D&D General #Dungeon23

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Week 7

An air hex with corrosive atmosphere

Floating islands (I call them earth motes) populated by gnomes, air genasi, and shifters

The gnomes are trying to figure out what is up with this tower, and use the shifters as their spies throughout the tower

Meanwhile the air genasi keep the populated centers able to breath using various strategies

The motes gradually sink to the floor, which is a roiling mass of earth and magma. Eventually that earth, through some compelled earth and fire elementals, is imbued again with the floating property, gated to the top of the hex, and spewed out into the sky above

Up there at the ceiling, there’s a vortex storm of earth, air, and lightning

Every once in a while, an earth mote floats down from the vortex, beginning the cycle again




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0X.17: Garkling Hunting Grounds

Form: A series of caverns of various sizes and elevations dominated by fungal forest and hoppers.

Illumination: Natural dim bioluminescent light.

At First Glance: This region is similar to the fungal forest (0X.03), but instead of one large cavern it is a series of smaller caverns connected by passages and tunnels. The caverns are at different elevations and are damp, resulting in pools and streams. The flora is all fungi, ranging from mossy “grass” to mushroom “trees” as well as more dangerous spore pods and lashing growths.

On Closer Inspection: These caverns are full of insect life, the most common of which are hoppers (which the garkling capture as larvae and then domesticate) as well as spined creepers, bleating scorps and milk grubs.

Secrets: None of these are what the garklings hunt, however. Young garkling warriors come to the hunting grounds to prove their mettle against the cunning, power and venom of the vorpian manticadids that dwell here. Few manage to down such a monstrosity, of course. It is escaping with only a scar or minor mutilation that marks a young garkling as a great hunter in the making.

Treasure: Hopper larvae are prized by the garklings and also sell well in Undertown. Milk grubs are popular with Baelishite dwarves for brewing, and the venom of the bleating scorps is an important reagent in healing draughts. There are other medicinals in the forest as well as edible fungi, too.

Connections: In addition to the connection undertown (0X.15) the caverns of the hunting grounds lead to the garkling “long tunnel” (0X.18) that connects the hunting grounds to the fungal forest (0X.03).


0X.18: The Long Tunnel

Form: A twisting subterranean tunnel connecting distant parts of the underrealm.

Illumination: Patches of dim light from bioluminescent fungi separated by stretches of complete darkness.

At First Glance: The long tunnel is really a series of passages that lead a circuitous route between the hunting grounds (0X.17) and the fungal forest (0X.03). There are a few dead ends but by and large it is a “straight shot” so long as you know where you are going.

On Closer Inspection: The long tunnel has long been used by garklings -- both to test young young hunters in the hunting grounds, but also as a connection to Undertown for trade. Perceptive and experienced spelunkers can easily see the signs of regular passage by garklings and others. The long tunnel, with all of its switch backs, is ten miles or more in to total length, though the direct distance is half that.

Secrets: Sometimes subterranean creatures haunt the long tunnel. Every hour there is a chance of an encounter with a predator such as deep mollux or a vorpian manticadid. In the entire length of the travel, there is also a change of either a garkling party, a trader from Undertown, or a group of Whisperers.

Connections: As stated, the long tunnel connects the fungal forest (0X.03) to the hunting grounds (0X.17). In addition, a rarely traveled side passage leads south to the the forgotten Tomb of the Three Eyed King (0X.19).


Room 88 - The Graduate

It's so damp Why was she so mean. Why didn't I listen. I'll make her miss me yet. Why did I listen - what was its name. Who's that? What is my name. I wonder what they'd say if they knew I protected them. Lights out. I miss Fritz's dinner. Fritz? Shh...

The two tunnel entrances to this small (10' diameter) cave are too small for many of the predators by the lake - and are a squeeze for its resident. The wizard locked doors keep the unintelligent smaller things out (STR 18 check to open when the spell is intact, 8 otherwise). A straw filled blanket serves as a mattress, with three stolen blankets for extra padding, another three for warmth, and a borrowed small stuffed toy dog (Rex). The chamber pot, small warming stone, and various sets of clothes (most far too large) are of similar provenance. Her spell book hides in a leather pouch in a ceiling crevice, not visible but reachable by a small enough arm.

This is the home of the gnome who used to know she was the journeyman wizard Priqys. She snuck past the things in the place across from the wolf who thought it was Grandma and realized her mistake just a bit too late (#64 and 70). Now she's a child who has run away, waiting for her mother (or master anyway - see #17) to realize how much she's missed and to see how much she's grown. So she sneaks in to listen and sometimes cancel one of the lights or locks or borrow something. And every new day is only about the 3rd she's been away - no matter how many years it's been.

Priqys is as a Mage but only 35 hit points with Arcana +2, Perception +5, Stealth +5, Survival +3 instead of the usual skill list, and Cantrips: Chill Touch, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, and Prestidigitation; 1st level: Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Fog Cloud, Magic Missile; 2nd level: Invisibility (x2), Misty Step; 3rd Level: Dispel Magic, Nondetection. Her Int/Wis/Chr are 15/10/9.

A remove curse would allow her a DC 12 WIS save to break the mind effect and restore her memory. A greater restoration would break it. Neither would not restore the degradation to her mental stats.

Name courtesy of: Fantasy name generators. Names for all your fantasy characters.

