D&D General #Dungeon23

Yay, progress.

Spent a couple hours tonight drawing out a map of the continent I put the dungeon on and finishing an overview of the place's entire history. :rolleyes:
Decided I didn't need a map of Wickerman's Stables and Horse Farm, but wrote up a description anyway and populated it with the owner, his wife, their two adult sons and the sons' wives and children, as well as half a dozen unspecified employees and a non-specific number of horses ("around 30")...

No, I didn't name all the horses, lol. :p

(I didn't even name any of the eight kids - damn I'm such a rebel, ain't I?)

There used to be a wizard's tower where the town is now although it was basically in ruins before the town started, and although it's essentially unrelated to the dungeon itself there are a couple people in town in the current day who still have a somewhat sinister plot connection to the tower...
Yet I still have no freakin' idea who the hell the wizard was... :unsure::rolleyes:
I'm debating just leaving that question unanswered.
On the other hand, I may decide to put a sage in the town, an alchemist researching some of the local fauna, and there's a chance that he might be the tower wizard returned (except nobody knows it, not even the two people who have a previous connection to him)...
come up with a rumor table for the wizard. Then roll to see which one is true!

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Day 53

We reach the landing site and step onto the crumbling wharf - another remnant of the Kyrtharian Empire scattered across the wilderness. Before us rise majestically the mountains beneath which is the tomb of the lost city of Kyrthar Tahlketh. A path winds its way up to the mountains from the abandoned pier. We must set out to continue our expedition, but what awaits us on this dangerous path we can only guess at. Dark shadows lurk in the woods and the echo of our footsteps echoes eerily through the mountains.



In which I realize I've never actually used challenge ratings in 5e to set encounters before, have only the vaguest of clues how they work, and might want to at least be aware of them for the levels I'll get to starting in April (level 1 has a lot of things that aren't supposed to be fought).


Room 18 - The Baths

The door to this 20'x20' room has two double sided signs on a single hook that can be used to rotate between "Closed", "Knock", "Occupied", and "Open". It can be barred from inside to avoid accidental intrusions, but is only DC 16 Str to open. The room serves as the residence for Warnikke and Ragvis as well as community storage space, and bath house (for the majority who aren't brave enough to regularly use the Fey Fountain in room #53 and/or Laundry in #62).

Warnikke is the middle aged human father of Estik (#23) and Aloysius (#17). Formerly a guard, he lost his left leg shortly after his wife Talcke passed away a bit over five years ago. For the past three years he has lived with the comparatively young half-Shadar-Kai Ragvis who fled her family below. She has no interest in returning to them, but could provide some information on what was between here and there four years ago, even if she wouldn't be the one to broach the subject.

Aloysius is emphatically opposed to this relationship, or the thought of anyone replacing his mother. Estik on the other hand is happy for his dad even if he is a bit befuddled why someone closer to his own age would go for someone like his dad.

Ragvis was impressed by Warnikke's patient helping, understated humor, and complete obliviousness to her charms. The brightness of the archon (#11) grates on her, she doesn't know what to make of Berghildr (#57), has lately become interested in the Valley (beyond #51), and has refined her pestering of the priest __ (#_) with questions. Much to the chagrin of several others, she quickly picked up on Warnikke's instruction in playing cards, and it is now impossible for them to both get in a game at the same time.

In addition to maintaining the baths and keeping an eye on the stored items, they also sometimes repair armor, sharpen weapons, and fletch for the guards.

Their private furnishings include the bed, dresser that doubles as a desk, rug, chest that doubles as a table, and two stools. The three tubs (two smaller - one with wheels and a handle - and one larger) are separated by a folding screen from the private area. A single heating stone can be moved from under one tub to the other to keep the water at least tepid for either bathing or clothes washing. The south side of the room is filled with boxes, barrels, and crates containing a wide variety of gear, weapons, and not-too-valuables for the residents and community as a whole (there is a fairly good chance most common and uncommon items) as well as some currently unneeded furniture.

Warnikke's stats could be based off of a guard, but with HP 24 (4d8+4), INT 13 (+1) , WIS 12 (+1), CHA 14 (+2), Survival +2, and Short Sword +4 to hit for 4 (1d6 +1). His movement rate is 20' and he uses a crutch. He doesn't usually wear the armor unless away from the main cooridor.

Ragvis's stats could be based off of a bandit, but with INT 13 (+1), WIS 14 (+2), and CHA 14 (+2), Religion +2, Darkvision, and Fey Ancestry, and a short sword instead of Scimitar. She doesn't usually wear armor unless away from the main cooridor.

