D&D General #Dungeon23

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Sharing a couple of tools I use

The rice I use if I want some scattered elements. For example week 7, i had these floating islands - i dropped some rice and then drew circles around them to make my island shapes

The toothpicks I use if I want lines or directions. This week (9), I used them to show me where the lightning rail lines ran (you'll see the map this weekend). Same process - take a few, hold them above the paper, and then drop

Sometimes I drop from higher for wider spread, sometimes from lower for closer spread


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Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
Did another week (or so) worth of work last night during my Monday on-line gaming session (also had an awesome battle that left me 142 XP shy of 5th level. So close!)

I tried a heavier weight fineliner (08) for the walls. I think it's an improvement.


2.26 - 3.5 Middle Mines

  • 2.26 Miners' Break Room
    • Nothing of interest
  • 2.27 Staging Area
    • If PCs are quiet in here they will hear snoring from the north
  • 2.28 Depleted Vein
    • A rich vein was discovered here; the dwarves expanded/excavated and cleaned it out
    • A monster prowls in here. Something big and dumb and hungry. I have no idea what it eats when no adventurers come along, so maybe this doesn't work. Maybe a fire elemental from 3.1?
    • Warmth comes from the passage to the northeast.
  • 2.293.1 Lava Hole
    • February has only 28 days, dummy. (Pencil in room numbers before inking!)
    • This room is very warm, almost intolerably so.
    • Reddish light emanates from a hole in the floor.
    • A shaft drops 500' to lava. Gotta have lava. There are probably other exits on the way down.
  • 3.2 Crystal Cave
    • Imagine being inside an enormous geode. (@M_Natas could probably draw some rockin' crystals.)
    • The dwarves preserved it as it was, 'cause they appreciate this sort of thing.
  • 3.3 Empty Chamber
    • (Skill check) ancient footprints lead to secret door
  • 3.4 Mystic's Chamber
    • Crystals, lava, elementals...some kind of Dwarf spellcaster set up shop here.
  • 3.5 Study
    • Journal provides useful information about this whole complex
    • Maybe a spellbook

I guess I'm off the hook until next Monday!


Room 23 - The Crew's Quarters

Each week or two, Escherelle and her crew are the core of the group that fishes in the lake to the west (#86; gear stored in #80). They are typically accompanied by some of the guards or other residents of the front area, and rarely even the Link's Squad (#35) or Three Dwarves (#55) - although not comfortably. If the party has demonstrated some trustworthiness, or has a Cleric or Paladin of a deity who would usually be worthy of some, they may let them fill that roll. The time in between is spent cleaning and smoking the catch.

Escherelle (half-orc) and Morgan (human) are the parents of Mirabeele (#17) - and have never quite known how to relate either to a child or a burgeoning mage. Brisco (human) is Morgan's brother. Estik (human) is the youngest of the crew, son of Warnikke (18), and older brother of Aloysius (17). Makreda (dwarf) is the oldest of the crew. They all get along quite well and enjoy good ale and a good card game. They are generally liked by the other inhabitants of this end but are viewed as a bit boisterous and maybe a touch arrogant.

The 20'x20' unlocked room has a large bed and three single beds that are slightly raised with footlockers and chamber pots underneath. Each has a continual flame lantern hanging above it on the wall near a gear rack, and a curtain on the ceiling that can be pulled out for privacy. The table in the middle has seven stools and usually a deck of cards.

Escherelle, Morgan, and Makreda can be modeled using Bandit Captain as a Base. Each has Survival (+4) instead of Deception, and has Perception (+2).

Escherelle has AC 15 (studded leather); STR 16 (+3), DEX 14 (+2), and WIS 12 (+1); Languages: Common, Orc, Dwarven; Long Sword +6 to hit, 7 (d8+3) damage instead of Scimitar; Light Crossbow +5 to hit 6 (d8+2) damage. Her armor is +1 and her long sword is a sword of wounding.

Estik has a Long Sword +5 to hit, 6 (d8+2) damage instead of a scimitar and Light Crossbow +6 to hit, 7(d8+3) damage. He has a Ring of the Eel (Ring of Swimming + Shocking Grasp once per day).

Makreda has AC 14 (Mithral Chain); HP 75; DEX 13 (+1), CON 15 (+3), CHR 10 (+1); Battle Axe +6 to hit, 7 (d8+3) damage instead of scimitar); and Light Crossbow +4 to hit 5 (d8+1) damage. Her Axe is +1.

Brisco and Estik can be modeled using Thug as a base. Each has a long sword instead of mace and a light crossbow instead of heavy crossbow. They have Athletics +2, Survival +2, and Perception +2 instead of Intimidation +2. Each has STR 14 (+2), Dex 13 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), and Chr (+1). The Sword is +4 to hit, damage 6 (d8+2) and crossbow is +3 to hit, damage 5 (d8+1). Brisco has 38 HP (6d8+12) and two potions of healing. Brisco is more deeply affected than most by the aura of sadness around Berghildr (#57) if she is seen in passing. Estik has 26 HP (4d8 + 8).

