D&D General #Dungeon23


Room 36 - Rechts Squad

The second of Shirazz's squads has only one long timer. But the four members work extremely well togther in the field, even if they don't have near the comaraderie in private as the Links squad.

The hobgoblin warrior Seethe is the long time member and squad leader. The hobgoblin sorcer-warrior Vex was the next to join. The more recent members are the human warrior Beltha, and the human wizard Kiraena.

Following Shirazz's rules they have nothing of particular of value they would leave behind in the 20'x20' room if not in. Still there is an Arcane Lock on the door keyed to them and Shirazz so that they don't need to worry about traps being laid for them while out. The chests underneath the comfortably made beds have extra sets of clothes and a few replacement supplies. There is a lidded chamber pot under each bed. Each has their own weapons and cloak rack, and a small desk with a stool and a hooded continual flame lantern. The desks can be pushed together to make a larger table if needed. If they're elsewhere on the floor (perhaps eating) then much of their gear will be here.

Seethe and Vex are actually Changeling sorcerer-warrior who switch places between each other and Marcuilis in room 37. They and the halfling Wilos Softvale (in #16) who abandoned them are all from the same vat in ____. Originally alternating between each other as Vex, they then replaced Seethe when the opportunity presented itself. Something about Beltha, Kiraena, and Shirazz makes them seem bad targets - and there hasn't been a tactical advantage in replacing any of Links Squad or the other floor residents. Shirazz is the obvious next target, unless Wilos hasn't really deserted and is working towards one of the leaders of the Entryway.

Seethe and Vex

AC 19 (Seethe-Breast Plate and +1 Shield); 14 (Vex-Studded Leather)
HP 33 (6d8+6)

STR 13 (+1), DEX 14 (+2), CON 12 (+1), INT 12 (+1), WIS 14 (+2), CHR 16 (+3)

Skills: Deception +2, Insight +4, Perception +2
Senses: Darkvision 60', passive Perception 12
Languages: Common, Goblin, Sylvan
Challenge: ??

Cantrips: Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Fire Bolt, Prestidigitation
Spells: Absorb Elements (1/day), Burning Hands (1/day)
(Seethe won't use Spells if others can see)

Multi-attack: Seethe makes two greatsword attacks
(Vex can -- but won't if others are watching)

Seethe: Great Sword +4 to hit, 8 (2d6+1) damage
Light Crossbow +5 to hit, 6 (d8+2) damage

Vex: Longsword +4 to hit, 5 (d8+1) damage

Seethe has two Potions of Healing, a Potion of Invisibility, and 85 gp in gems.
Vex has one Potion of Healing, a Potion of Spider Climb, and 35 gp in gems.

Beltha is a Nehwon Ghoul with a Ring of Disguise that allows her to change her form four times per day as Disguise Self as an attack action. The others know generally what the ring is, but have never heard of a Nehwon Ghoul and so merely find the look she pulls out sometimes to terrify enemies to be exceedingly well chosen. She isn't happy to be wearing clothing, but is getting to not despise it. It means she doesn't get the "Difficult to Target". She can still utilize the "Frightful Reputation" - it's based on appearance and not reputation. With chain shirt and sheild her AC is 16 and her HP are 32 (5d8+10). She is charismatic for her kind ( 9 (-1)). Newhon Ghools are in "Monsters & Magic of Lankhmar" from Goodman Games. She also has a Ring of Dark Vision from Shirazz (even though she doesn't need it), a Potion of Healing, and 65 gp in gems.

Kiraena is a Yuan-Ti pureblood who is passing as human with some burns from past encounters (burns which by "chance" cover the patches of scale on her back). Her time will come. As Yuan Ti pure blood - with extra spells -
Cantrips: Firebolt, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st level: Three of Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Shield
2nd level: Two of Arcane Lock, Suggestion, Invisibility
She has a Ring of Dark Vision from Shirazz (even though she doesn't need it), a Potion of Healing, and a +1 dagger instead of a Scimitar (+3 to hit, damage 3 (d4+1)).

Hobgoblin names courtesy of Fantasy name generators. Names for all your fantasy characters.

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Room 37 - The Pool

The door to this 20'x40' room is unlocked and has two sets of clothes and a pair of shoes hanging on the outside of the door. The room has a pool of water in the middle (30'x 8' and 3.5' deep). It is filled with a large number of Koi ranging up to 6' long and several large Catfish up to 5' long. None of them are particularly dangerous. The room is humid and definitely smells a bit fishy. It is lit by 5 continual flame lanterns hanging from the walls that are manually mostly shuttered at night. A set of chairs sits looking in on the pool on the west side, and another set sits at a small table and checkers like game. There is a small tent with a cot and chamber pot sits that at the far end. The floor in the room is tiled and gently sloped towards the pool. The bottom of the wall around the room is protected from water damage by tiles.

