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Eberron: Rise of the Empire(OOC: Now recruiting second team)

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Cool! I'll have her write up done in a few days. but here's the basics.

Name: Magira

Class: Sorcerer
Race: Spiderling
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: young
Gender: female
Height: 2’8”
Weight: 28
Eyes: Green
Hair: Grey
Skin: ?

Ability Scores: Str: 10/Dex: 18/Con: 16/Int: 14/Wis: 12/Cha: 19
HP: 28
AC: 17 (+4 Dex, +1 Size, +2 Natural)
Init: +4 (+4 dex)
BAB: +2
Saves: Fort: +4/Ref: +5/Will: +5


Racial Abilities:
+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom: Spiderlings
are agile and alert.
- Small: Spiderlings gain a +1 size bonus on attack rolls and Armor
Class, and they receive a +4 size bonus on Hide checks. They must
use smaller weapons then normal drow use and their lifting and
carrying capacities are three-quarters those of Medium-size
creatures. In addition, they suffer a -4 size penalty on grapple,
bull rush, and trip checks and attempts to resist such attacks.
- Spiderling base speed is 30 feet, with a climb speed of 20 feet. As
natural climbers, spiderlings have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks
and can always take 10, even if distracted or threatened when
- +1 racial attack bonus against flat-footed opponents. Spiderlings
are masters of ambush tactics.
- Multiple Legs: Spiderlings gain a +4 stability bonus to defend
against bull rush and trip attacks.
-• Monstrous Humanoid: Spiderlings are immune to spells that
particularly target humanoids (such as charm person and hold person).
- Spiderlings do not sleep or dream. Instead they meditate in a deep
trance for 4 hours a day. A spiderling resting in this fashion gains
same benefits a human does by sleeping for 8 hours.
-+2 natural armor bonus
- Darkvision (Ex): Spiderlings can see in nonmagical darkness up to a
range of 60 feet.
- +2 racial bonus on Listen, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, and Spot
- Halfling Blood (Ex): Spiderlings are considered to be halflings for the purposes of racially specific abilities and effects.
- Automatic Languages: Undercommon. Bonus Languages: Abyssal,
Common, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, and Orc.
- Favored Class: Rogue

Class Abilities:
Cast Spells

Spells Per Day:
Zero 6, First 7, Second 4

Spells Known:
Zero (6): Detect poison, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost, Prestidigitation, Light, & Acid Splash
First (3): Mage armor, Magic Missile, & Shield
Second (1): Scorching Ray.

Bonus exotic: Bolos

Skills: (Ability + Ranks + Misc.)
Hide +10 (+ 4 Dex, +4 Size, +2 Racial)
Move Silently +8 (+4 Dex, +2 Racial)
Listen +3 (+ 1Wis, +2 Racial)
Search +3 (+1 Wis)
Spot +4 (+ 2 Int, +2 Racial)
Knowledge Arcana +9 (+2 Int, +7 ranks)
Spellcraft +9 (+2 Int, +7 ranks)
Concentration +10 (+ 3 Con, +7 ranks)
Craft Alchemy +9 (+2 Int, +7 ranks)

Common, Undercommon, Goblin, Orc.

Gear: (Total weight: w)

Physical Description:


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First Post
Hey Argent, put the princess in the rogues's gallery---I'll post a note as to how the three new pcs got to the airship thats coming to the rescue----I'll also get the game post up tonight/in the mornin to get us all going

In this occ thread i'll post a 'postin schedual' so yall know when i'll be posting & we can get movin----also, i'll be posting some ideas on how to get battles moving quickly---i do enjoy the fights but they do seem to take so long---also---anyone feel free to post their ideas of how to get things going


First Post
this is for the new folks (spasemunki already received this email---i'll do info on branding ceremony later) forgive the bad abbreviation & 'southern drawl' :D

At present (in the game) you are on the big manta ray like ship that is currently going down to pick up the 'group' of folks out of their clear & present danger situation----

Heres the info of how u came to be on the ship---
Some two days ago, with a group of other goblinoids & critters & led by a hobgoblin warrior maiden named Taan Rher, yall raided a caravaan that was sent by the self styled king Hruggek Har Mec to some allies in Droam(sp). (Other than his name, nothing else is known of him except that he has gathered a large number of followers).

Many were lost but yall did prevail. Yall recovered 4 large wagons (pulled by giant beetles). A quick perusal of the find included documents, weapons, armor, an assortment of vermin eggs & larva, some foodstuff, & miscellaneous gear (a list to come later in game).

The spoils were driven to a designated area & an airship of unique design (& origins---more to come later (m.t.c.l.)) Yall left----& headed to another 'pick up' area (the current game)---

This in game morning yall have been playing cat & mouse w/a house bound elemental skyship----they have fired several arcane bolts at the ship, but the faen captain (& racially mixed crew) has kept yall save (Note:Quickling Faen look like nightcrawler from the X-men evolution cartoon)


First Post
saethone said:
hey - you still need another for the 2nd group?

i would probably be a shifter dunno what class though

go ahead----post asap--i'll allow the alternate saurian shifter in the dragon magazine
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First Post
Any space left? Can't promise to have a character before the weekend, though. On the other hand, I'm willing to play whatever is needed by the group.


First Post
DrZombie said:
Any space left? Can't promise to have a character before the weekend, though. On the other hand, I'm willing to play whatever is needed by the group.

Sure, go ahead & make a pc---I'm finally getting to where i can get this game going---its been damn frustating not to be able to do so :mad:

Voidrunner's Codex

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