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Room 53 - The Fountain

This roughly 40'x 50' room's solid stone and brick walls are covered in a high quality white stucco. Its light colored flag stone floor shows scattered chippings that might be from horse hooves (a DC 18 check - DC 12 after seeing the painting in the South Fey Hall- would reveal it is only three hooves). The ceiling seems out of place, about 19' up from the ground floor - or 11' up from the balcony - there is rough unfinished solid stone, that the up stairs on the balcony run into. One could imagine the room having a huge chandelier somewhere higher up at some point if it continued. For now it is lit by lanterns with continual flame that leave the very middle of the room and much of the ceiling somewhat dim.

The room is dominated by a 15' diameter marble fountain with the statue of a Kelpie on pedestal in the middle (someone making the unfortunate decision to use a greater restoration on it will restore it to flesh). The ring of the fountain is a bench, and clean towels are kept on the east edge, with a small basket on the ground next to them (see room 62).

The north and south walls are apparently missing doors that opened into halls (#54 and 63). The west wall looks similar... except a few feet down the hall it turns into a 10' diameter tunnel through stone (the same stone as the ceiling). To the east there are two sets of stairs going up to a railed balcony, with a set of stairs in the middle going down. The balcony is about 8 feet above the fountain level. The door to the east of the balcony opens to a 10' diameter tunnel matching the one to the west.

Going down there are three dark oak doors, the center of which opens into stone matching the ceiling and tunnels to the east and west.

There are four small garden areas with a variety of flowers, small flowering shrubs, and colorful mushrooms. Each is edged with a marble bench similar to the pool. Each of the garden areas is maintained by an Ellyll that will generally hide from anyone except another of their kind.


The Ellyll (CR 1, Tiny Fey) and Kelpie (CR 5, Large Monstrosity) are from Izegrim Creations's "Twilight Fables". See D&D 5E - Twilight Fables Now Publicly Available! or contact @Sacrosanct to get a copy.

The next room created (#52) is in post #623 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .
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Totally forgot to post day 50 😱

As we embark on our journey northward along the river, we leave the trappings of civilization far behind us. The lush jungle surrounds us on both sides, its verdant foliage providing ample cover for all manner of dangerous creatures that call this place home.

Though we manage to navigate its treacherous terrain with relative ease, a sense of unease begins to gnaw at the pit of my stomach. As we glide along the river's surface, I can't shake the feeling that there is something lurking beneath the water's murky depths. The river's dark, twisting currents are like a magnet, drawing us ever closer to whatever malevolent force lies beneath. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and I grip my weapon tightly, ready for whatever may come our way.

Despite our best efforts to avoid the dangers of the jungle, we can't shake the feeling that we're being watched. Every rustling leaf, every distant roar, every ripple on the water's surface fills me with a sense of foreboding. I know that danger lurks around every corner, and that we must remain ever-vigilant if we hope to emerge from this wilderness unscathed. And yet, even as we press on, I can't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the prospect of facing whatever lies ahead. This journey is not for the faint of heart, but for those brave enough to stare into the face of danger and emerge victorious.


Totally forgot to post day 50 😱

As we embark on our journey northward along the river, we leave the trappings of civilization far behind us. The lush jungle surrounds us on both sides, its verdant foliage providing ample cover for all manner of dangerous creatures that call this place home.

Though we manage to navigate its treacherous terrain with relative ease, a sense of unease begins to gnaw at the pit of my stomach. As we glide along the river's surface, I can't shake the feeling that there is something lurking beneath the water's murky depths. The river's dark, twisting currents are like a magnet, drawing us ever closer to whatever malevolent force lies beneath. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and I grip my weapon tightly, ready for whatever may come our way.

Despite our best efforts to avoid the dangers of the jungle, we can't shake the feeling that we're being watched. Every rustling leaf, every distant roar, every ripple on the water's surface fills me with a sense of foreboding. I know that danger lurks around every corner, and that we must remain ever-vigilant if we hope to emerge from this wilderness unscathed. And yet, even as we press on, I can't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the prospect of facing whatever lies ahead. This journey is not for the faint of heart, but for those brave enough to stare into the face of danger and emerge victorious.View attachment 276142
Day 51

At the edge of the river we found a small hut. An old lady greeted us kindly and offered us tea and herbs in exchange for a few stories. A very friendly lady and the chat was nice, even if I don't remember exactly what we talked about. But I know it was very nice ...



Loves Your Favorite Game
So what's the "big picture" and story of everyone's megadungeons? Do you have one yet, or are you just adding rooms and building things up slowly? What sorts of factions (if any) are the major players?
Mostly just adding rooms. Whenever I fall behind, and add a bunch of rooms in one go, they tend to be a bit more thematically tied together.

Because I mis-interpreted the first weeks prompt from McCoy as the first month's prompt, and it was Ancient, my first level is primarily old battlegrounds that have been abandoned by the combatants, and are now mostly occupied by wildlife and leftover defenses. At the far end, you run into a group of Kobolds who were forced into a smaller living space, and split into two tense but not hostile factions. One is content and friendly, the other wants to expand from their cramped quarters, and have run into a group of Satyrs on the second level. After doing cave systems, and a temple, I think I want to justify some sort of more open natural space next.

As far as big picture, I don't have one in mind, but I have been putting in small curiosities that I hope will point me towards something interesting eventually. The first level was unearthed by something earthquake-like, so it had been sealed off from casual adventurers and travelers before now.

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