This is the home of Marcuilis the fisherman. A human in his late 30s, Marcuilis has taken care of the fish since he was a pre-teen - he feeds them with scraps from Common Room (#49) and occasionally brings in some new water to add to the pool from The Well (#26). Every few weeks he will catch one and bring it to the kitchens to clean, and then spends his spare time carving bones when know one is there to briefly play with him or talk at him. He knows that the other residents don't particularly like the smell and so keeps his change of clothes on the door hook outside the room. It isn't clear if Marcuilis is mostly uncommunicative by choice or necessity. He is good at fishing, playing the checkers game, and carving a variety of intricate bone figures.

Of course this isn't the original Marcuilis - he was killed, fed to the fishes, and replaced by one of the Changeling vat mates. The three still on mission rotate between Seethe, Vex, and Marcuilis. His stats are as per Seethe and Vess (#36) except he wears no armor (AC 12) and has a spear as a weapon (+4 to hit; 4 (d6+1) damage). He will act unskilled in combat unless no one else is around and a kill seems assured.

Unknown to the trio, one of the tiles in the northwest corner of the room can lift up and connects to the 6" diameter rat tunnel that leads to #25 and ____.


The next room created (#47) is in post #673 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .
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Day 62 - Phase Spider Nest
We learned the hard way what had spun these crystalline webs in the tunnel. A spider as big as a horse, with shiny skin made entirely of crystal that vanishes before our eyes and reappears elsewhere. Each of its eight legs ends in razor-sharp claws, and its ice-blue eyes glow menacingly in the darkness.

It seems to be defending its nest at the end of the tunnel. We can see large crystalline eggs of various sizes inside, pulsating with gentle light. The spider guards them jealously and attacks us as soon as we approach. We must be careful not to fall into its clutches.


Room 37 - The Pool

The door to this 20'x40' room is unlocked and has two sets of clothes and a pair of shoes hanging on the outside of the door. The room has a pool of water in the middle (30'x 8' and 3.5' deep). It is filled with a large number of Koi ranging up to 6' long and several large Catfish up to 5' long. None of them are particularly dangerous. The room is humid and definitely smells a bit fishy. It is lit by 5 continual flame lanterns hanging from the walls that are manually mostly shuttered at night. A set of chairs sits looking in on the pool on the west side, and another set sits at a small table and checkers like game. There is a small tent with a cot and chamber pot sits that at the far end. The floor in the room is tiled and gently sloped towards the pool. The bottom of the wall around the room is protected from water damage by tiles.

This is the home of Marcuilis the fisherman. A human in his late 30s, Marcuilis has taken care of the fish since he was a pre-teen - he feeds them with scraps from Common Room (#49) and occasionally brings in some new water to add to the pool from The Well (#26). Every few weeks he will catch one and bring it to the kitchens to clean, and then spends his spare time carving bones when know one is there to briefly play with him or talk at him. He knows that the other residents don't particularly like the smell and so keeps his change of clothes on the door hook outside the room. It isn't clear if Marcuilis is mostly uncommunicative by choice or necessity. He is good at fishing, playing the checkers game, and carving a variety of intricate bone figures.

Of course this isn't the original Marcuilis - he was killed, fed to the fishes, and replaced by one of the Changeling vat mates. The three still on mission rotate between Seethe, Vex, and Marcuilis. His stats are as per Seethe and Vess (#36) except he wears no armor (AC 12) and has a spear as a weapon (+4 to hit; 4 (d6+1) damage). He will act unskilled in combat unless no one else is around and a kill seems assured.

Unknown to the trio, one of the tiles in the northwest corner of the room can lift up and connects to the 6" diameter rat tunnel that leads to #25 and ____.

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Room 47 - The Kitchen

This 30'x20' room has double doors opening to the hallway. The right door (as you approach from either side) is marked with an upward arrow and the left door marked with an X. They open in the direction of the side with the X.

The east wall has a large 5' tall table with a knife rack on top and a full selection of pans underneath, with a stool too tall for a person. The stove/oven has two flat heating rocks on top and a larger one inside. Continual flame lanterns are on a hook over each.

