D&D General #Dungeon23

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
One thing that came to me today is while I would not put this specific Tower project up for sale, instead what I might consider doing is creating some sort of campaign book with a ton of random tables to help guide the GM who wants to create a similar Tower or Well World or the like
This has all certainly given me more appreciation for the fact that a good set of maps and the right randomizers can go a long, long way. It's making me want to try a fully randomized solo game and see how it turns out.

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I'll be honest, most of the journals here I would pay money for

I agree. Great stuff so far. I've been "intending" to formally write up an adventure for decades now. This is the farthest I've gotten. It's certainly not publishable (or even entirely coherent at this point), but it has been fun and the entries are coming faster as I get used to it.

And I'm finally caught up! Next few entries coming up.

1/13 — Scorched Chamber (map)

Description: A low (5 feet high) passage leads into this rough-hewn cave. The ceiling rises to 15 feet in the middle. The rock surfaces within the cave appear to be badly scorched. There is little ash and no fuel, but it is apparent that a large fire burned here some time ago. Every surface is coated with a fine, oily soot. The floor and ceiling in the center of the cave have webs of fine cracks, perhaps from the heat. Casting the History spell (Spells, p. 43) does not reveal when the fire occurred (suggesting that it was more than a year ago).
Vision: -10 (total darkness)
Hearing: Normal
Exits: 1 passage (1–1.5 yards wide)


1/14 — Rock Mites (map)

Description: The passages on the east side of this area are being mined by a pod of 13 rock mites (Monsters, p. 47). Roll one die when the delvers come upon this chamber. On a 1–4, the mites are active, and it is easy to hear the grinding sounds of their work. On a 5 or 6, they are “sleeping,” silent and appearing like rubble on the ground.
Vision: -10 (total darkness) in the outer passage; -7 near any active mites from the glow of their super-heated maws. Sleeping mites produce no light, but stand out to infravision.
Hearing: Normal
Exits: Two passages, about two-yards wide, at the north and south ends of the cave.

Rock Mites:
The initial locations of the mites are indicated by the x symbols on the map. Rock mites are not aggressive if they are left to their own devices. If anyone approaches closer than 2 yards, they will swarm the interloper(s).

The mites have digested most items from previous interlopers, but one hapless victim tossed aside a basket that had no interest to the mites.
  • Round woven grass basket with an attached lid and worn leather carrying strap. Holds about 2 gallons or 15 lbs. of material. Enchanted so that any organic material contained won’t spoil, dry out, or attract pests. Currently contains a string of sausages, some hard rolls, and a small stoppered pot of jam. [$500, 1.5 lbs.]

1/15 — Unholy Runes

This section of tunnel, about 3 yards wide and 4 yards tall, has a series of runes etched on both sides, extending for about 50 yards. There is a slight curve to the passage so even a bright light source won’t reveal how far it progresses. The runes are old, carved deeply into the stone in an unknown language. Some are filled with some sort of pigment. Others are empty. Some have been defaced.

This is a low sanctity area (Spells, p. 5) but it only causes a −3 penalty for clerics because it is no longer actively consecrated to the infernal.

Gift of Tongues (Spells, p. 24) or similar magic will reveal the writing to be prayers to a forgotten god of darkness. (See Evil Aura below.)

Vision: −10 (total darkness)
Hearing: Normal
Exits: This area is a single passage connecting two other areas of the caverns.

Low (−3 penalty to clerical spells)
Evil Aura: Moving rapidly through this area is unsettling but causes no harm. Lingering for longer than 15 minutes or reading the evil prayers for more than 5 minutes leads to visions that call for a fright check (at −4 if reading the prayers). Sleeping in the area leads to nightmares that cause another fright check at −8.

1/16 — Collapsed Passage (map)

Description: The stone in this area has crumbled quite a bit. The floor is strewn with debris and ahead the roof has partially collapsed.
Vision: -10 (total darkness)
Hearing: Normal
Exits: This passage goes roughly east-west and is 1–2 yards wide (dipping just less than that at one or two points).

Unsafe Stonework:
If anyone firmly prods the ceiling or walls or if there are loud noises or explosions, roll 3d. On 12+ there is a further collapse with the severity depending on the margin of failure. A 17 or 18 indicates that the passage will be completely blocked.
Rubble: PCs can clamber over the ~5 yards of rubble on the southern side of the passage relatively easily if they take care (Move 1). More rapid traversal requires a roll against DX with a failure causing 1d crushing damage to a foot or leg (DR protects normally).



01.16:Servant’s Mess

Access: A door in the north wall leader to the hallway off the greater dining room (01.15).

Description: This room was once used by the servants to take their meals and brakes while on their long, arduous shifts in Parenix Manor. It is well stocked with simple furnishings and dishes and cutlery, most of which is deteriorated and valueless. Pests have long since devoured any foodstuffs that were kept here. The small table where the servants ate is covered by a stained white cloth. Beneath the table, hidden by the cloth, is a skeleton dressed in the ragged remains of a maid’s uniform. It is curled up in the fetal position, as if the individual died hiding and covering their head.

Poor Anya: If perchance magic is used to speak with the spirit of the maid whose skeleton lies under the table, the following can be gleaned: Her name was Anya and she was a recent hire of the Alastairn family. On the night she died, there were many strange visitors to the manor, for some event Anya did not understand and the older servants cautioned her to ask no questions about. Near midnight, Anya heard horrible noises -- chanting and screams and growls and roars and worse -- and saw strange blue lights and shadows that had lives of their own. She ran and hid under the table. She remembers nothing else save an ice cold hand grabbing her by the wrist, then the eternal void.


Day 17

Ah, the mysterious cave behind the waterfall. A place of secrets and ancient tombs. As you approach the curtain of cascading water, you can't help but feel a sense of intrigue. And as you step inside, the roar of the waterfall fades away, replaced by the echoing drip of water from the stalactites above.The air is damp and musty, the ground slick with moss. And there, in the dim light, you spot them - five stone sarcophagi, each one adorned with intricate carvings of long-forgotten kings and queens. But be warned, adventurer! These are not resting places for the noble dead. These are tombs for the cursed and the damned.And as you venture deeper into the cave, you stumble upon a smaller cave lake, its dark waters still and ominous. Who knows what secrets and treasures lie beneath its depths? But one thing is for sure, it's not a place for the faint of heart. Proceed with caution, or risk joining the cursed kings and queens in their eternal slumber.


Voidrunner's Codex

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