D&D General #Dungeon23


Day 67

Bathroom in the House of the Warden of the Crystal Mine

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My "adventure area world" (which is what I'm calling it since I've so far designed several millennia worth of history and culture as well as being up to three continents (although two are just bits on the border of the map) but have yet to start on the actual dungeon, lol) started as an "adventure" map of the swamp where the dungeon is located and the surrounding area...
I then drew a larger "campaign area" map of about 200 x 150 miles to better illuminate some of the area's backstory as it emerged.
Which then led to the "continent map" that shows where on the continent the "campaign" map was located.

I've included a small number of random easter eggs on the maps and in some of the npcs in the form of vague (some more, some less) references to things, most of which probably only I will get. One of those was a tiny detail added to the original "campaign" map mainly as color. At the edge of the map I drew in one edge of an island, just to fill in some empty space, then decided it should have a label on the map to make it more interesting. But now, what to name it?
Drawing on both LotR and Irish mythology, I whimsically named it the Nanog Isles.
Afterward, in refining the design of the "continent map", I threw in some more minor details to fill in the edges of the map (more islands off the coast of the other parts of the continent and the edges of the neighboring continents). Which is when I realized that the Nanog Isles, being at least as large as the original adventure area map, would be visible on the continent map (which is roughly 3/4 the size of the U.S.).
So I decided to draw them in.

Then I thought to myself, "Self... If we're going to get cutesy about them, let's go full-on precious, lol"...

So now the Nanog Isles are actually a map of Ireland and the UK shrunk down to the size of West Virginia-ish and pasted about ninety miles off the coast of the adventure area. :D
An unfortunate side effect of that, however, was that it's now become an only-half-serious part of my head-canon that the inhabitants of the elvish kingdom that was destroyed in a magical cataclysm millennia ago (that later became known as the Stonewoods in the adventure area) had obnoxious snooty French accents, lol. :p:cool::p
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@gorice Like others, I've been feeling pretty burned out this week, but I managed to push through. The simple act of writing something is really valuable. Most of the week has been empty rooms, but some interesting stuff emerged from my listless typing.

This is me. And I am over two weeks behind! I'm struggling with this challenge. I'm just stuck creatively.


@gorice Like others, I've been feeling pretty burned out this week, but I managed to push through. The simple act of writing something is really valuable. Most of the week has been empty rooms, but some interesting stuff emerged from my listless typing.

This is me. And I am over two weeks behind! I'm struggling with this challenge. I'm just stuck creatively.
Sorry to hear that. Have you tried just writing whatever comes into your head? Remember that you can always revise things later.


@gorice Like others, I've been feeling pretty burned out this week, but I managed to push through. The simple act of writing something is really valuable. Most of the week has been empty rooms, but some interesting stuff emerged from my listless typing.

This is me. And I am over two weeks behind! I'm struggling with this challenge. I'm just stuck creatively.
Don't fret, I'm also a little Stuck. That's why I'm doing a Bathroom, a Bedroom and a Dining room and next comes a Kitchen and maybe some servants quarters, too!

Voidrunner's Codex

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