D&D General #Dungeon23

Day 83 - Ruin of a forge

There is no sign of our pursuers. It is as if they do not dare to come to this area. We continued walking and came to the ruins of an old forge. In front of it stood a statue. Her hands were a hammer and pliers. She looked to me as if she could come alive at any moment. I could feel the magic that lay dormant in her. Were these statues part of the ancient defenses of Kyrthar Tahlketh? Is that why the devils didn't dare come here? And if so, why didn't they attack us?

The forge looked tidy, as if someone had cleared away the debris after a battle. But if the devils hadn't ventured here, who had? Were there other survivors who had not been enslaved by the devils?

A hatch in the forge leading to the cellar is tightly closed. Who knows what is hidden underneath?
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Day 84 - Cellar of the Forge

It looks like someone is storing his things here.

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Hey-o hardcore #dungeon23'ers! Good to see those of you still here 🖖

We're 82 days in, roughly 22.5% of the way there

This last week was terrible from a d23 standpoint. I rolled up my hex on Monday or Tuesday (as opposed to Sunday), and then noodled on it for a day, then drew it on Wednesday and wrote up the hex overview stuff. Thursday drove 4 hours and spent all day visiting a friend in hospital, and then 4 hours back (upside, I did record an episode of my podcast on the drive!). Yesterday had more stuff going on. Finally today, after doing the groceries and eating dinner, had a block of time to do all 7 days/locations at once. The result is the most visually complex hex so far; and also the hardest to describe in written form. And because I love the phrase "just because you can doesn't mean you should", I decided to use Welsh as the language base for all the locations :ROFLMAO:

Next post will be the hex

Week 12, Hex 11 Ymyl Clogwn (aka Cliff's Edge) (all Welsh mistakes are my own)

This hex is over 75% a single tall mountain, with a sloping plateau circling around it from top to bottom. The plateau expands anywhere from a half mile to a mile in width. (The inspiration for this was Mont St. Michel, the island in France - but became much more). Every so often as you wend your way down the plateau there's a cliff that cuts across it. The inhabitants have solved the up and down of the cliffs in both mechanical and magical ways.

At the peak of the mountain is Brig Goron (aka Crown Point) - a soaring/hulking gothic cathedral/bureau of administration and the seat of power in the hex. The hex is ruled by a harengon named Janu. She rules with an iron hand - there are practically more military, para-military, and police force members than regular citizens. Most folks are lawful, or at least act that way.

The populace is an even mix of black dragonborn, harengon, and hobgoblins. There is no "racial essentialism". While every individual acknowledges another's biology, culturally most everyone is a "Ymyl" through and through.

From Brig Goron there is a river that comes out of the cathedral. That river runs down the spiralling plateau all the way to the bottom, where you'll find the port town of Tref Harbor (Harbor Town). If there's any seedy underbelly to be found, it'll be here - but good luck finding it haha.

The upgate also happens to be in the city with the most military presence. And in fact the "guardian" is literally the military industrial bureaucracy: a series of interminable nonsensical interviews followed by form-filling, then more interviews and more forms. Finally you get to a small windowless office with what appears to be a tertiary functionary who hits you with a riddle. If you answer, they boredly open a non-descript door, on the other side of which is the gate.

Up to the north, near one of the branches, there's a steady influx of immigrants/refugees into the hastily erected shelter city of Blessed Valley. I'll find out more about what's happening in that hex in a couple of weeks. To the southwest is the gate to the other branch - trade is robust between that branch and this; but there's still plenty of customs and other types of police presence on this side.

From a terrain and climate standpoint, there are soaring cliffs, deciduous and evergreen pine forests. It rains pretty incessantly, but the farmers can farm - there's enough sun, sometimes.

Oh yeah, and there's an airship factory, so you'll see airships large and small flying about here and there. Because who doesn't love airships?!?

  • Are there competitors to Draig Ffatri (Dragon Factory - the airship manufacturer)?
  • What will the result of the tensions around immigration be?
  • Where and who will rise up in the face of faceless bureaucratic and active police oppression?
  • What does Janu fear most?



Day 84 - Cellar of the Forge

It looks like someone is storing his things here.
View attachment 279751
Day 85 - Shelter in the Cellar of the Ruin of the Forge

The cellar of the forge is clearly inhabited. Someone has made himself comfortable here and ... let's say ... opened a Devil butchery. The stench as we open the door to this room, the remains of shredded devil's parts piled up on one side of the room, contrast with the almost cosy hammock and the small side table on which a book lies. The occupant must have been here recently. The meat is still warm.


Day 85 - Shelter in the Cellar of the Ruin of the Forge

The cellar of the forge is clearly inhabited. Someone has made himself comfortable here and ... let's say ... opened a Devil butchery. The stench as we open the door to this room, the remains of shredded devil's parts piled up on one side of the room, contrast with the almost cosy hammock and the small side table on which a book lies. The occupant must have been here recently. The meat is still warm.

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Day 86 – empty room (cellar forge)

Just spent the evening in the hospital because my little one fell down the stairs. Everything seems to be fine, but that was a big scare. That's why we have an empty room today. Can't sleep anyway ...

Day 86 – empty room (cellar forge)

Just spent the evening in the hospital because my little one fell down the stairs. Everything seems to be fine, but that was a big scare. That's why we have an empty room today. Can't sleep anyway ...
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Day 87 - Moss Room in the Cellar of the Forge

A head-sized crystal stands in the middle of the room, bathing the moss-covered walls in an eerie light. A small pond covers one corner of the room and splashes away soothingly. Mushrooms sprout from the ground in the damp cave.

Day 87 - Moss Room in the Cellar of the Forge

A head-sized crystal stands in the middle of the room, bathing the moss-covered walls in an eerie light. A small pond covers one corner of the room and splashes away soothingly. Mushrooms sprout from the ground in the damp cave.
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Day 88 - Stash in cave under forge

Actually we just wanted to refill some water, but our paladin tripped and fell into the water. He was lucky in that he noticed a small passage in the water that led to a hidden cave that could be reached by squeezing through.

The small lake there had a narrow bank on which lay the remains of an ancient corpse, with old leather armour still hanging in tatters. It lay next to an unopened treasure chest.

In the corner lay a small nest with an egg.


Trying out more color.

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