Shadar-Kai name courtesy of https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/ .

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Room 25 - Hideaway

The arcane locked piece of floor edging in the hall tilts noiselessly up, revealing the stone wall behind with a small, stone-plugged 1" hole that a rat could just barely slip through (albeit with its crossbow disassembled). And they do. The hole opens into a 6" diameter tunnel. After 5' the tunnel leads to a small, roughly 3'x3' room with a pair of foot long beds and a small table with stools. The tunnel on the other side continues to room 37 and then to ____.

The two current guards on patrol are the rats Sseerach and Chowse. They each have rat sized Cloaks of Elvenkind. A small spool of razor-wire thread is available in addition to a supply of food, their weapons, a small deck of cards, and dice. They are quite cautious in their explorations as the residents of the entry hall are still useful and would be a shame to do in (if nothing else, because whatever moved in to replace them would probably be more difficult).

The rats are as Rat of Lankhmar Below (Rat-Sized) in "Monsters & Magic of Lankhmar" from Goodman Games.


The next room created (#89) is in post #636 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .
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Day 54 - Gnollshrine

As we ascend higher into the mountains, the vegetation becomes increasingly sparse. We must be mindful of our food and water supplies, lest we turn back before discovering the entrance we seek. In addition, we have come across some sort of shrine. Three withered gnoll skulls were placed upon it, with three offering bowls filled with poisonous berries in front of them. To the left and right of the stone altar, stacks of humanoid skulls towered high... Did one of the gnoll skulls just move?


Room 25 - Hideaway

The arcane locked piece of floor edging in the hall tilts noiselessly up, revealing the stone wall behind with a small, stone-plugged 1" hole that a rat could just barely slip through (albeit with its crossbow disassembled). And they do. The hole opens into a 6" diameter tunnel. After 5' the tunnel leads to a small, roughly 3'x3' room with a pair of foot long beds and a small table with stools. The tunnel on the other side continues to room 37 and then to ____.

The two current guards on patrol are the rats Sseerach and Chowse. They each have rat sized Cloaks of Elvenkind. A small spool of razor-wire thread is available in addition to a supply of food, their weapons, a small deck of cards, and dice. They are quite cautious in their explorations as the residents of the entry hall are still useful and would be a shame to do in (if nothing else, because whatever moved in to replace them would probably be more difficult).

The rats are as Rat of Lankhmar Below (Rat-Sized) in "Monsters & Magic of Lankhmar" from Goodman Games.

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Room 89 - Customer Service Desk

This 175' long, roughly 15'diameter tunnel slopes steadily down to a 30'x30' room split in half by a long wooden 4' tall counter. The west half of the counter has a solid front with a sign that says "Ring Bell" in Giant, Dwarven, and Common, and a large brass push-button bell on top. The wooden piece across the east half lifts to let people pass. 15' in front of the counter a dark string is stretched across the tunnel and a second is 5' further on. The strings are DC 18 to spot with Darkvision, DC 15 in regular light - and are attached to a second bell under the counter, as is the liftable counter board. Either Bell will summon the attendant Jötunn in room 90. They will also come forth if they here Berghildr leaving after dumping the weeks supplies or other similar noise. A large comfortable chair with three mammoth horns on the back sits behind the counter if negotiations run long.


The next room created (#26) is in post #642 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .
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Day 55 - the entrance to the Gnoll cave / old mine

The winding climb up the rugged mountain trail had left us panting and sweating, our water supplies dangerously low. As we climbed the last rocky outcrop, the entrance to the old mineshaft loomed like a gaping maw in the craggy face of the mountain.
Gnoll guards, their mottled coats blending into the rocky terrain, paced the entrance, their keen senses alert for any intruders. The surrounding landscape was barren, with only a few scraggly bushes and stunted trees clinging to the rocky ground.
I was struck with horror at the sight of a withered gnoll corpse, emaciated and desiccated in its cage. Its empty eye sockets seemed to bore into my soul, and a shiver ran down my spine. What kind of depraved creatures could do this to their own kind?
Despite our discomfort, we knew we could not turn back now. The lost city of Kyrthar Tahlketh was rumoured to lie deep within this mineshaft, and our quest for treasure and knowledge demanded that we press on. With bated breath we crept forward, our movements as quiet as the flicker of a candle flame.

Voidrunner's Codex

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