• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



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Aric suddenly starts, "Onatar's Blazing Forge! One of those Tuskers took a shot at Flit. I'm calling him back before he gets hurt." A mental command is all it takes to signal Flit to return and within a few moments, the Homunculus lands on Aric's shoulder again. "You would think they would post some kind of sign to warn people away. Cheaper than crossbow bolts. Looks like we're going to be depending on Cyric's map to find our way."

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"Er, my map? No, no no. I think the map needs to go to one of our skilled wilderness experts here. He smiles politely at both Raaiceus and at then at Shifter before turning to the salesman. "Good sir. We are in need of maps, the most important being one one of the nearby swamplands. A local map or directions about town wouldn't go astray either. We need a good, credible inn to stay in for the night".. He stops and politely awaits the mans reply.


Aric suddenly starts, "Onatar's Blazing Forge! One of those Tuskers took a shot at Flit. I'm calling him back before he gets hurt." A mental command is all it takes to signal Flit to return and within a few moments, the Homunculus lands on Aric's shoulder again. "You would think they would post some kind of sign to warn people away. Cheaper than crossbow bolts. Looks like we're going to be depending on Cyric's map to find our way."

Vorik responds dryly, "Well, when I run low on bolts maybe Flit will be good enough to make another pass?" Seeing the strickened look his words illicit he adds trying to hide a smile, "I would of course put a protective spell or two on him first." He winks at the Homunculus.

He abandons the jest seeing the vendor is paying attention to the group. "It looks like you've seen some action recently. What can you tell us about the 'New Water' and the hidden?"


First Post
Over the course of the journey aboard the boat, most of the group would have mt Chevri, at least from time to time. The young shifter, wrapped in a too-large cloak had spent most of the voyage up near the prow of the boat; she hardly ever seemed to sleep, but was most active at night. She almost never seemed to speak, and none of those aboard had heard her speak above a whisper. She had been helpful enough aboard ship, though, including acting as a healer from time to time. In particular, she had had little enough contact with Aric and his homonculus, and only a bit more with Vorik (and that mostly when helping heal sick or injured crewmen, or engaging in a bit of theological debate). She often seemed a bit distant, or perhaps distracted- especially if the weather was unsettled- but when drawn into conversation she was pleasant enough, though she listened far more than she spoke.

She was the last one off the boat and onto the dock, and today she seemed even more distracted than usual. While the others were talking, she wandered over to the edge of the dock and gazed down into the brackish water for a while. After a time, she noticed the others had moved on, over towards one of the locals, selling their 'world drawn on paper' pieces. Chevri got back to her feet and trotted after the group, like a wayward puppy. As she stepped around the side of the pack, she looked at the seller for just a moment, and noticed the fresh scar on his face. "Oh you poor fellow," she purred. "Does that hurt? I have some salve..."

"Map of local swamps?" Have you been there or did you just get off a boat from Sharn?" He says with a charismatic smile. I have maps but not for the swamps.... well not much of it. Only of New Water and some of The Hidden. Information on the Hidden is in little supply. I buy reliable information about the Valley.

My scar? What I can say if you see a gnome in robes with thick glasses from Morgrave- turn away and go quickly in the opposite direction. He is nothing but trouble. It would not surprise me if he had something to do with the Dragon Attack. Scars go with the territory.

He looks at the man made creature. "I would be careful where you fly that thing. House Tharashk can be paranoid and lean to the mean ways of settling things. In fact, I would be careful in general. Lot of Claw here also. Rough crowd.

Looking to Cyric. "Few places here that are reasonable and good. Grotto's is very good for learning what is happening around the docks and the New Water. Many outsiders like yourselves go there but his rooms are very expensive. You could try The Lily Pad (W-32 not listed- my bad). She has reasonable rates.


Vorik responds, "Thank you for the recommendation on the places to stay and the advice." He considers his finances and glances at the others wondering what they can afford. He directs his attention back to the seller, "So what's the going rate for a map then?"


Cyric raises his eyebrow at the man, shifting his weight onto his left foot and slightly lifting his right toes, looking at some of the detail, before raising his gaze. "Just off the boat actually. I saw in a page from the Korranberg Chronicles that much of the swamp has disappeared, replaced by er...This 'New Water' and the 'Hidden', but I knew very little about this location in the first place. You'll also have to excuse my cluelessness, I'm by no means skilled in following maps or tracking and only mean to make a purchase of a map for those in our group who can."

He straightens up and smiles back at the man with plenty of charm himself."We would all love whatever fresh and accurate information a proactive man skilled in cartography such as yourself could provide; and we are willing to pay of course".
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"Is there a Cannith outpost here? Could you provide directions?" Aric adds. Then, as a very sudden afterthought, he says "Wait, 'Dragon Attack'? What dragon attack?"


"If I may, I do say we check in at that Lily Pad," Dairken flipped the map vendor a gold coin, " thank you, friend, for your time" Turning back to the group and out of earshot of the vendors he spoke softly, "the idea of going where all the outsiders go, tourists paying heavy coin as it were, could potentially set us up as a mark"


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"I have to agree with Dairken, but I would also surmise that it's probably to late, I would put a hefty bet on the fact that half the point of the venders being right here where all the 'tourists' first land isto suss out every person that comes off the boat, to that end, although a place to rest our heads is the thing we need most our best bet is to probably go to the 2nd or even the 3rd bar we come across, have a few drinks eat a bit of food put our ears to the floor for a bit and then ask someone there what the list of Inns are"

Voidrunner's Codex

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