WotBS EmeraldBeacon's Burning Sky (online game)


At a loss after being turned out from Paradim Dogwood's home, the team decides to spend the next few days dealing with some minor local issues, before the start of the performances at the Wayfarer Theater. Some studies at the Lyceum provide useful in gaining knowledge to better navigate the Sour Lake Swamp, though it does nothing to provide an answer to the mysterious calls coming from the south range of the swamp. Otherwise, time is spent coordinating with important figures in the city (the city magistrate, the Lyceum, the Unified Temple) to organize a formal introduction to the goblins.

Meanwhile, the bard gets some rehearsal time in, he also begins a personal project, interviewing random citizens of Seaquen to record the common folk's impression of the world and the coming war. Returning alone to Laurabec's camp (a location which the team has appropriated as a safe place to camp to the west of the city), he bemoans the dreary wet conditions, wishing he had an umbrella. He tries to use prestidigitation to make one, but only shields himself from the rain for a half second before getting soaked again. In frustration, he reaches into his coat of endless alcohol, but finds instead... an umbrella?! Amazed, he begins to explain his crazy good fortune to his friends at his arrival (though most of them just assume he's just plain drunk).

The next day, the team enters the swamp and escorts the collected goblins to the meetup. The conversation is tense but cordial, and while it's clear that no one fully trusts each other, there is nonetheless a sense that the hatchet may, for now, be buried. With previews starting tomorrow for The Trials of Toteth Topec, it's time for a week of downtime (or side adventures) before the big show...

SESSION NOTES: The Bard's coat is an odd point of plot in the story. In his backstory, he asked only for a coat that would always provide him with alcohol on demand, that he just randomly woke up with one day, with no other memory of his past. I decided that the coat itself might be a Trillith, one that somehow sensed a soul in need. It will function as a sort of Robe of Useful Items, providing him with any mundane objects he might truly need in the moment.

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The next day is pretty straightforward... the bard heads off to perform the play, along with attempting a bit of espionage (just what is Sheena Larkins up to, anyway?). Despite a shaky performance by the production's star, Giorgio, the bard's performance helps to even it out, and the crew does a valiant job to keep everything on track. Afterwards, Giorgio blames everyone but himself for his poor showing, but thanks the bard for his continued help.

Everyone else goes to South Harbor to do some investigations surrounding Paradim Dogwood and his mysterious operations. They do notice Dogwood's two assistants, a pair of half-orcs, going on some manner of errands for him, but don't manage to find much of interest, besides visiting a small cobbler's shop. Investigating that shop, they find a rather accomodating dwarven woman eager to help them find the shoes they're seeking, but after being asked for something more unique, she hints that she can connect them with those that are offering... an eclectic mix of items. She directs them to contact a man named Nathan Lowduke in the South Harbor area, suggesting that he should be able to find what they want.

Another plot is hatched, to use the rogue as bait for whoever (or whatever) is making people in South Harbor disappear. She wanders the area for a bit, before being approached by a cloaked man, berating her from trying too hard to get herself killed. Ultimately, he reveals himself as Inspector Stover Delft, one of the few lawmen of the city that's still trying to get to the bottom of the disappearances. He asks that, if they really want to help, they should get of the streets and meet with him the next day, offering them directions to his office.

SESSION NOTES: I stole a name from the Zeitgeist campaign for the beleaguered inspector, who may prove to be an ongoing ally of sorts...


I read so many campaign recap threads, I got really confused where I was for a moment.
I wasn't prepared for them to try and bait out the kidnappers, so in a pinch, I decided that South Harbor had to have one lawman who was still trying to solve those problems (despite being grossly understaffed), and had them meet HIM instead. Then, when they asked for a name, I panicked, and just dove into Zeitgeist. I figured it was fine, because that campaign borrows a few names and concepts from Burning Sky, why not go both ways? ;)


Meeting with Inspector Stover Delft in the morning, the truth becomes readily apparent: The investigative force is comprised of one overworked man, trying to solve a cold case. As the party reiterates their willingness to help, he entreats them to investigate other possible leads, rather than act as living bait: Find out more about Paradim Dogwood, or perhaps seek out the Black Market of the city, and see if there is some degree of human trafficking in play.

