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Isida Kep'Tukari

Death Gift
Female Elf Wizard 5/ Blood Magus 2

Alignment: Neutral
Patron Deity: Undying Court
Region: Lantan
Height: 4' 11''
Weight: 86lbs
Hair: Pale Blonde
Eyes: Green
Age: 147
XP: 24,262

Str: 8 (-1) [0 points]
Dex: 16 (+3) [5 points, +2 racial, +1 level]
Con: 14 (+2) [6 points, -2 racial, +2 periapt]
Int: 18 (+4) [10 points, +2 headband]
Wis: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Cha: 13 (+1) [5 points]

Class and Racial Abilities:
+2 Dex, -2 Con, immune to sleep spells and effects, +2 to saves versus enchantments, low-light vision, proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow, and shortbow, +2 bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot checks, can make a Search check just for passing within 5 ft. of a secret door. Arcane spells, bonus feats, familiar, proficient with club, dagger, heavy and light crossbows, and quarterstaff. Not proficient with any armor or shields. Blood component (deal 1 point of damage to raise caster level by one), durable casting (subtracts level from damage during Concentration checks), stanch (automatically stabilizes), scarification (Scribe Scroll in alternate medium).

Hit Dice: 5d4 + 2d6 +14 +3 (Toughness)
HP: 41
AC: 13 (+3 Dex) [17 with mage armor, 21 with the addition of shield]
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +11 [+4 base, +2 Con, +2 Great Fortitude, +2 familiar, +1 cloak]
Reflex +5 [+1 base, +3 Dex, +1 cloak]
Will +7 [+4 base, +2 Wis, +1 cloak]

BAB: +3
Melee Atk: +3/ (1d8-1/19-20/x2/S, MW longsword)
Ranged Atk: +7 (1d8-1/x3/100 ft./P, +1 longbow)

Bluff +7 [6 ranks, +1 Cha]
Concentration +12 [10 ranks, +2 Con]
Decipher Script +12 [8 ranks, +4 Int]
Knowledge (arcana) +12 [8 ranks, +4 Int]
Knowledge (history) +12 [8 ranks, +4 Int]
Listen +4 [0 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 Alertness]
Spellcraft +14 [10 ranks, +4 Int, +2 synergy from Knowledge (arcana)]
Spot +4 [0 ranks, +2, +2 Alertness]

Great Fortitude (1st level)
Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus 1st level)
Toughness (3rd level)
Transdimensional Spell (ComArc) (wizard bonus 5th level)
Right of Counsel (Eberron) (6th level)

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Orc Gnoll, Goblin

Spells Prepared
Save DC +4
0th - detect magic x2, ghost sound, read magic
1st - grease, mage armor (cast), lesser orb of electricity, lesser orb of fire, shield.
2nd - familiar pocket (cast), invisibility, glitterdust, web.
3rd - dispel magic, resonating bolt, Transdimensional web.
4th - burning blood, defenestrating sphere.

0th - acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue
1st - alarm, expeditious retreat, feather fall, grease, mage armor, lesser orb of electricity (ComArc), lesser orb of fire (ComArc), shield
2nd - familiar pocket, glitterdust, invisibility, web
3rd - corpse candle (ComArc), dispel magic, fly, resonating bolt (ComArc)
4th - burning blood (ComArc), defenestrating sphere (ComArc)

+1 longbow – 2,375gp
60 arrows – 3gp
MW longsword – 315gp
Headband of intellect +2 – 4,000gp
Periapt of health +2 – 4,000gp
Cloak of resistance +1 - 1,000gp
Scarification of alarm, 7th level – 87gp, 5sp, 7XP
Scarification of expeditious retreat, 7th level – 87gp, 5sp, 7XP
Scarification of feather fall, 7th level – 87gp, 5sp, 7XP
Scarification of corpse candle, 7th level – 262gp, 5sp, 21XP
Scarification of fly, 7th level – 262gp, 5sp, 21XP
Scarification of Transdimensional web, 7th level – 262gp, 5sp, 21XP
Spellbook (100 pages of vellum, wooden cover with slipcase, waterproof, minor elemental resistance) – 2,090gp
Spell component pouch – 5gp
Travler’s outfit – free
Belt pouch 1gp
Identification papers with portrait – 5gp
Heward's Handy Haversack (2,000gp)
~Scroll of Transdimensional resonating bolt, 7th level – 350gp, 28XP
~Scroll of Transdimensional resonating bolt, 7th level – 350gp, 28XP
~Scroll of defenestrating sphere, 7th level – 350gp, 28XP
~Scroll of burning blood, 7th level – 350gp, 28XP
~Scroll of familiar pocket, 7th level – 175gp, 14XP
~Scroll of invisibility, 7th level – 175gp, 14XP
~Scroll of glitterdust, 7th level – 175gp, 14XP
~Bedroll 5sp
~Everburning torch 110gp
~Waterskin 1gp
~50 ft. silk rope 10gp
~Paper (10 sheets) 4gp
~Ink (two vials) 16gp
~Inkpen 1gp
~Trail rations (20 days worth) 10gp
~Scholar's outfit 5gp
~Cold weather outfit 8gp

70gp, 5sp

Krell, rat familiar: Tiny magical beast; HD 7: hp 20; Init +2; Spd 15 ft., climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft.; AC 17 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) touch 14, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +3; Grp -9; Atk +7 melee (1d3-4, bite); full Atk +7 melee (1d3-4, bite); Space/Reach 2-1/2 ft./0 ft. (5 ft. with tail); SQ low-light vision, scent, alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch spells, speak with master; AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Str 2, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 2.

Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Bluff +2, Climb +12, Concentration +10, Decipher Script +7, Hide +14, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (history) +7, Listen +4, Move Silently +10, Spellcraft +11, Spot +4, Swim +10; Alertness, Weapon Finesse.

Rats have a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, and Swim checks. A rat can always take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. A rat uses its Dexterity modifier instead of its Strength modifier for Climb and Swim checks. A rat has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Appearance: Death Gift is a pale and very thin elf woman with long, platinum blonde braids of hair that hang down her back. Her large green eyes look out of her elegant face with wisdom beyond her years. She moves with easy grace in robes of charcoal gray. A swordbelt is buckled at her side, and a longbow is at her back. Those looking closely might spot a dark gray rat hiding underneath the collar of her robes.

Personality: Death Gift has a fatalistic outlook on life, believing, like most of her people that death is nothing to be feared. Her experiences in her youth have given her the certainty that her life is pre-ordained, and that all will fall out as her ancestors will it. She chuckles quietly at those who espouse free will, and feels secure in her ancestors’ hands.

Background: When Arianna was a youngling, she fell deathly ill of a strange illness her people called the Spirit Plague. It is believed that when a family or bloodline fails to honor their ancestors, the ancestors may call some of the living to join them. It happens very rarely, but her family knew what they must do. They left their child in the City of the Dead to appease whatever transgressions they may have made, as well as other sacrifices to honor their ancestors.

Arianna lay in a death-like trance for days as she experience visions. Her ancient ancestors appeared before her and spoke to her in her dreams. They told her she would pass beyond the veil and return with more power than before, and she must leave Aerenal to learn the true nature of life and death. Her ancestors explained her family was losing touch with the realities of life and death, and she was a chosen representative to bring them the truth.

She emerged from the City of the Dead with a new purpose and a new name, Death Gift. She drove herself to master the arts of wizardry, all the while knowing that some day she would die. With her strange, fatalistic outlook, she threw herself fearlessly into situations in order to prove her courage and devotion. When she was a hundred and forty, she died by a lightning strike as she slept on a mountain peak. She was found several days later by a kindly cleric of the Sovereign Host, who took pity upon her and raised her.

