D&D General Dungeons and Dragons: The Makeup Set!!!


Yes, because neither has anything to do with your claims....
Dude. You SPECIFICALLY asked me to provide a link for the EXACT things I showed three links to support. In my several seconds of looking for the SPECIFIC things you requested I did not come across EVERYTHING I've discussed here.

You can Google over-exposure on your own time. I, however, am not going to waste any additional time on you.

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Dude. You SPECIFICALLY asked me to provide a link for the EXACT things I showed three links to support.
No, I didn't. You read it that way because I assume it was the low hanging fruit. I wasn't asking for evidence of it being "early 80s" as opposed to "mid 80s" I was asking for evidence they overspread the brand with things like makeup and that killed the brand.

And I strongly suspect you knew that because why would you be arguing a matter of a couple of years on a topic like this?

Sorry, D&D, it looks like you're not the only IP Vampyre Cosmetics is collaborating with:



... which is exactly why I am arguing that we should be concerned that they're going to oversaturate the markets with D&D - bringing about the end of the run on on the IP - and we'll see it be shelved more and more in favor of the next IP that rises up.
Shouldn't we have been concerned ten years ago when they outright announced they were going to shelve the game to milk the IP?

Or last year when they outright said they were worried the IP was 'under-monetized'?

Is a single odd collab honestly the tipping point?


Shouldn't we have been concerned ten years ago when they outright announced they were going to shelve the game to milk the IP?

Or last year when they outright said they were worried the IP was 'under-monetized'?

Is a single odd collab honestly the tipping point?
I'm currently eating so there isn't room for you to put words in my mouth.

I said this should worry fans. I said it is a sign that they're trying to squeeze the IP. I said we should be concerned. I didn't say this was the tipping point that suddenly made a bad situation out of a good one. As you note, there are other recent concerning factors that also should give rise to concerns. For one thing, they'll face steeper competition than ever before when they release this next edition, for example. That is actually the biggest concern I have - a potential fracturing of the community into different camps.

However, this behavior of "Slap D&D on anything we can while it is still hot!" is a troubling sign, and often burns the IP out as discussed before. That is a troubling sign - one of many.

Voidrunner's Codex

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