The south east corner of the room has a "closet" with thick oak wooden doors. The inside is cold with two sets of shelves with various vegetables and meat hooks with Koi and a sheep. There is a cold generating stone on the back floor and a continual flame lantern on the back wall. A Pair of Boots of Elvenkind are hidden on the top east shelf. A +1 mace is hidden on the top west shelf.

The south west corner has a very large, very sturdy, very comfortable bed with a chamber pot underneath, as well as a crate with a few changes of very large clothes and a continual flame lantern next to it. A Staff of Birdcalls and Bag of Beans are within the foot end of the mattress.

The west wall has two 8' tall, 6' diameter water barrels connected to a sink, a roller card loaded with dishes, glasses, and utensils, a small bed, and a barrel with wheels and handle. The wheeled barrel is used to get water from The Well (#26) to refill the large ones, and is also sometimes borrowed by Marcuilis to top off the pool (#37).

The kitchen is run by the Ogress Wogokura and the two kobolds Szisk and Ghrosk.

Wogokura is actually an Oni who has found this to be a safe, interesting, and profitable place to be. He suspects the hobgoblin Shirazz knows what he is due to the periodic offering of small magic items that wouldn't make sense otherwise. He doesn't think Shirazz knows he is trying to badly affect everyone else on the floor's health by including lots of extra fat, sugar, and salt every meal possible. He suspects Berghildr would see through his altered shape and so avoids her. He sometimes sneaks to the Salon 43 to sneak a book. He won't butcher a the rare humanoid he can catch without alerting anyone else if the kobolds or anyone else is around -- and if he does he will finish it himself.

Szisk and Ghrosk are exactly what they appear. Having a safe place to stay and good food is a nice change from the haphazard nature of life below. They won't do anything to jeopardize their place here.

Names courtesy of https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/



Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Continuing with Level One:
47. This 10’ x 10’ room is empty.

48. Ogre Lair: This 10’ x 10’ room is inhabited by an ogre: Krotikorg. Among the ogre’s belongings are 95 gp.

Meanwhile, on Level Three:
2. This 10’ x 20’ room is empty.


Day 63

Leaving the crystal spider undisturbed, we retraced our steps quietly, not wanting to provoke her. When we reached the exit of the mine, we were greeted by a breathtaking sight. We were indeed in the lost city, or at least a city buried by a mountain. But contrary to our expectations, Kyrthar Tahlketh was no ordinary underground city built by dwarves or inhabited by dark elves.

Instead, we found a city surrounded by a massive stone dome. Huge stone walls took the place of the sky, sealing the city off from the outside world. We found ourselves in a colossal cavern, created entirely by magic, that encompassed an entire metropolis. The distance to the opposite wall was so great that clouds formed, creating a microclimate within.

The reason we could see the city at all was because of a huge icosahedron that glowed in the centre of the city, suspended beneath the stone dome. It bathed the whole city in a red glow, and its rays warmed us even at the edge of the city. We had truly found the lost city, and it was even more wondrous than we could have ever imagined.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Week 9 - in the book. Aegax (Deva) / The Grove (Muckdwellers/Shadar-kai)

Hilly marshland megalopolis with smokey atmosphere. Devas in shining white towers in the center of industrial cities of mostly shadar-kai. The cities are connected by lightning rail; as well as a lightning rail that circumnavigates the entire hex. Some lightning rail lines end in sunken cities and are no longer running

Meanwhile, githzerai have monasteries tucked here and there throughout the hex - some right in the middle of the city in a non-descript warehouse; others out in the depths of the mangrove marshes; still another built into a hillside cliff

Finally, living throughout the mangrove marshes are many many clans of muckdwellers who grudgingly trade with the shadar-kai but spend most of their time living in the warm embrace of the bio-diverse and fertile wetlands muck as lightning rail trains whiz by overhead

Questions -
  1. What exactly are the Deva up to?
  2. What is the giant industrial project the Shadar-kai are building on behalf of the Raven Queen?
  3. The muckdwellers far outnumber all the other populations combined - why don’t they rise up?
  4. How do the githzerai live in (relative) peace with all? Force? Blackmail? Trade? (if so, what?) Other?



@M_Natas I love your shading! It's really clear the different layers of depth you're working with, and adds so much dimension to your maps.
Yeah, at first I was like - the shadows need to make sense, having realistic physics- but I figured out it doesn't need to be too realistic. It is way more useful as an information tool about depth. So I use it to separate the layers even though the light wouldn't actually throw that shadows there.

Voidrunner's Codex

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