After her experience beyond death, she was energized with new abilities, and an even greater understanding of her quest. There is an ancient legend in her family about an elf that would pass beyond the veil and back three times, and who would help bring a great power to light that would unite life and death into a single, blissful whole. Many people said she had died in the City of the Dead. One death. Then she died again by lightning. Two deaths. And though she does not actively seek death, and the legend is much-discredited, she has begun to wonder if she is this figure from fable. The idea scares her.

Recently (in the last decade) she has been traveling in Breland, and finally settled in Sharn two years ago. It seemed that something was urging her to stay there, and Death Gift trusts her instincts, believing they are the will of her ancestors speaking through her. It has come to her attention that Tophran Damilek, a dragonshard dealer, is seeking adventurers to assist him. This, she believes, it what she was brought to Sharn to discover.
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Prof Yeti

First Post
Brodin Stoneheart - Ranger 3/ Fighter 4

Name: Brodin Stoneheart
Race: Dwarf
Class: Ranger 3/ Fighter 4
EXP – 24,500
Sex: Male
Age: 52
Height: 4’2"
Weight: 166lbs.
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Skin: Caucasian
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Dol Dorn

STR 16 +3
DEX 14 +2 [+1 4th Lvl]
CON 15 +2 [+2 Racial]
INT 12 +1
WIS 12 +1
CHA 10 +0 [- 2 Racial]

HP: 62 [8 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + (14 Con)]
Init: + 2
BAB/Grapple: +10/ +10
Speed: 20 Ft.
AC: 20 [+5 Armor/ +3 Shield/ +2 Dex]
Touch/Flatfooted: 14 / 18

Dwarven Waraxe +1 [BaB +12 (+10 TWF)/ Dmg 1d10 +6 (+1 if I don't move 2nd Round+)]
Mithral Shield +1 of Bashing [BaB +11 (+9 TWF)/ Dmg 1d8 +4]
Warhammer [BaB +12 (+10 TWF)/ Dmg 1d8 +5 (+1 if I don't move 2nd Round+)]
Shortsword [BaB +10 (+8 TWF)/ Dmg 1d6 +3]
Dagger [BaB +10 (+8 TWF)/ Dmg 1d4 +3]

Fort: +9 (Con +2/Ranger +3/Fighter +4)
Ref: +6 (Dex +2/Ranger +3/Fighter +1)
Will: +3 (Wis +1/Ranger +1/Fighter +1)

Climb +13 (+10 Ranks/+3 Stat/+0 Bonus)
Craft [Armorer] +4 (+1 Ranks/+1 Stat/+2 Bonus)
Craft [Weaponsmith] +4 (+1 Ranks/+1 Stat/+2 Bonus)
Handle Animal +5 (+5 Ranks/+0 Stat/+0 Bonus)
Heal +3 (+2 Ranks/+1 Stat/+0 Bonus)
Hide +5 (+3 Ranks/+2 Stat/+0 Bonus)
Jump +13 (+10 Ranks/+3 Stat/+0 Bonus)
Know [Dungeon] +2 (+1 Ranks/+1 Stat/+0 Bonus)
Know [Nature] +3 (+2 Ranks/+1 Stat/+0 Bonus)
Listen +5 (+4 Ranks/+1 Stat/+0 Bonus)
Move Silent +5 (+3 Ranks/+2 Stat/+0 Bonus)
Search +5 (+4 Ranks/+1 Stat/+0 Bonus)
Spot +5 (+4 Ranks/+1 Stat/+0 Bonus)
Survival +8 (+7 Ranks/+1 Stat/+0 Bonus)
Swim +6 (+3 Ranks/+3 Stat/+0 Bonus)


Feats/ Special Abilities:
Darkvision – 60’
+2 vs. Poison
+2 vs. Spell/ Spell-Like
Racial Weapon – Waraxe/ Urgosh
+1 Attack vs. Orc/ Goblinoids
+4 Dodge vs. Giant Class
+2 Appraise vs. Stone/ Metal
+2 Craft vs. Stone/ Metal
1st - Open Mind [Complete Adventurer]
RF – Track
RF – Armor Proficiency [All]
RF – Shield Proficiency
RF – Martial Weapons Proficiency [All]
RF – Simple Weapons Proficiency [All]
RA – Favored Enemy – Undead
RA – Wild Empathy [+5]
2nd – RF – Two Weapon Fighting
3rd – Improved Shield Bash
RF – Endurance
4th – FF – Over-sized Two-Weapon Fighting
5th – FF – Weapon Focus [Dwarven Waraxe]
6th – Mror Stalwart [Races of Eberron]
7th – FF – Weapon Specialization [Dwarven Waraxe]

Personal Equipment - Lb.
Black Explorer Outfit 0.0 0.00
Ring [of Sustenance] 0.0 2,500.00
Ring [of Feather Fall] 0.0 2,200.00
Brooch [of Shielding] 0.0 1,500.00
Mithral Shirt [+1] 10.0 2,100.00
Mithral Heavy Shield [+1 Bashing] 5.0 5,020.00
Dwarven Waraxe [+1] 8.0 2,330.00
Warhammer [MW] 5.0 312.00
Shortsword 2.0 10.00
Dagger [2] 2.0 4.00

Money Pouch 0.5 1.00
* Wealth [15 Pp/25 Gp/6 Sp/2 Cp 1.0 175.62

Bandolier [MW] - 12 1.5 5.00
Flint/Steel 0.0 1.00
Whetstone 1.0 .02
Chalk [x10] 0.0 .10
Candle [x6] 0.0 .06
ID Paper [MW] 0.0 5.00
Travel Papers 0.0 .20
Map to the Crypt of Crimson Stars 0.0 .00

Potion Belt [MW] - 10 1.0 60.00
Potion (Cure Light) [x10] 1.0 500.00

Heward’s Handy Haversack 5.0 2000.00
LP – Mess Kit 1.0 2.00
LP – Water Skin [x3] 12.0 3.00
LP – Trail Rations [x6] 6.0 3.00
CP – Gray Explorer Outfit [x2] 16.0 20.00
CP – Bedroll 5.0 0.10
CP – Silk Rope – 50’ [x2] 10.0 20.00
CP – Grappling Hook 4.0 1.00
CP – Sack [x3] 1.0 0.30
CP – Vial (Oil) [x4] 4.0 0.40
CP – Sun Rod [x12] 12.0 24.00
RP – Vial (Oil) [x2] 2.0 0.20
RP – Scroll Case 0.5 1.00
RP – Silk Rope – 50’ 5.0 10.00
RP – Grappling Hook 4.0 1.00
RP – Healer’s Kit 1.0 50.00
RP – Thieves’ Tools 1.0 30.00
RP – Everburning Torch 1.0 110.00

Personal Weight 37.0
Travel Weight 5.0
Total Weight 42.0

A Brief History of Brodin Stoneheart of Clan Kardurun
As told by Jagrin Garokdur (Elder)

His name is Brodin Stoneheart and he is a scion of Clan Kardurun from the northern reaches of the Mror Holds. He is of average for the people of that region (4’2” and 164 lbs.). But his bright red hair and dark green eyes are both rare and proof he carries the blood of the southern clans. He wears his hair long, kept in a warrior’s braid, while keeping his beard relatively short. But the most distinctive feature of the young dwarf is the determined and steady air that seems to permeate his very soul.