Their search ultimately leads them to Nathan Lowduke, a man who presents himself as a broker for goods that might otherwise be questionable in the open market. He suggests that he might have information about the missing people, but vehemently denies any involvement in what's happening. The team tries to offer up their services as mercenaries, but he takes their demonstrations of power as a threat, and calls off the meeting before sharing any meaningful conversation.

Meanwhile, the bard performs again at the Wayfarer's Guild, a successful showing, despite Tiljann's insecurities showing through in her second shaky performance. The crew meets again, spending an evening at the Lyceum, researching the history of the Lyre of Fabrication that Laurabec had heard rumors of, and learning that it disappeared several years ago; an agent of the Lyceum brought it with him through the swamp towards Dassen, but was not seen again...

SESSION NOTES: I decided to flesh out Stover (in this universe) as a lone police detective, chasing a lead on his own, with the rest of his department abandoning South Harbor to deal with the problems in North Seaquen. He might become a recurring NPC, if he survives the hurricane...


With a full day at their disposal, the crew heads into the swamp, stopping briefly to speak with a small crew of goblins, setting up an outpost at the edge of the swamplands. While they had no special knowledge of musical instruments, after being asked about creatures in the swamp, they acknowledge the presence of a dangerous beast far to the south of their village, which had become enraged about a month prior. Warily, the party proceeds, eventually finding a strange stone structure, meticulously built, but totally empty inside. Another building is found a short distance away, then another, then another, interspersed with rocky rubble.

Their exploration is interrupted by the sound of a lyre playing, along with the quiet singing of a woman's voice. Turning a corner, they see a woman, a green-hued dragonborn, standing in the midst of a shallow pool of clean water. Inquiring why they have come to this place, the conversation quickly turns towards strange sounds and ferocious beasts... then to a story of a stolen child. At first blaming the party by proxy, the woman begins to anger, shifting into her true form of a green dragon. Insinuating that she would happily devour them all, she offers a means of service: she demands the return of her offspring, and that the man responsible for her anguish be brought before her, alive. It's all too poetic when they learn his name: Nathan Lowduke.

As the bard had never met him, they concoct a plan to see the purchase of a rare exotic beast, to trick him into revealing the egg's location. Hadden is persuaded to (reluctantly) accompany them, if only to ensure compliance if things go sideways. Serving as a coachman aboard a rented carraige, they travel to the same tavern where the others once met Nathan, with the rest of the crew hiding a short distance away. The meeting goes smoothly enough, until they reach an agreement to discuss terms. Deciding to travel to a local fine dining establishment (part of the plan), Nathan insists on using his own, better-apportioned carriage; luckily, as the bard feigns insult at the suggestion, Nathan agrees to their terms. To prevent the other carriage from following too closely, an invisible rogue begins to disable the other cart, while the mark rides off into the rainy night...

SESSION NOTES: I didn't expect the party to go so far in trying to scam Nathan Lowduke, so the next section of the story is likely going to be homebrewed. I know the players are itching for a fight, so I intend to set up an ambush by the party, for them to try and subdue the black marketeer, with his underlings arriving as reinforcements a minute or so later.

As for Naizelasa, I wanted to give her a somewhat softer, more approachable side, so I gave her a humanoid form for the initial encounter; seeing a fully grown dragon might have otherwise spooked the players away too soon.


With Nathan Lowduke in one carriage with the party's bard, and the other cart momentarily disabled, the getaway "plan" is quickly put into motion. Then rapidly discarded when everyone discovered there was actually no established plan at all!

When the other wagon was hastily repaired, a warning was called out to the heroes' carriage, tipping off the black marketeer that something was up. A quick darkness spell took care of the pursuing cart, which crashed into a nearby building, but Nathan wasn't going down without a fight.

As the chase continued, it became unclear which side the Bard was really on, having delved so deeply into his role, he was unwilling to break cover. After a brief struggle, some spells slung, and more than a few angry words exchanged, the cart's driver Haddin took matters into his own hands, and cast DOMINATE PERSON on Nathan, earning them a minute of perfect cooperation.

