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Elf Ariel's Tragic Delay


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And so sorry to hear of such tragic news and I am sure I have no idea what you are going through . So I shall pray for you my friend and hope the love of family and all your friends will guide you through this terrible time . . * hugs* You know I am free to talk . I will always be around to support you . Lots of hugs and kisses Ariel .

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I don't have much new to add. But one more voice added to those praying is never a bad thing, I suppose. *hugs* We're all here for you, hon, with whatever hope and support you need and can get from a bunch of loonies on computers.


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You bunch of loonies made up half my life! Well the better part - not necessarily quite half. Work took up most of it. Conveniently though, I am on a weeks leave from work, inadvertantly my Christmas holidays fell at a very appropriate time. I had hoped to spend a lot of it with you folks, but now that seems so awefully trivial. No offense meant by that. I suppose I've lived a very naieve life. This isn't the first time I've lost someone close, nor will it be the last. But it's the first time I've had to deal with the fact that someone's death is going to have a lasting impression on my life. That's cruel to say, that I haven't cared about the rest. I do, but at least I am not reminded of it on a daily basis. *sighs* I re-read my posts, and wonder if it's me writing these at all. This isn't like me. I'm normally the one that makes a quip of everything serious. An aggrivating habit on my behalf I know, but I found being serious such a drag. Now it's coming naturally! Oi, there's perhaps something more wrong with me than there will be with him in the long run. Maybe I have an alternate side that's been waiting to sting me. Mmmm, either way, I hope that my normal resiliant self once this mess is finally sorted. I just despise not knowing. But, these things take time, in our courts on our side of the world, a very long time, probably more than a year. What's a girl to do, it's turned upside-down the whole family...when will they go back to normal? Until they do, I have to be with them.

Ohhh hmmm...question: My brother has been calling me, because he doesn't want to go home (he's back in with my parents at the moment and they require him home every night). He'd rather come stay at my place than face them for whatever reason. Should I betray his trust and talk to them or shut up and bare it?

And, for an attempted quip...I have now got a reason to be a hug miser. Must hunt for positives in times like these.

*huggles you tightly*

That depends on your own well being, dear.

Do you think you can have your brother at your place, while your trying to sort things out in your own mind. Or do you need this alone time so that you don't go back to life, not fully healed.

'Course, your the best judge of that, but you might want to be a little selfish, unless he needs it more, then it might be wise to help him with what issues he's suffering, considering what you both have gone through.

I can't tell you what to do, but maybe giving you what I consider facts, might help you sort things out a little better in your own mind.

And if you need a hug, don't be shy to request one. I'm sure one of the many will offer you many of them at your whim :D


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*Hugs* You can have as many as you need/want/can stand.
Ditto what Nich said. You know what the situation is; and you have to consider your well being as well. If it will drive you crazy, you won't be helping him much.


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Though I haven't posted before, I've been following this and you have my fullest sympathy on this tragedy.

As for your brother, if he has any heart at all he's probably deeply mired in depression and guilt. He may feel his life is worthless and that he shouldn't go on. Do you want to be his guardian for that? To keep him from drinking, or worse? Your parents have a good idea in requiring him home each night. And maybe facing that, and understanding and dealing with why they don't trust him, is a good start for him.

*Trelian is a parent in case it's not clear enough.*

EDIT: *Trelian's PLAYER is a parent. Feh.*


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*hugs Ariel many many many times, knows how it is to have a tragedy around the holidays, thus why player hates christmas*

As for your brother hun...Tre's right. Depending on what mood he is experiancing from all this, Do you really need/want the added stress of being his care taker as well? It's ok to be selfish once and awhile, and tell him to buck it up and face the parents. But this is just IMO, you need to make the end choice hun.....

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