is to unravel the mystery of what is going on below - and he will often be out with his "legion" exploring the surrounding area. He entertains himself by assembling the menagerie of those in the other rooms on the floor and seeing if he can make sure they never realize what any of the others are. He is a bit frustrated at how long it takes him to paint up to his standards.
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