His parents met over sixty-three years ago, in the city of Korunda’s Gate, in the northern Mror Holds. Brodin’ fathers was Rurik Stoneheart, his mother’ Vala Loderr, a distant and unmarked member of House Kundarak. They met at time when both were just beginning their apprenticeships, but they each recognized each other as soul mates. And so their love flourished over the next 10 years and shortly after finishing their training the two were married. An Artificer of some skill Vala worked in the enclave of House Kundarak creating and fixing whatever was needed, while Rurik took a position as a Lieutenant and trainer of the House Guard. And so there lives seemed to settle, becoming all that much brighter when Vala discovered she was with child. Even more amazing was when the Healer confirmed that she would have twins.

And so the children’, Brodin (Male) and Diesa (Female), birth became an event celebrated by the whole of both the Clan and House. Many saw them as an omen for a brighter future. And it was firmly within the love and encouragement of both family and community that the two grew into fine examples of all that is great about Dwarves. As if to cap this happy time young Diesa developed a Dragonmark shortly before beginning her apprenticeship, as an Artificer, securing her place within the Holds. But Brodin would take a much longer and lonelier, though no less important, road for his training. Because while growing up it was discovered that Brodin possessed a personality and knack for certain skills that were invaluable to the Dwarven homeland. He had heard tales of the Sentinels and Deep Wardens, the dwarves that patrolled the far ranges and entrances to the Holds, but had never actually met one until the day Jagrin Garokdur arrived at his families home. When offered training there was little hesitation, both by him and his family, and shortly thereafter he began his study as a Sentinel (Ranger).

So he passed the next decade learning about weapons and dungeoneering. But more importantly he learned to hone his senses, his first line of defense, against encroaching enemy. And it would be those very skills that would save both his and his mentors lives, early in his training. While helping patrol one of the older mines Brodin heard a light scuffling sound coming towards him from further down the cavern he was checking. With barely enough time to find cover he watched as a trio of Ghouls traveled past in search of food. Moving as quiet and stealthily as possible he followed them as they moved towards his teachers last location. When he arrived he say the creature feast on something, though he couldn’t make out what it was for sure. No sooner had he decided to attack then he spotted his mentor hiding on a small ledge near-by, watching the horrendous creatures waiting for his own opening to attack. As if watching in slow motion Brodin’ mentor sprung from hiding cleaving one of the creatures in two. But the other two creatures saw Jagrin as nothing but food and moved to attack. Most of the strikes were easily avoided or deflected, but a few got thru, leaving the teacher bloody. This only served to spur the foul creatures to redouble their attacks. But it was at that very same moment that Brodin used their distraction to launch his own attack. While not as experienced as his teacher he managed to land a blow that would make a giant proud. Because with that one blow he was able to fell one of the Ghouls and reduce the threat to his mentor. The remaining ghoul sought to escape but having nowhere to run attack with a ferocity born of desperation. In a matter of moments though Brodin and his mentor quickly felled the beast. And while he learned much over the years both in the caves and out, the battle with the Ghouls was one of his fondest memories.

But as with most it was tempered with sadness. A short time later (by Dwarven standards) his apprenticeship came to an end. While he was glad for the chance to return home and be able to see his family, Brodin was also filled with dread of the prospect having grown used to the isolation and constant state of readiness for battle. Though those thoughts were minor compared to the events that would soon transpire, for it was a future in the wake of the Day of Mourning.

Because you see as is apt to happen when least expected, misfortune would strike a well-placed blow. If not for the War that shaped all of Khorvaire for a century many would have stayed settled and focused on there crafts and their children and this story would be done. But in the midst of war seldom did such happy endings occur. These particular dark days had began a few years earlier when Rurik and Vala, along with much of Clan Kardurun, were assigned to a delegation sent to Cyre. They saw nothing amiss since they would return in plenty of time to see their children return from their training. Unfortunately it was only a year after their arrival that the Day of Mourning would occur. In one swift blow, Clan Kardurun was almost completely obliterated from the face of the planet. And so Brodin found his training complete but with no family left in the Holds to defend.

His normal inclination would have been to return to the caves and underground passages where he was most comfortable. But the spirit within him drove Brodin to find a new path. And after talking with the remaining elder of his Clan he made ready to leave the Hold’s for what lay beyond. “Maybe I will go to the city of Sharn. It is supposed to be a place rife with adventure.” He thought.[/sblock]

Sorry it is kinda long and I need another draft but here is the story of how I got the Shield.
The Tale of the Elven Princess
It was a cold and rainy night many miles east of the town of Vathirond in Breland. But instead of enjoying a warm fire and cold mug of ale, Brodin Stoneheart found himself trudging thru mud following the tracks of his quarry. But his mind was a whirl with the vision of the scene on the road earlier. It was literally covered in a blanket of bodies and bones. “They have taken the girl. You must find her, please! The creatures were traveling that way [southeast].” The only elven warrior still alive had said before he died of blood loss. “Skeletons don’t act alone! Where is there master? And what does he want with the girl? Who is she?” he thought to himself as he checked the ground again.

Shortly Brodin would have answers to at least a few of his questions. As he crested a hillock he saw the foul undead creature standing in a clearing of a short ways away. The girl moved but only barely as if drugged while being restrained by some of the skeletons. Though no master of the arts of concealment he was able to move around the clearing and find his objective, namely the master to these foul beasts. Though it was hard to make out physical features as he was wrapped in a voluminous robe. The man seemed to be preparing for what Brodin could only guess was a sacrifice. Not knowing how much longer he had, Brodin sprung into action and charged toward the man. Unfortunately Dwarven legs being how they are he wasn’t able to reach the man before his minions moved to block Brodin’ charge. But also like many of his race he is stubborn when focused. And he waded thru the mass of undead on his way to their master. The robed one must have become very nervous because with Brodin only a short distance away he cast forth a ball of fire that exploded with the force volcano’s explosion. But again he underestimated the determination of dwarves. And never had he faced an angrier dwarf than the one the stepped out of the conflagration in front of him. Though his armor and shield were in tatters he hefted his Waraxe and cleaved the robed individual from shoulder to hip. With the death of the robed one the undead soon fell where they stood, the unholy magic gone with its source. Quickly he checked the girl and after determining she would be fine he sat down in the muck and mud to rest. And soon slumber found him.

Brodin awoke some time later to a young face looking back at him from much closer than he was comfortable being. After extracting himself he introduced himself and stated they should be on their way. And after a quick meal they set out for the town of Vathirond, though Brodin moved them away from the road where the other elves had been massacred. The girl, never far from Brodin’ side, was quite to the point of never once complaining even as the road became difficult. Making good time they arrived at the town just before sundown. While she spoke not a work, letting Brodin ask and answer his own questions with only nods for here part, he found that she was traveling to Sharn as well. Having nothing better to do, and worrying about her, he booked the both passage on the Lightning Rail. But any worries would soon be lessened at their arrival in Sharn. Almost as the Lightning Rail docked at the terminus the girl almost jumped from the carriage into the arms of a regally attired elf. Introductions were made and Brodin discovered that the girl was his daughter. Feeling she would be safe Brodin made way to travel on. But as he was leaving the girl surprised him with a kiss on the cheek and hug to make a bear proud.

