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Eberron Setting?

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Oriza Spellstealer said:

See Ty, You've more supporters now! :p

Muwahaha, now pinky, my plan to take over the world can finally...

...oh, wait... I was trying to get an Eberron setting, thats right.


So, hopefully if the idea gets approved we can propose different locations and maybe get a community vote or something?

Nathan Sane

First Post
Tyrian_Spellstealer said:
Well, thats the purpose of the thread, to get some better ideas other then what I can pull out, I went with the lightning rail idea because it seemed to get a lot of attention on this thread. It has a bar, chairs, tables and lounges. Everything the tavern has except for a hearth.
And the fact it is fairly easily to explain what you are doing in Tavern. Why would people just randomly travel from point A to B and back again?
Tyrian_Spellstealer said:
If people would prefer a different location, then they should post their ideas here. The setting write ups I've done are a mere draft, a demonstration of what the setting could/can be like. My hope with this write up is that as an idea, should the setting be approved, a board or thread could later be set up that would allow community members to vote and input what they'd like to see in an Eberron setting, be it pulp action ontop of a lightning rail or market place on the skybridges of Sharn. That said, I personally believe this site doesn't need another 'bar' room, or another 'market place' room.
I don't know Eberron well enough to suggest to be honest, I am just trying to make it where the room will be as possible to play in as well possible.

Tyrian_Spellstealer said:
Unfortunately, this is in itself a contradiction to what the setting is aiming to be - low power. Plane shift a rather high level spell. The idea of the setting is that it isn't full of people who come from all over the planes to meet (though that is possible). If you want that in a setting, then the characters should focus in Sigil. Is that a better draw? Well, Sigil still doesn't get used as much as the CRT. We already have a setting that has people from other planes visiting it. This setting is aiming to be one where most people don't regularly plane shift around (hence the idea of the setting being located in a mode of transport, whats the point of catching a lightning rail if your character is powerful enough to teleport to where he needs to be?).
In Oerth Mordi is probably the most powerful NPC and he isn't that amazingly powerful (alone anyway). Just because the characters in the Tavern are powerful, doesn't make the setting so.
Tyrian_Spellstealer said:
Does this mean characters from other settings or planes can't go there? Of course not, few of my characters are native to Eberron, but they spent most of their time there. I'm sure if this setting were to go through, it would have drow of the underdark, or red wizards, or other rather foreign characters present, as much as the CRT does. I would say with ISRP such things are to be expected. Does the setting stop these kinds of characters from being present? Heck no. Does it stop these kind of characters being present but who can also blow holes in the mutliverse and boast about how many times they've killed Elminster? Yes.
No actually it doesn't, unless you want hte Magi to spend their entire life reading the logs for the setting and anyone who is too powerful being reprmanded, if you make the setting too restrictive the setting won't be followed, when its not followed it loses it flavor.
Tyrian_Spellstealer said:
Another point is that the Eberron cosmology does not follow suit with a standard dnd cosmology. It has no inner planes, nor outer planes. There is no celestia, or abyss, or even a blood war that any of the inhabitants (be they primes or outsiders) would of heard of (at least, that is my understanding of Eberrons planes). Travel from another prime material plane like Faerun or Oerth to Eberron is extremely difficult (however, not at all impossible). If we created a setting that simply had characters congregating from all over the planes with an Eberron element, then all we've really done is copied sigil and changed the modron into a warforged. The idea is that we're trying to offer something DIFFERENT, not something that this chat site already has.
The majority of characters I play are not actually DnD, most don't have sheets, so cosomolgy is meaningless. You won't have people who follow the cosomolgy exclusively. After all Faerun is no longer standard DnD Cosmo.


First Post
And the fact it is fairly easily to explain what you are doing in Tavern. Why would people just randomly travel from point A to B and back again?

This can be explained in several ways acutally.
A.) They work in one place and need to go home in another. That's a fairly common standard in some places and time periods.
B.) Maybe the character is on the run, constantly traveling to get away from someone or something in there past/present.
C.) Maybe they like the train or its War Forged Dwarf. Some people like the moteif of places and go there just because they can.
D.) Maybe they work on the train, are stowaways, or are homeless.

Heck, if you really want to get down to the fine grit sand, why does any character travel anywhere? Why not settle down somewhere and have familys, a bagillion kids and have happy jobs where they can support the family in happiness with white picket fences?

I don't know Eberron well enough to suggest to be honest, I am just trying to make it where the room will be as possible to play in as well possible.

Do you really need to know a setting well to pick out something fun to have there? Its a high fantasy setting so...

A Lighting-Rail Train
Mercenary's Guild
An Atrium Cafe...

The list of idea's one could come up with are endless as long as you think for a bit on it. Just try to think that Tyrian here is going for something new and different that the chat doesnt already have.
And again, the idea here is to try something new and different. To open the tastebuds and allow people to try the flavor of something other then the chocolate and vanillia we are used to. This Ebberon idea might be the ticked to broaden everyone out to lemon cookies : )

And yeah, the only thing i know about Ebberon is that it has golems, clockwork stuff, and seems to be a worn torn land, and thats only after looking at the covers of the books. Even then, FreeForm comes to mind. It may be an Ebberon setting but that doesnt restrict people from doing what there going to do.

In Oerth Mordi is probably the most powerful NPC and he isn't that amazingly powerful (alone anyway). Just because the characters in the Tavern are powerful, doesn't make the setting so.