View attachment 276936

Room 21 - The Children's Home

This 20'x20' room has two bunk beds with railings and a bed on the north wall, and two beds on the south wall. The NE and SW beds have railings under them that could be attached. Each single bed has a chest and chamber pot underneath, and each bunk has two crates and a chamber bot. The chests and crates are filled with clothes. There is a Wardrobe on the south wall with clothes and a few toys. The center of the room has two comfortable rugs and a low table with one low stool (Merlane has trouble getting up and down to the floor). There is a continual flame lantern on a hook by the door and another on the back wall.

"Aunt Merlane" (human in the late 50s) has raised orphaned children - or children of parents not disposed to raising them - for decades. She is one of the main cooks for the Entryway (much to the disquiet of Verna Deepbraid - in #22), and along with Taraen (in #16) one of those who is sometimes found at the gate (#12) praying to the Archon.

Helping her currently is Marsh (18 year old human) who is one of her former charges and currently the junior member of the guard. He really wishes he could get out and be with the adults. Merlane feels guilty that she's tired of his periodic petulance, but thinks he would really be happier moved out too. And it would give space for another little one (maybe brought up from below).

Her current senior ward is Arenyelle (16 year old human, who thinks she has a crush on Estik - in 23 - he doesn't particularly know she exists).

The younger wards include the human toddler Mella, dwarvish child Dhuvraela, human pre-teen Talbert, and half-elf pre-teen Ealirel.

Harevald (#16) is sometimes found here tutoring the children.

Merlane and Arenyelle are commoners (Merlane has Wis 13 and Cha 12; Arenyelle has Dex 12, Int 11, and Cha 11). Marsh is a Guard with a long sword +3 to hit, 5 (d8+1) damage and light crossbow +3 to hit, 5 (d8+1) damage.

Halfling, Dwarvish, and Elvish names courtesy of https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/


The next room created (#36) is in post #669 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .
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3.2 Crystal Cave
  • Imagine being inside an enormous geode. (@M_Natas could probably draw some rockin' crystals.)
  • The dwarves preserved it as it was, 'cause they appreciate this sort of thing.
I tried my hands on some crystals. It fitted well in the story:
Day 60: the crystal mines of Kyrthar Tahlketh

Have we made it? Are we in the Lost City? If we are really in the Lost City, then we are in the outskirts where the mines and quarries are located.

According to historical records, Kyrthar Tahlketh, the centre of the Kyrtharian Empire, owes part of its power to the magical crystal deposits believed to exist in the mountains surrounding the city. And I believe we have just stumbled upon such a crystal mine. Shining crystals grow out of the walls and bathe the mine in a pleasant twilight. The traces of pickaxes can be seen on the stone walls.

The mine looks abandoned, the equipment is dusty but in good condition. It is as if the workers had only left their things behind and were about to come back to continue the work.

The wall we just came through looks smooth and impenetrable again. Will we be able to get out of here again?


Room 21 - The Children's Home

This 20'x20' room has two bunk beds with railings and a bed on the north wall, and two beds on the south wall. The NE and SW beds have railings under them that could be attached. Each single bed has a chest and chamber pot underneath, and each bunk has two crates and a chamber bot. The chests and crates are filled with clothes. There is a Wardrobe on the south wall with clothes and a few toys. The center of the room has two comfortable rugs and a low table with one low stool (Merlane has trouble getting up and down to the floor). There is a continual flame lantern on a hook by the door and another on the back wall.

"Aunt Merlane" (human in the late 50s) has raised orphaned children - or children of parents not disposed to raising them - for decades. She is one of the main cooks for the Entryway (much to the disquiet of Verna Deepbraid - in #22), and along with Taraen (in #16) one of those who is sometimes found at the gate (#12) praying to the Archon.

Helping her currently is Marsh (18 year old human) who is one of her former charges and currently the junior member of the guard. He really wishes he could get out and be with the adults. Merlane feels guilty that she's tired of his periodic petulance, but thinks he would really be happier moved out too. And it would give space for another little one (maybe brought up from below).

Her current senior ward is Arenyelle (16 year old human, who thinks she has a crush on Estik - in 23 - he doesn't particularly know she exists).

The younger wards include the human toddler Mella, dwarvish child Dhuvraela, human pre-teen Talbert, and half-elf pre-teen Ealirel.

Harevald (#16) is sometimes found here tutoring the children.

Merlane and Arenyelle are commoners (Merlane has Wis 13 and Cha 12; Arenyelle has Dex 12, Int 11, and Cha 11). Marsh is a Guard with a long sword +3 to hit, 5 (d8+1) damage and light crossbow +3 to hit, 5 (d8+1) damage.

Halfling, Dwarvish, and Elvish names courtesy of https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/

View attachment 276938

Room 36 - Rechts Squad

The second of Shirazz's squads has only one long timer. But the four members work extremely well togther in the field, even if they don't have near the comaraderie in private as the Links squad.