Securing their quarry, they travelled to his home, the location of which was conveniently divulged just moments earlier. A brief search uncovered a decent amount of likely stolen materials, along with their quarry - the egg of a dragon. Exhausted, the team decides to spend the night there, laying low, while Haddin returns the rented cart to hopefully quell suspicions of foul play...

SESSION NOTES: Oh my word, the Bard was a chaos gremlin tonight. His dogged determination to maintain a role left the party with one less ally and one more foe to deal with! When Haddin finally revealed his power, the bard's player was stunned: having joined the campaign when the rest of the team reached Seaquen, he hadn't learned Haddin's story at all, and had NO IDEA he was a wizard.


With Nathan Lowduke subdued, the party spent the night to recover, then rented another wagon to get out of the city without anyone obviously noticing their captive. While the green dragon Naizelasa was not overly emotive to the party, she did thank them for their service, taking the egg that had been stolen from her, then promising that Nathan would learn a sense of respect. After a brief discussion, she consented to allow the group to use her lyre of fabrication for one month, on behalf of Seaquen, at which time it must be returned. Leaving Nathan to his fate, they returned to town.

The Lyceum was quite happy to hear that the lyre was found, and agreed to send some students to use it in the service of the refugees, under the direction of the city (since the new structures would likely be considered a new community of the city as a whole). The first construction was a hospital for the Ragesian medics, now able to treat their patients in a far cleaner, more secure facility. While the bard continued at the Wayfarer's Theater, completing another preview performance, a brief bit of research was handled by the survivor of Phorros Irrendra, hoping for more knowledge of what happened forty years ago. Strangely, almost no accounts of the incident are available, and non-Shahalesti elf documents of any kind seem to similarly be virtually non-existent...

SESSION NOTES: We're getting to the meat of the story! Next episode should hopefully fast-forward to the big performance...


The last two days are something of a blur, as everyone heads off to tackle goals of their own. The bard performs at the Wayfarer's Guild, where he has a rather uncomfortable meeting with Sheena Larkins (and accidentally reveals knowledge that a Teleportation Beacon has been implemented somewhere within the city). The Taranesti rogue continues seeking information about the events in Phorros Irrendra, but finds nothing but dead ends, almost as if knowledge about it has been quietly erased (or was never distributed in the first place). While the warlock begins the day trying to commission a custom weapon, he ends it learning how to shape his spells into a more cohesive form of attack. And the cleric makes a round of Seaquen as a whole, checking in with all of their NPCs, and finding almost everyone in a relatively content and happy place... save for a troubling vision shared by Crystin, that seemed to imply the unending storm was going to get worse before it gets better.

The day of the performance is quite hectic, as the bard begins planning for his role, and dealing with an uncharacteristically tense Giorgio, who promptly snaps at anyone trying to aid him. As the rest of the team arrives, they find themselves unceremoniously seated in the back row, far from the dignitaries at the front of the theater. Katrina joins them, apologizing in advance for being a talker... but does share some astute observations, of how this presentation has been altered from the original script to act as a more heavy-handed allusion to the current struggle against Ragesia, and the need to work together to fight against them.

During the intermission at the end of the second act, though, as refreshments are being passed about the theater, almost everyone notices a man slinking on the side of the audience towards the stairway to the deck. Through the crowds, they notice two things about him. One, his hands seem to be covered in blood, and two, despite his disguise, it certainly appears to be none other than Giorgio...

SESSION NOTES: I got the players screaming twice in this session. Once, in leading out to a sort of monologue about the weather and what they'd accomplished, leading them to think a fight was coming... only to grant them a level-up! That also impressed that the next event would almost certainly be important for everyone. The second time, was in closing the episode RIGHT as they discovered Giorgio, making everyone freak out about an imminent battle!


Due to some scheduling issues, this game is having a brief hiatus of a few weeks... my live game will probably overtake them around the end of this chapter!

Voidrunner's Codex

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