The final chapter to this story would not come to pass for many months. But one day while he relaxed a small retinue of elves in full approached Brodin. They spoke but little beyond saying that this was a gift from Gerron Kyros, the betrothed of Valia Falanashir, with his deepest thanks. And before he could even open the package they were gone. The content have become his most prized possessions, for sentimental reasons that far outweigh the material.
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cool hand luke

First Post
Arundel Zalinbourg
male Chaos Gnome Scout 7
Alignment: Nuetral
Patron Deity:
Region: Talanta plain
Height: 3’11”
Weight: 28 lbs
Hair: black, and receeding badly
Eyes: dark blue
XP: 24,500

Str: 10 (+0) [4 points, -2 racial]
Dex: 21 (+5) [10 points, +2 racial, +1 level, +2 gloves]
Con: 14 (+2) [4 points,+2 racial,]
Int: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Wis: 12 (+2) [4 points]
Cha: 6 (-2) [0 points, -2 racial]

Racial Abilities:
+2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 strength, -2 charisma
Small size
Base speed = 30
Lowlight and dark vision
+1 on attack vs. kobolds and golblinoids
+4 dodge against giants
+4 on hide and move silently
+2 listen and spot

Class Abilities
Skirmish +2d6, +2 ac
Battle fortitude (+1 to init and fort saves)
Uncanny dodge
Fast movement (movement speed increases 10’)
Trackless step
Bonus Feat
Flawless stride (terrain doesn’t reduce movement)

Hit Dice: 7d8 + 14
HP: 58
AC: 20 (+5 Dex, 4 chain shirt, 1 size (possible +4 dodge from feat))
Init: +8 (+5 Dex, +1 battle fortitude, +2 quick reconoiter)
Speed: 40ft

Fortitude +5 [+2 base, +2 Con, +1 Battle Fortitude,]
Reflex +10 [+5 base, +5 Dex,]
Will +3 [+2 base, +1 Wis, ]

BAB: +5
Melee Atk: +12/ (1d3/19-20/x2/S, MW dagger)
Ranged Atk: +11 (1d4/x3/60 ft./P, shortbow)

Climb +10 [10 ranks]
Craft poisonmaking +13 [10 ranks, +3 int]
Disable device +15 [10 ranks, +3 int, +2 mw thieves kit]
Hide +27 [10 ranks, 5 dex, 4 small, 4 racial, +5 cloak]
Jump +16 [10 ranks, 4 speed, 2 synergy]
Listen +13 [10 ranks, 1 wis, 2 racial]
Move silently +24 [10 ranks, 5 dex, +5 boots, +4 racial]
Spot +13 [10 ranks, 2 racial, 1 wis]
Survival +11 [10 ranks, 1 wis]
Tumble +15 [10 ranks, 5 dex]

weapon finesse (1st level)
Quick Reconoiter (listen and spot as free action, +2 init) (complete adventurer) (3rd level)
dodge (ComArc) (scout bonus 4th level)
Titan fighting (Races of stone) Use racial +4 dodge against any 1 opponent (6th level)

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Orc Gnoll, Goblin


item quantity cost total cost
hewards haversack 1 2000 2000
camouflage kit 1 40 40
possum pouch 1 1800 1800
boots of elven kind 1 2500 2500
cloak of elvenkind 1 2500 2500
gloves of dexterity +2 1 4000 4000
Mithrall shirt 1 1100 1100
MW thieves kit 1 100 100
bedroll 1 0
winter blanket 1 1 1
waterskin 3 1 3
cold weather outfit 1 8 8
explorers outfit 2 10 20
mw dagger 1 302 302
anti toxin 2 50 100
Thunderstone 3 30 90
shortbow 1 30 30
arrows 1 1 1
carrion crawler poison 6 33.33333 200
large scorpion poison 6 33.33333 200
blue whinnis poison 6 20 120
trail rations (10 days) 10 0.5 5
potion, cure moderate wounds 4 300 1200

*I wasn’t sure how you wanted me to use my craft (poisonmaking) skill, so here is the cost as if I could find (using knowledge nature) the ingredients myself, and then make it. Feel free to change.

2680 gold

Appearance: For those few times when someone get’s a good look at him, he appears a tall 9for a gnome) and almost disturbingly thin gnome.
His weapons are ill cared for, and his clothes need many small holes and rips sewn up. His receeding hairline shows a nasty scar across the top of his head, and his nose is a frightening blob from being broken.

Personality: Arundel has little to do with people. He is especially distrusting of the “big” races, anything besides gnomes and his adopted Halflings really. He likes nothing better than being out front of a party, scouting for danger, keeping the “big dumb uglies” safe. He has a condescending attitude towards those who enjoy fighting, and himself will go to great lengths to avoid fighting.

Background: Arundel Zalinbourg’s Early memories are exceedingly pleasant. As a young gnome, he was given almost anything his little heart could desire by his doting mother. He rarely saw his father, who was to consumed by running the family business. The Zalinbourg family ran one of the most prosperous and powerful ship building yards in Zilargo. This was a rather recent occurrence, During the Great War, his father and uncles had made several astute business decisions to ship various war goods to any and all that were willing to pay there inflated prices. The memories of Arundels childhood are dominated by his mother. She had always fancied themselves as the peak of society, even though they were nouveau riche that were tolerated in the better circles only because of there immense wealth, and connections they had outside of Zilargo. From his earliest days, Arundel was drilled to become the young society darling her mother dreamed about. He was drilled in all the social graces, dancing, manners, tutored to be a sharp and witty conversationalist. Despite her best efforts, Arundel showed little if any interest in these pursuits. Although he possessed the quickness of thought necessary, he found such things the epitomy of boring, and only put in marginal effort.

His relatively pleasant, if sometimes tedious life changed in the blink of an eye one night. He was yanked out of bed by one of his 4 uncles, his fathers brothers and business partners, and told to dress, and get downstairs immediately. By the time he got there, he saw his other uncles, father, and numerous cousins and aunts scurrying around. Before he knew what had happened, they were placed in the back of a huge cart, covered in first a cloth, then various layers of garbage, and taking a bumpy ride.

When the cart finally stopped, he looked out, and saw a small, run down wharf in the worst area of the trolanport harbor. His entire family scurried on board a small 1 sailed ship that immediately shoved off. Conspicously absent was his mother, and his father seemed to be avoiding all the other relatives.

Thus began the next chapter of his life, living in exile. Though it was never told outright, over the following years of traveling with the remains of his family, he was able to piece together what happened. His mother, in trying to climb the social ladder, had greviously offended the matriarch of the Sivis house. The matriarch, using her long list of spies, and political connections, had flexed her muscle, and found that during the last years of the Great War, a prince of Karrnath was poisoned. The poison was extremely rare, and extremely deadly. Through her network of spies, it was shown that the assassin not only obtained the poison through the Zalinbourgs black market dealings, but sailed into town on one of there merchant ships. This information was leaked to the Karrnath royal family, who immediately sent a company of elite troops to capture the family, and return them for trial. Luckily, The Zalinbourg family heard about the company through there own spy network, and they were able to slip out under the cover of night as there family house was seized, searched, and burned.

All of this would have been damning enough, but Arundel later heard that not only had his mothers over ambition caused the exile, but when she heard of the downfall, she refused to go into exile, and wound up serving as a mistress to a high ranking, lecherous merchant.

Since it was his mother that caused there downfall, even his fellow family members shunned Arundel. He was an outcast among exiles. As the family traveled, never staying in one place for to long, lest they be found, Arundel would often linger far behind, or wander at the far fringe of the group. He soon found that he liked the solitude, and it gave him a way to be useful to the family. Soon, he would rise at dawn, and walk out ahead of the group, carefully making sure that they were safe. Many times he saw a dangerous animal, or band of thieves, and was able to return to the family caravan and warn them. Eventually, his family wandered onto the great plains of Talenta, and encountered the native Halflings. For the first time in 15 years, the family stopped wandering.

