As I said in the other thread, the question is now whether we're just going to see DMs Guild and PDF support, or whether, once the psionic and artificer rules are set, we'll be seeing something more substantial in the way of an actual published book. I have a feeling that once the necessary rules are in place (with a likely rules expansion book early next year for new classes and races), we'll...

As I said in the other thread, the question is now whether we're just going to see DMs Guild and PDF support, or whether, once the psionic and artificer rules are set, we'll be seeing something more substantial in the way of an actual published book. I have a feeling that once the necessary rules are in place (with a likely rules expansion book early next year for new classes and races), we'll be seeing a full book, and this is just to whet the appetite and get things started...

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Dusty Dragon
I hope the other setting book in this years release, in addition to Ravenica, is not Eberron - they appear pretty similar in their techno backgrounds. Still it's better than more FR for variety, but I would certainly prefer a classic DnD setting. What I've read today on Ravenica has a lot of similarities to Eberron, stylistically too. Maybe that's why we're getting two settings, as they can double up on rules/classes/etc
I am no expert on either settings, but as far as I know they aren't very similar.


Never played anything set in Eberron before...Well besides DDO since it originally was I believe. If it's up as PDFs on the dmsguild site I'll check it out.



I think they will have Keith Baker publishing something like last Ed Greenwood product http://www.dmsguild.com/m/product/244431
I think it will be out today or tomorrow and we will be soon able to use it to submit stuff on the Guild. And I believe also it will contain at least the official artificer rules.

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