The hobgoblin warrior Seethe is the long time member and squad leader. The hobgoblin sorcer-warrior Vex was the next to join. The more recent members are the human warrior Beltha, and the human wizard Kiraena.

Following Shirazz's rules they have nothing of particular of value they would leave behind in the 20'x20' room if not in. Still there is an Arcane Lock on the door keyed to them and Shirazz so that they don't need to worry about traps being laid for them while out. The chests underneath the comfortably made beds have extra sets of clothes and a few replacement supplies. There is a lidded chamber pot under each bed. Each has their own weapons and cloak rack, and a small desk with a stool and a hooded continual flame lantern. The desks can be pushed together to make a larger table if needed. If they're elsewhere on the floor (perhaps eating) then much of their gear will be here.

Seethe and Vex are actually Changeling sorcerer-warrior who switch places between each other and Marcuilis in room 37. They and the halfling Wilos Softvale (in #16) who abandoned them are all from the same vat in ____. Originally alternating between each other as Vex, they then replaced Seethe when the opportunity presented itself. Something about Beltha, Kiraena, and Shirazz makes them seem bad targets - and there hasn't been a tactical advantage in replacing any of Links Squad or the other floor residents. Shirazz is the obvious next target, unless Wilos hasn't really deserted and is working towards one of the leaders of the Entryway.

Seethe and Vex

AC 19 (Seethe-Breast Plate and +1 Shield); 14 (Vex-Studded Leather)
HP 33 (6d8+6)

STR 13 (+1), DEX 14 (+2), CON 12 (+1), INT 12 (+1), WIS 14 (+2), CHR 16 (+3)

Skills: Deception +2, Insight +4, Perception +2
Senses: Darkvision 60', passive Perception 12
Languages: Common, Goblin, Sylvan
Challenge: ??

Cantrips: Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Fire Bolt, Prestidigitation
Spells: Absorb Elements (1/day), Burning Hands (1/day)
(Seethe won't use Spells if others can see)

Multi-attack: Seethe makes two greatsword attacks
(Vex can -- but won't if others are watching)

Seethe: Great Sword +4 to hit, 8 (2d6+1) damage
Light Crossbow +5 to hit, 6 (d8+2) damage

Vex: Longsword +4 to hit, 5 (d8+1) damage

Seethe has two Potions of Healing, a Potion of Invisibility, and 85 gp in gems.
Vex has one Potion of Healing, a Potion of Spider Climb, and 35 gp in gems.

Beltha is a Nehwon Ghoul with a Ring of Disguise that allows her to change her form four times per day as Disguise Self as an attack action. The others know generally what the ring is, but have never heard of a Nehwon Ghoul and so merely find the look she pulls out sometimes to terrify enemies to be exceedingly well chosen. She isn't happy to be wearing clothing, but is getting to not despise it. It means she doesn't get the "Difficult to Target". She can still utilize the "Frightful Reputation" - it's based on appearance and not reputation. With chain shirt and sheild her AC is 16 and her HP are 32 (5d8+10). She is charismatic for her kind ( 9 (-1)). Newhon Ghools are in "Monsters & Magic of Lankhmar" from Goodman Games. She also has a Ring of Dark Vision from Shirazz (even though she doesn't need it), a Potion of Healing, and 65 gp in gems.

Kiraena is a Yuan-Ti pureblood who is passing as human with some burns from past encounters (burns which by "chance" cover the patches of scale on her back). Her time will come. As Yuan Ti pure blood - with extra spells -
Cantrips: Firebolt, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st level: Three of Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Shield
2nd level: Two of Arcane Lock, Suggestion, Invisibility
She has a Ring of Dark Vision from Shirazz (even though she doesn't need it), a Potion of Healing, and a +1 dagger instead of a Scimitar (+3 to hit, damage 3 (d4+1)).

Hobgoblin names courtesy of Fantasy name generators. Names for all your fantasy characters.


The next room created (#37) is in post #671 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .
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I tried my hands on some crystals. It fitted well in the story:
Day 60: the crystal mines of Kyrthar Tahlketh

Have we made it? Are we in the Lost City? If we are really in the Lost City, then we are in the outskirts where the mines and quarries are located.

According to historical records, Kyrthar Tahlketh, the centre of the Kyrtharian Empire, owes part of its power to the magical crystal deposits believed to exist in the mountains surrounding the city. And I believe we have just stumbled upon such a crystal mine. Shining crystals grow out of the walls and bathe the mine in a pleasant twilight. The traces of pickaxes can be seen on the stone walls.

The mine looks abandoned, the equipment is dusty but in good condition. It is as if the workers had only left their things behind and were about to come back to continue the work.

The wall we just came through looks smooth and impenetrable again. Will we be able to get out of here again?
View attachment 276967
Day 61 - Crystal Mines part 2

We continued through the crystal mine and I had to stop some of my party from mining the crystals. That is not the reason we are here and could attract unwanted attention. We have also discovered strange, dark, glittering spider webs that appear almost crystalline, but I have yet to see the spiders themselves. We must be extremely careful not to fall into a trap.

Voidrunner's Codex

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