Most of his family was viewed as odd outsiders by the natives. Arundel, however, soon earned there respect for his knowledge of the land, and ability to locate game, and warn them of enemies. At first, he acted as an ambassador between his now quite large family clan (50 or so gnomes) and the Halflings. Eventually, he earned enough respect that he would serve as a scout on there hunting or war parties. Eventually, he gave up returning to his families settlement except on rare occasions. He was still treated as an outcast and pariah among them, but, among the Halflings as a contributor with valuable skills.

In the last few years, he has been hired out as part of mercenary teams by the tribe.

Arundel has a deep distrust of almost everyone. He is smart enough to know where his strengths lie (stealth, observation) and where he is weak (straight out combat) he will always try to avoid combat as much as possible, but, if cornered, has a nasty surprise. A small gnome, wielding only a dagger and seeming to want to run more than fight is not a foe many warriors are afraid of. However, Arundel sees no need to “fight fare” against larger and stronger opponents. If he does engage in combat, you can bet that his dagger will be coated in one of the many poisons he has learned to glean from nature of the years.
Arundel is used to being the outcast, and has a hard time believing that anyone can see him as useful. This often leads to distrust and hard feelings that are exclusively one sided, as he is very competent at what he does.

The last of these mercenary adventures had led the group of Halflings he was with to near Sharn. The rest of the nomadic tribe wanted nothing to do ith the large city. Arundel, having grown up in such a place, decided to investigate. He had just gotten paid for his last job, and thought that there might well be somethings in the city he could spend his hard earned gold on. After a week living in the city, he remembered why he lived on the desolate plains, the people everywhere nearly drove him nuts, so he jumped at the chance to hire on as a scout for a man named Tophran Damilek. He didn’t care what the job was, so long as it got him out of the city.
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Grilok Hookfang Half Orc Druid


[B]Name:[/B] Grilok Hookfang
[B]Class:[/B] Druid
[B]Race:[/B] Half Orc
[B]Size:[/B] M
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Lawful Neutral
[B]Deity:[/B] Balinor
[B]Action Dice:[/B] 8 (d6)

[B]Str:[/B] 15 +2 (05p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 7        [B]XP:[/B] 24,500
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +5         [B]HP:[/B] 58 (8+36+14)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +9     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] N/A
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (04p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] N/A
[B]Wis:[/B] 18 +4 (13p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +0        [B]Spell Save:[/B] N/A
[B]Cha:[/B] 06 -2 (00p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] 0          [B]Spell Fail:[/B] N/A

level: +1 Wis 4th; racial: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Chr

                           [B]Base  Armour Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armour:[/B] Stud Leather        10    +5    +0      +2   +0    +1    +1    19
[B]Touch:[/B] 13             [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 17

                  [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                5    +2    +0     +7
[B]Ref:[/B]                 2    +2    +0     +7
[B]Will:[/B]                5    +4    +0     +9

+4 versus fey spell-like abilities
+2 versus aberrations supernatural and spell-like abilities

[B]Weapon                   Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Scimitar                 +8     1d6+2        18-20x2
-	+9 vs aberrations; +2d6 damage
Spear, long              +8     1d8+2         x3 (20’)
-	returning
Dagger                   +7     1d4+2        19-20x2 (10’)

[B]Languages:[/B] Orc, Common, Druidic


* 60' Darkvision
* Orc blood

* Weapon and Armour Proficiency: club; dagger; dart; quarter-staff; scimitar; sickle; short spear; sling; spear; and, natural attacks when wild shaping. Can use light and medium non-metal armour and non-metal shields.
* Spells: Divine; (see below)
* Chaotic, Evil, Good and Lawful spells: Can't cast spells with the chaotic; evil; or, good descriptors
* Spontaneous Casting, swap any spell for a summon nature's ally spell of an equal level.
* Animal Companion: 
* Nature Sense: +2 Knowledge (Nature) and Survival
* Wild Empathy: Improve the attitude of an animal as Diplomacy (including magical animals with less than 2 Int at -4) d20 + level - Chr -4 (aberrant feats)
* Woodland Stride: Move through natural undergrowth with no ill effects or decrease in speed
* Trackless Step: Leave no tracks in natural surroundings (unless he wants to); can't be tracked
* Resist nature's Lure: +4 bonus to saves versus fey spell-like abilities
* Wild Shape (3/day): Assume the shape of a small or medium animal as polymorph spell (favoured shapes: Black Bear; Boar; Cheetah; Crocodile; Constrictor Snake; Wolf; Wolverine; Desmodu Bat - hunting (mm2))

Aberration Blood (LoM): Flexible Limbs (+2 Grapple)
Gatekeeper Initiate (ECS): +2 saves versus aberrations; Knowledge (Planes) class skill (can be used instead of Knowledge (Dungeoneering to identify aberrations); additional spells to spell list
*1st: protection from evil
*2nd: zone of natural purity (ECS)
*3rd: dimensional anchor
*4th: nature's wrath (ECS)
*5th: banishment
*6th: dimensional lock
*7th: return to nature (ECS)
*8th: mind blank
*9th: imprisonment
Aberration Wild Shape (LoM): Can assume the form of aberrations with the same restrictions as wild shape ability (favoured shapes: Ettercarp (MM); Gauth (MM); Grell (MM2); Runehound (MM3))

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 40     [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 10/5
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Concentration (Con)          5    +2          +7
Diplomacy (Cha)              0    -2     -2   -4
Disguise (Cha)               0    -2     -2   -4
Handle Animal (Cha)          3    -2     -2   -1
Heal (Wis)                   3    +4          +7
Gather Information (Cha)     0    -2     -2   -4
Knowledge (Nature) (Int)     7     0     +2   +9
Knowledge (Planes) (Int)     7     0          +7
Profession (labourer) (Wis)  1    +4          +5
Listen (Wis)                 1    +4          +5
Ride (Dex)                   2    +2          +4
Spellcraft (Int)             3     0          +3
Spot (Wis)                   3    +4          +7
Survival (Wis)               3    +4     +2   +9
Swim (Str)                   2    +2          +4

-2 Diplomacy; Disguise; Gather Information; Handle Animal and Wild Empathy checks from Aberrant Feats
+2 Knowledge (nature) and Survival from Nature Sense

[B]Equipment:                              Cost    Weight[/B]
Scimitar                             3815gp     04lb
-	Aberration Bane (+1)(DMG)
-	Byeshk (ECS) 
o	+1 hit masterwork
o	+2 vs aberrations +2d6 damage
-	Returning (+1) (DMG)         3805gp     09lb
-	Byeshk (ECS)
o	+1 hit masterwork
o	returns to throwing spot at
             start of next round
+2 Studded Leather Armour            4175gp     15lb
Dagger                                  2gp     01lb
Ring Protection +1                   2000gp     (-)
Ring Sustenance                      2500gp     (-)
- don’t need to eat or drink, only needs 2 hours rest
Amulet of Natural Armour +1          2000gp     (-)
Potion Cure Light Wounds               50gp     (-)
Potion Jump                            50gp     (-)
Potion Shield of Faith +2              50gp     (-)
Potion Eagles Splendour               300gp     (-)
Backpack                                2gp     2lb
Bedroll                                 1sp     5lb
Winter Blanket                          5sp     3lb
Scroll Case                             1gp     1/2lb
5 Fishhooks                             5sp     (-)
Fishing Line                            1sp     (-)
2 Pints Oil                             2sp     2lb
Signal Whistle                          8sp     (-)
Flint and Steel                         1gp     (-)
Whetstone                               2cp     1lb
2 Flasks Acid                          20gp     2lb
2 Flasks Alchemist Fire                40gp     2lb
2 Vials Antitoxin                     100gp     (-)
Holly and Mistletoe                             (-)
Spell Component Pouch                   5gp     2lb (A&EG)
Healer’s Kit                           50gp     1lb (in leather satchel) (A&EG) - 10 uses (+2 heal checks)
Collapsible Grappling Hook              3gp     2lb (A&EG)
Potion Belt                             1gp     1lb (FRCS)