Low level apparently is to much of a table top themed set of words. What about going with simple terms

Avoid making your spellslingers able to cast more then one spell per post. Heck, some times its fun to make the spell take a couple lines to actually go off.
Avoid big people (Over 6ft.) bigger statures actually werent to common untill after the 1940's. Besides, taller bigger characters make you more imposing and 'powerful' looking to other people. Heck, im no exception with playing two tall characsters.
Weapons with lots of magical abilities are rather expensive and hard to come by.
Let things hurt you from time to time and be kind about hitting people with attacks. Dont always make kill shots, besides it takes alot of training to swing a claymore for some ones heart. : P

Here ill make the point that as a community we should remember to read the rules before entering the any room you want to RP in. You should always atleast be aware of other players in any room, of any setting because even if you dont want to interact with them, s a community, we should be able to point out to another player KINDLY AND NICELY that they are breaking a rule and might want to fix it before a Magi has to be called in to play bad cops.


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I have to agree with Immy on this. What is being proposed is not a complex thing. Yes, I realize it will be more work for someone, but that too has been addressed. It would be nice to see this room happen. Consider me fully in the boat!


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I need to read a bit more about Eberron really, and spend more time considering this thread.

However, one of the largest problems the idea as set will have is the whole 'low power' idea. There isn't any viable way to enforce that without having all of us Magi and a lot of new recruits hang out in there all the time AND be up on the Eberron setting. That's a LOT of time and effort there for just the one setting.

In its way, making it a low power setting makes it more restrictive than the Tavern setting is; there certain character types are restricted as is fighting beyond a punch or two. Power isn't, per se, since its mostly controlled by the Freedom of Destiny rule and the CoC.

By insisting the setting be a low power sort, the CoC gets invoked far more often. Way more often probably than any of us Magi would be comfortable using unless seriously provoked by chronic miscreants.

The argument could be made that peer pressure would hold this setting rule in place, but that doesn't work as well as some might think.

In addition to the above, someone would have to manage the setting. That would be a Magi; someone has to be responsible for the place and committees don't cut it. No patron could be placed in charge since patrons don't have authority where the CoC is concerned and shouldn't. So we'd have to get a Magi to volunteer to Coordinate the setting. We give the Setting Coordinators autonomy in their settings, so it is conceivable that a Setting Coordinator for Eberron would set up some sort of consensus based system with the patrons. But not guaranteed.

It is an interesting idea. To put it in place has a few things that need to be ironed out, not least of which is manpower. By all means, keep the ideas flowing. We are not averse to putting up a new room and setting, as long as the manpower is there and the rules for it are workable AND there's enough interest to justify it.

Until I have considered it more, that's my take on the matter for the moment.



First Post
I think we could really do the train station. A place where lots of people go: vagrants may have their homes there, normal people looking for transport as well as nobles... and a place that does not call for much attention, where the more sinister ones can go.

A.) They work in one place and need to go home in another. That's a fairly common standard in some places and time periods.
B.) Maybe the character is on the run, constantly traveling to get away from someone or something in there past/present.
C.) Maybe they like the train or its War Forged Dwarf. Some people like the moteif of places and go there just because they can.
D.) Maybe they work on the train, are stowaways, or are homeless.

This is why I chose a lightning rail, I honestly found that the reasons on why someone would be on there was more then why they would be in a tavern. I could rant on and on about different story lines that could be had a lightning rail, be it something simple for small characters maybe going to work, or something complex, like a group of mages that regularly meet aboard the lightning rail to practice duel atop the roof of the train, adding to the difficulty and exclusivity of the duels. I personally think there are a heap of storylines that could unravel on a lightning rail, but, thats just me.

However, one of the largest problems the idea as set will have is the whole 'low power' idea. There isn't any viable way to enforce that without having all of us Magi and a lot of new recruits hang out in there all the time AND be up on the Eberron setting. That's a LOT of time and effort there for just the one setting.

Well, you COULD always just give us the Eberron room and we won't worry about the restrictions? :D - of course, this brings us back to problem one, which was an Eberron room not really offering much to the community (beside edge sitting pulp action) that the other rooms don't already have.

*goes back to the drawing board then*.

I think we could really do the train station. A place where lots of people go: vagrants may have their homes there, normal people looking for transport as well as nobles... and a place that does not call for much attention, where the more sinister ones can go.

A train station is a good idea, but what about a combat room for it? Not many town guards anywhere would tolerate combat in a public place such as a lightning rail station.

Other ideas I experimented with were a skyship lounge/restaurant in the city of Sharn (stationary skyship, but such a location would suggest a hint of nobility as it would probably be very expensive to get a ride. Although a fight room here would be very 'pulp action' (assuming it dared to go on the deck of the skyship), it would somewhat depend on a person being able to fly, or at the least feather fall, as the drop from a skyship is quite deadly.

Honestly, if there was to be an Eberron room that was to be set in a stationary location, it would (I think) probably have to be somewhere in Sharn, as its usually the standard starting point for any Eberron adventure or storyline (and is of course the most diverse city in the whole of Khorvaire). But, as for a room that incorporates pulp action without a standard 'bar' or 'marketplace' feel, I draw a blank.

...alternatively we could satisfy Bari and center it in the Talenta Plains where nomadic halflings roam on dinosaurs in tribes? :p
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First Post
Tyrian_Spellstealer said:
...alternatively we could satisfy Bari and center it in the Talenta Plains where nomadic halflings roam on dinosaurs in tribes? :p

I was actually thinking about mechanized hairfoots, since I heard this Eberron place has robots 'n stuff...

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