 [B]Total Weight:[/B] 52.5lb      [B]Money:[/B] 27 gp 9 sp 8 cp

                       [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy   Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]            66    133     200   400  1000 

[B]Spells Known:[/B] 6x0; 5x1; 4x2; 3x3; 2x4

[B]Spells Prepared:[/B]

[U]Orisons DC: 14[/U]
Detect Magic
Resistance x2
Read Magic

[U]1st DC:15[/U]
Detect Aberration (ECS)
Magic Fang
Produce Flame

[U]2nd DC: 16[/U]
Bull’s Strength
Owl’s Wisdom
Briar Web (CDiv)

[U]3rd DC:17[/U]
Cure Moderate Wounds x2
Infestation of Maggots (CDiv)

[U]4th DC:18[/U]
Flame Strike
Rusting Grasp

[B]Age:[/B] 25
[B]Height:[/B] 6'4"
[B]Weight:[/B] 225lb
[B]Eye:[/B] Red
[B]Hair:[/B] Black coarse and long
[B]Skin:[/B] swarthy olive complexion

Boar (medium animal)
HD: 48 (5d8+18)
Init: +0
Spd: 40' (8 squares)
AC: 18 (+8 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 18
BAB/Grapple: +2/+5
Attack: Gore +5 melee (1d8+4)
Full Attack: Gore +5 melee (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 5'/5'
Special Attacks: ferocity (fight without penalty when disabled or dying)
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Scent, Link, Share Spell, Evasion
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4
Skills: Listen +7, Spot +5
Feats: Alertness, Toughness
Tricks: Track; Stay

Sithek is a large female boar which sometimes has a rather nasty disposition. She has been known to 'affectionatly' smack at Grilok with her tusks when hungry, riled, or just plain upset. She and Grolik are close friends though. She wears a leather belt strapped around her waist, a saddle bag dangles on either side tied loosely to the belt. Her tusks are long and sharp, her fur is white with russet patches and she has deep blue intelligent eyes.

Appearance: Grilok is tall for a half orc, even accounting for his slightly stooped stature. This is because his arms and legs are longer and more flexible than the average half orc. He only has his right eye, his left is just a scarred pit. Large curved tusks jut out from his strong jaw and smaller teeth rise unevenly from his black gums. The teeth and tusks have all been pain-stakingly engraved with eldritch patterns and runes. His wide nostrils are flared and pierced with crystal spindles of various hues. His wide, pointed ears have been pierced with wooden plugs. His face is painted with dark shades of ink giving it a leering almost alien cast.

The horrid boar skull that sits lightly a top his head, protecting his skull and neck from serious attack, accentuates his height. A long cape made of the skin of some bizarre creature (probably from the same creature who's skull protects his head), both furred and scaled, is settled upon his broad shoulders.

He wears armour made of leather and stained a deep green. The leather has been carved with magical symbols and eldritch runes and is covered in tiny studs. Patched leather breeches cover his legs and high heavy leather boots protect his feet. A potion belt makes sure that his breeches remain up and his potions close at hand.

A wickedly curved purple hued scimitar hangs from his belt and he grips a long spear with a very sharp, painful looking point. He wears magical rings on the thumb of each hand and an amulet of scale and feathers hangs around his throat, dangling next to the crystal capped necklace that he uses as a focus for his magic.

Background: [sblock]Grilok Hookfang strode purposely through the sloppy, smelly streets of the Mud Caves. His long legs and steady stride bearing him resolutely towards his goal, the dirty hole in the wall that he and Sithek called home. A palpable sense of anger hung heavy in the air around him causing the human scum of the dirty seaside district to scamper quickly out of his way.

His heavy boots sloshed through what passed for muddy streets in the dung heap that sprawled haphazardly at the foot of the City of Towers. The heavy tread of the sturdy leather boots, like the hem of his mottled fur and scale cloak, were caked with the smelly, black, oily mud of the lower ward. The mud seemed to collect all the vileness of the upper city and deposit it in stinking puddles in the slums far below, before sucking at the spirit (and the feet Grilok thought miserably) of the souls that had the misfortune to live in the stinking rat infested midden heap.

The harsh, dirty environment that he had chosen as his ‘lair’ since being exiled by the Ghaash’kala reminded him of his homeland somewhat but it didn’t improve his mood at all. At least the heavy skull of the horrid boar that was nestled snugly upon his head kept most of the rain from his remaining good eye, and had the added bonus of keeping his face paint from running.

A street urchin, bolder or hungrier than the others, darted forward and slid to a halt in front of the towering brute causing him to stutter to a halt mid-stride. The child’s eyes looked up pleadingly, his lips quavered and he stammered as he blinked fat oily raindrops from his eyes.

“P-p-p-lease s-s-s-s-sir, spare a c-c-c-coin for some food?”

“Be gone man-cub”, grumbled Grilok in his deep throated brogue. “It grows dark and these streets too often claim the life of the young and weak…”

Suddenly the child grabbed at the bone and volcanic glass talisman that hung heavily from a colourfully beaded leather throng braided and looped around Grilok’s neck. With reflexes honed through long hours working the Labyrinth of the Demon Wastes, Grilok’s hairy, black nailed hand flew to the ivory hilt of the heavily battle nicked scimitar that hung familiarly at his side. The curved blade slashed through the air like a serpent of steel striking the child’s head a meaty blow. The child slumped heavily and immediately to the ground.

“…and foolish!” Grilok finished.

Grilok’s single eye stared unblinking at the small bundle that lay at his feet. He checked his scimitar for blood, and seeing none, quickly sheathed it in its snakeskin home. Mud splattered over the dirty, threadbare cloak that covered the small boy as Grilok’s heavily booted feet stepped over the young would be thief. He stopped, an exhausted sigh escaping his lips and turned his head back to regard the unmoving heap.

“Hunger drives the weak to acts of desperation when a toothless cub would risk the wroth of the caged boar.” He grumbled. ” Hunger is not a weakness, and the cub did show courage, if foolishly, indeed he may yet have some role to play in the events that unfold. And possibly may even be of some use to me.”

Grilok quickly scanned the lawless slums that surrounded him. Sensing no other immediate threats he smoothly knelt down beside the body. His hands closed around the heavy amulet that had so recently been the target of theft. He pulled the leather throng over his head, muttering angrily to himself as it momentarily snagged on one of the broken teeth of his snarling boar headpiece, and waved it in intricate patterns over the child’s inert form. His breathing quickened and he softly chanted guttural, ancient words of power. A soft blue light lit the child’s face bringing into stark relief the tightly stretched skin that covered the lump that had risen where the flat of Grilok’s blade had connected.

The child’s eyes slowly opened and for the first time he stared fully into Grilok’s face. Seeing the single blood-shot, cat-slit eye and the ragged empty socket that once housed its twin up close had an immediate affect on the whelp. He let out a startled scream and tried to scrabble crab-like backwards through the black muddy slime, only succeeding in splashing smelly muck all over the front of Grilok’s leather breast plate, bringing an even deeper scowl to Grilok’s ink-stained face.

“Be quiet and still man cub or I’ll deliver another blow to that bone head of yours and maybe silence you for good!”

Grilok quickly stood up and brushed the sticky mess from his chest.

“On this day you have been very lucky young buck.” Grilok growled, his deep bass voice having an immediate calming affect on the child. Flicking the putrid black mess from his fingers he reached down to help the child up from the muddy street. His mouth broke into what he hoped was a reassuring smile but, in truth, the heavily carved teeth, hooked tusks and black gums had the opposite affect and only increased the waif’s anxiety.

Rolling his eye and clamping his mouth shut Grilok dug into the small cloth sack that dangled loosely from the braided hemp rope that he used as a belt. His thick stubby fingers closed around a cold, greasy garlic and mutton sausage that he had saved from his lunch. He pulled it from the sack and offered it to the thin wastrel that stood forlornly before him. The food reminded him that Sithek would be worried, hungry and impatient (and not necessarily in that order) and that a worried, hungry and impatient Sithek wasn’t likely to be a good thing for he or his neighbours.

“Come boy take the food and get to your shelter, I have not the time to waste standing here trying to convince you I mean no harm.”

The boy snatched the sausage and ran, his little legs pumping in the thick slurping mud. Grilok watched the boy bolt around the corner and then he turned his steps back towards his home.


It had been another frustrating day of dead ends and red herrings and Grilok was no closer to clearing his name. It angered and frustrated him to be stuck in Sharn but this is where his exile had led him. The people of these soft southern cities believed that the war had ended but the Ghaash’kala knew that it went on, and would likely never end. Everyday the Ghaash’kala fought against the tide of darkness that threatened the whole of Khorvaire. Everyday the Clan that protected the borders of the Demon Wastes held at bay horrors that these soft southerners could only dream of. And everyday that Grilok was exiled was another day where he let his brothers die defending the weak and believing that he was a murderous coward.

Two hard years it had been since his humiliation, a humiliation that had cost him his life and left him feeling hollow and dirty. It had almost broken him. He had been spiralling out of control, giving into his anger and drinking heavily. Beaten, broken and bruised he had limped from the Labyrinth and straight into a self-induced hell. If not for the selfless sacrifice of Sithek then he would still be wallowing in self-pity. In fact, truth-be-told, he probably would have given his beliefs away and become one of life’s wasted chances.

But Sithek had saved him. She had bought him back from the brink of insanity, and had woken him to his purpose, had given his anger a focus. He now had drive, although the endless frustrations in his investigation were starting to wear awfully thin. It might be that he needed to look at enlisting aid, a concept that was fairly alien to him since his separation from the Clan. He didn’t think of Sithek as aid. Sithek was family, an extension of himself.

Admittedly, he didn’t know much about who may have framed him for the murder of the visiting Silver Flame priests. They had said that they were hunting a thief who had stolen an artefact of great importance to their church. He had been asked to escort them to Ghaash Dar so that they could plead their case before the Ghaash’kala elders.

On the second evening of their journey though tragedy struck. The guards that accompanied the expedition had been out scouting the area immediately around the site the group had chosen to rest in. Grilok began setting up the camp while the priests dismounted, dusted off their prayer mats and knelt to begin their evening prayers. That was when all hell broke loose, or so Grilok had been told. He could recall nothing of how the priests had died or why he had been spared. Grilok had been discovered standing covered in blood in the middle of the circle of dead priests. All he could recall was the smell of cinnamon and the name ‘Belkorr’ screamed into the night.

The Silver Flame hierarchy demanded restitution and the Ghaash’kala delivered it in the form of a branding, the loss of an eye and exile. Grilok was branded on each palm with the broken circle that identified him as a coward. His left eye was ruined with a sharpened stick, eventually, after infection had set in, Grilok removed the pulped mess that remained. And, what hurt worst of all, he was exiled from his home and divorced from his purpose.


Since being in Sharn Grilok has been able to follow several leads regarding the mysterious Belkor, they'd all ended in dead ends. He just wasn't cut out for investigative work. His means were those of the wild, he was more straightforward, more direct. And this Belkor was elusive, and powerful, everywhere Grilok turned there was another red herring. Sure as it would rain tomorrow, Belkor knew Grilok was in Sharn. He knew and he revelled in that knowledge. He toyed with Grilok and there was nothing the half orc could do about it.

It'd been three years now since Grilok's shame, three long hard, lonely years. If not for Sithek he would have gone insane, and he wasn't sure if he might not have 'lost-it-a-little'. It became obvious to Grilok early in his time in Sharn that he didn't fit. Well it wasn't so much he didn't, but his beliefs didn't. He didn't feel right in the city, he didn't feel as attuned to his power, but he did what he could and regularly sought out the gardens and parks of Sharn’s higher levels. It was hard being in Sharn and he had to adapt or die.

Grilok managed to find a job as a labourer for the Cannith family in Ashblack . He carried raw ore for the family, ore to fragile to be trusted to the constructs that normally carried out the heavy-duty work. During the day he would work the Cannith foundries, growing in strength, using his determination to regain his stolen heritage, to drive him on, to help him through the hard days. At night he would pursue whatever leads he could find.

It was almost two years before Grilok had saved enough money to move out of the Mud Caves. Two years of lugging ore and fighting with the riff raff that occupied the shantytowns that sprawled at the base of the City of Towers. But eventually he was able to save enough money to relocate from the Mud Caves to Deathsgate. A place of opportunity, a place where he would find it easier to get aid in his quest; and a place where he could use his new found strength and fighting ability to keep him and Sithek dry and fed.

Grilok has recently been hiring on for odd jobs for various mages in Everbright. He figures that the best way to get information on a magic user is to work for one. He has started to build quite a reputation as a collector of spell components. He is enjoying this work much more than the work for the Cannith's. This work gives him the opportunity to get out of the city on occasion, and allows Sithek to run loose for a time. Grilok has become so successful at acquiring difficult to come by components that he is starting to receive referrals and is in constant demand by the arcanes of Everbright.


Grilok was part of a different branch of the Gatekeepers. The Keepers left the Eldeen Reaches and the Shadow Marches long ago and had to quickly learn to adapt to the new frontier that was the Demon Wastes. They consider the original Gatekeeper sects to be a little soft, if they were true to their beliefs they’d be in the front lines defeating the evils that dwell in the Demon Wastes.

Grilok was taken in and trained at an early age by the Abolishers, a secret group of aberration hunters that operated from within the Demon Waste Gatekeepers. These druids teach that to know ones enemy one must become the enemy, and the Abolishers of the Demon Wastes do just that. In bizarre, arcane rituals not understood by those who aren’t in the highest echelons of the cult, new entrants to the sect are initiated into this ancient cult. These initiations instil some aspect of an aberrant in to the very being of the initiate. Grilok did not finish his training and has not reached his full potential as an Abolisher.

The Abolishers of the Demon Wastes are mysterious and secretive and have many subtle plans in motion. For all Grilok knows (and this is a thought he holds on to with both hands) his whole exile might be part of some greater plan of the Abolishers. [/sblock]
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First Post
Aalin Ranohrel
Human Female Artificer 5 / Bard 2*
Alignment: NG
Religion: The Sovereign Host (Onatar, NG God of Artifice and the Forge)
Age: 25
Size: Medium; 5’3”, 115lb.
Languages: Common, Goblinoid, Dwarven, Giant
Experience Points: 23,698

(*Aalin took Bard at levels 3 and 6)

STR 10 (+0) [2 points]
DEX 14 (+2) [6 points]
CON 12 (+1) [4 points]
INT 18 (+4) [10 points, headband of intellect +2]
WIS 10 (+0) [2 points]
CHA 18 (+4) [8 points, 1 ability score increase, cloak of charisma +2]

Hit Points: 37
Initiative: +2 (DEX)
Speed: 30 ft.
Armour Class: 17 = 10 + 2 (DEX) + 3 (+1 leather armour) +1 ring of protection +1 amulet of natural armour
Saves: Fort +1 (+1 base, +0 ability); Ref +6 (+4 base, +2 ability); Will +7 (+7 base, +0 ability)
Action Points: 8
Craft Reserve: 100

Artificer Class Features: Artificer Knowledge; Artisan Bonus; Disable Trap; Item Creation, Retain Essence
Bard Class Features: Bardic music (6/day), bardic knowledge (+8), countersong, inspire courage +1

Artificer Infusions: 1st level (4/day) – armour enhancement lesser, energy modification, enhancement alteration, identify, inflict light damage, light, magic stone, magic vestment, magic weapon, repair light damage, resistance item, shield of faith, skill enhancement, spell storing item, weapon augmentation personal; 2nd level (4/day) – align weapon, armour enhancement, bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, chill metal, eagle’s splendour, fox’s cunning, heat metal, inflict moderate damage, owl’s wisdom, repair moderate damage, toughen construct, weapon augmentation lesser ; 3rd level (2/day) – armour enhancement greater, construct energy ward, inflict serious damage, magic weapon greater, metamagic item, power surge, repair serious damage, stone construct, suppress requirement.

Bard Spells: 0 level (4/day) – detect magic, light, mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st level (1/day)– comprehend languages, expeditious retreat.


1st level – Skill Focus (Use Magic Device)
1st level bonus feat (human) – Magical Aptitude
1st level bonus feat (artificer) – Scribe Scroll
2nd level bonus feat (artificer) – Brew Potion
3rd level – Weapon Finesse
3rd level bonus feat (artificer) – Craft Wondrous Item
4th level bonus feat (artificer) – Craft Homunculus
5th level bonus feat (artificer) – Extraordinary Artisan
6th level – Extra Music

Skills: (94 points)

Appraise: +14 (ranks +10 / INT +4) +2 synergy from Craft [pottery/blacksmithing/sculpture] for similar items
Concentration: +11 (ranks +10 / CON +1)
Craft (blacksmithing): +9 (ranks +5 / INT +4)
Craft (pottery): +9 (ranks +5 / INT +4)
Craft (sculpture): +9 (ranks +5 / INT +4)
Disable Device: +12 (ranks +8 / INT +4)
Gather Information: +6 (ranks -- , CHA +4, +2 synergy bonus from Knowledge [local])
Knowledge (arcana): +9 (ranks +5 / INT +4)
Knowledge (architecture and engineering): +9 (ranks +5 / INT +4)
Knowledge (history): +9 (ranks +5 / INT +4)
Knowledge (local): +9 (ranks +5 / INT +4)
Perform (storytelling): +9 (ranks +5 / CHA +4)
Perform (flute): +11 (ranks +5 / CHA +4/ +2 circumstance bonus from MW flute)
Search: +11 (ranks +7 / INT +4) +2 synergy bonus from Knowledge [arch. & eng.] involving secret doors and similar
Spellcraft: +15 (ranks +7 / INT +4 / +2 synergy bonus from Knowledge [arcana] / + 2 Magical Aptitude feat)
Use Magic Device: +16 (ranks +7 / CHA +4 / +2 Magical Aptitude feat/ + 3 Skill Focus feat) +2 to activate scrolls (Artisan Bonus); additional +2 synergy bonus from Spellcraft for using scrolls

BAB: +4
Melee: +4 (+4 BAB, +0 STR)
Ranged: +6 (+4 BAB, +2 DEX)
+1 light crossbow: +7 [1d8+1 piercing, 19-20/x2, 80’]
MW dagger: +7 [1d4 slashing/piercing, 19-20/x2, 10’] – Weapon Finesse
+1 light mace: +7 [1d6+1 bludgeoning, x2] – Weapon Finesse

Gear (total value: 18219 gp, 2sp / total weight carried: 40lb.):
Travelling clothes (free)
+1 Leather armour (535gp, 47XP, 15lb.)
Headband of intellect +2 (1,500gp, 160XP, -- )
Cloak of charisma +2 (1,500gp, 160XP, -- )
Ring of protection +1 (2,000gp, -- )
Amulet of natural armour +1 (1,500gp, 80XP, -- )
Wand of magic missile CL5 (3750gp, -- )
Belt pouch (1gp, 5.0lb.)…contains potions…
· Potions (3) of cure moderate wounds CL5 (2d8+5) (563gp, 30XP, -- )
· Potions (2) of barkskin +2 CL5 (375gp, 20XP, -- )
· Potion of invisibility CL5 (188gp, 10XP, -- )
· Potion of neutralize poison CL5 (375gp, 20XP, -- )
Belt pouch (1gp, 5.0lb.)…contains material components...
· energy alteration infusion x1 (50 gp)
· identify infusion x1 (100gp)
· armour enhancement, lesser infusion x3 (30gp)
· armour enhancement infusion x3 (150gp)
· armour enhancement, greater infusion x3 (300gp)
· weapon augmentation, lesser infusion x3 (60gp)
· along with other material components that are not as expensive
+1 light crossbow (1,065gp, 93XP, 4lb.)
40 crossbow bolts (4gp, 4lb.)
MW dagger (2gp, 2lb.)
+1 light mace (1,055gp, 93XP, 4lb.)
Heward’s Handy Haversack (2,000gp, 5lb.)
· Waterskin (1gp, -- )
· Rations [10 days worth] (5gp, -- )
· 10 sheets of parchment (1gp, -- )
· 3 vials of ink (24gp, -- )
· Inkpen (1sp, -- )
· Bedroll (1sp, -- )
· Cold weather outfit (8gp, -- )
· Everburning torch (110gp, -- )
· 100’ of silk rope (20gp, -- )
· MW Flute (100gp, -- )
· Scrolls (3) of dispel magic CL5 (423gp, 45XP, -- )
· Scroll of heroism CL5 (141gp, 15XP, -- )
· Scrolls (2) of slow CL5 (282gp, 30XP, -- )
· Money pouch (1gp, -- )

Money carried: 780gp, 8sp

Background: Having recently parted ways with her previous adventuring companions after a particularly rough adventure on the high seas (pirates! giant squid!), Aalin is getting bored. She has spent much of the last few months in a small studio in Sharn, crafting new weapons and such. Today, she is sitting in a park, working out a new tune on her flute when she overhears a conversation about Tophran Damilek, dragonshard dealer. Seems he is looking for adventurers...Aalin can take the boredom no more and resolves to visit Damilek's office in Everbright and offer her services.

Personality: Aalin is intelligent, optimistic, curious, more than occasionally arrogant and generally charming. She is in the adventuring business primarily to learn more about the world around her, but also for fame. She would not be displeased if other bards eventually wrote songs about her. She aspires to be truly heroic.

Appearance: Aalin is petite, with straight, shoulder-length black hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin tends toward paleness, especially when she has been locked away for days creating some new magic item. Her face his heart-shaped and she looks younger than her 25 years.

Voidrunner's Codex

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