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EN World City Project: NPC Submissions


A suffusion of yellow
Br. Lukatus 'Enheim' Jones, male human Clr6/Loremaster3: CR 9

Brother Lukatus of the Erudite Order is the Director of the Mors End Museum of Antiquities and of the Official Archives, institutions established by Lord Kelvin as a repository of official records and artifacts and sponsored by an Erudite Order of Clerics (who amongst other things collect artifacts of magical or religious importance).

Born and raised in Mors End (from the age of 12 as a member of the Erudite Order) Lukatus is now a middleaged man of average build and height with greying hair and hazel eyes but otherwise unremarkable features. He does however possess one of this keenest intellects in the city and some have called him a genius in his work.
Lukatus is wholly dedicated, possibly even obsessed by his duty. He loves the art of research and will spend hours even days down in the archive vaults reading historic documents, scanning maps and finding obscure and mysterious references to Mors Ends and Enheims past. This has had some affect on his social skills and he may seem distractd and doddery to those who do not know him.

He is not however just a bookish theorist. Each year Lukatus organises an expedition to some historic site or other around the region, and of course if a new site is uncovered he will quickly drop everything to set out and investigate. He has explored part of the Warrens beneath the city - though not much, and is responsible for a number of notable discoveries concerning the pre-history of the area around the lake.
Most recently however some of his finds have been confiscated by high level officials of the Erudite Order and/or City and twice he has been advised to follow orthodoxy rather than make his findings public. He is being watched and this makes him uncomfortable


1Expeditions: Lukatus is organising his annual expedition to visit an archeological site around Mors End. He puts out a call for Guards and Researchers and the PCs sign up/are appointed to the role

2 The Heist: Lukatus has heard that Elrytch Chaminade (and/or Geeve) has been hired to steal an artifact from the Museum, the PCs are hired as security - time for a game of Cat and Mouse!

3. Lukatus has returned with a new and strange artifact which he wants to study. Then a ghost turns up in the Museum and all hell breaks lose - possibly literally!

4. The Trial: Charges of Heresy have been brought against Lukatus due to a statement he made which contradicts the established orthodoxy. Friends of his have hired the PCs to find proof of his innocence

Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 3d4+6d8+18; hp 52; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Melee heavy pick +5 (1d6/crit x4); Ranged light crossbow +6 (1d8/crit 19-20); SA spells, turn undead; SQ lore, 2 secrets; AL NG; SV Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +12; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats: Knowledge (history), Knowledge (antiquities), Appraise, Balance, Climb, Decipher Script, Gather Information, Handle Animals, Heal, Speak Language, Spellcraft , Use Magic Device ,; Skill Focus (Knowledge-Antiquities), Brew Potion, Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Feat* (Dm Choice).

SA–Turn Undead (Su): 4/day, Lukatus can attempt to turn undead creatures. He can turn undead with no more than (1d20+9)/3 HD. Each attempt, he turns 2d6+7 total HD. Undead with 3 or fewer HD are destroyed instead.

Cleric Spells Prepared (5/4/4/3): Find Traps, Cure

Domains: Knowledge, Travel

Equipment: Light crossbow, Heavy Pick, Handy Havershack, Potions: Spider Climb 5, Cure light wounds 10, Oil of Timelessness 5, Water Breathing 2, Haste 1, Restorative Ointment. (Lots of Utility Potions here useful for his role as Enheim Jones)

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Since jdavis was wondering how I would "spice up" his Com18 ratcatcher from the first page... here ya go:


Gronas Stonetooth has been the town ratcatcher for nearly 100 years now, he has been doing this thankless job for so many years most of the inhabatants of Mor's End have forgotten his real name and just refer to him as The Ratcatcher. He hunts rat but also strays and other vermin when needed. He is short even for a dwarf and his body is covered in tiny bite scars, his hair and beard are ragged and unkept and his left ear is mangled from a alligator he killed when younger.

Inhabitants of Mor's End can call the Ratcatcher by nailing a rat to the door. He typically shows up only hours later, quickly exterminates the pests and demands payment (a copper a rat, more for larger vermin). Skimping on the payment is NOT advised. Those who do so get a taste of his knife (roll for any number of nasty diseases), are attacked by his dogs, or simply see their house overrun by vermin soon after. The sight of the Ratcatcher is enough to send children running for safety, and his name is often used as a bogeyman to scare them: "You be good now, or we'll nail a rat to the door, and the Ratcatcher will come and get you!"

Nobody knows where the Ratcatcher lives with his two mangy dogs, but it is said he roams the sewers and the Warren, catching rats and other vermin on behalf of the City. He may very well be the only person in Mor's End who knows the Warren like the back of his hand.

The Ratcatcher talks to nobody, and nobody talks to him. He never spends any of his money in town, except for buying his weekly bottle of cheap but potent dwarven rum. Nobody knows what he eats, and most would rather not know. Some say he must have saved a huge cache of gold over all these years, hidden somewhere deep in the Warren.

You don't mess with the Ratcatcher, and he won't mess with you! Those who seek him out (whether to learn about the Warren or to find his gold) are soon chased off by his dogs, or set upon by packs of rats. Most never return, and those who do vow never to try again.

Plot Hook

- There is no place in Mor's End where the Ratcatcher is not welcome, at least when vermin are about. His appearance is unsavory, but no more so than the sight of a marauding troupe of rats, and he gets the job done quickly and discreetly. His knowledge of the town and people is quite extensive. He has serviced everything from the grandest palace to the lowliest hovel and has a keen eye for detail.

- The PCs need to investigate the sewers or the Warren, and are told that their only hope for a guide would be the Ratcatcher, "but you'd have ta be crazy to ask that old loon!" (The Thieves Guild may also know their way around small parts of the upper sewers: enough to get around various places in the City, but not enough to navigate the Warren itself.)

- The Ratcatcher is found dead, torn to shreds by a mysterious animal that is now roaming the Warren - and heading up! Soon the Thieves Guild has to declare the sewers off limits as well, then there are reports of some black horror crawling out of the sewer grates at night...

- (Along the same lines...) The Ratcatcher doesn't show up any more. Soon there are rats nailed to every door in the city, and vermin takes over the street in broad daylight. The PCs are sent to investigate...

- Yes, the Ratcatcher actually DOES have exactly 130,000 gp in posession as the DMG suggest for a 18th level NPC. A determined group of PCs might even find the Ratcatcher's hoard. It's in a large cave in the Warren... all 13 million copper pieces of it :D, the vast majority corroded and conglomerated into a big green mass. Count it as 130 tons of high-quality copper ore with the occasional gold or silver thrown in. They may be able to find some dwarves willing to help them "mine" the place... if they're foolish enough to set up such an operation in the Warren!

Stats: mostly as jdavis had them. I would probably make him at least Middle Aged (125-187 yrs, -1 to Str,Dex,Con, +1 to Int,Wis,Cha) or Old (188-250 yrs, -3 to Str,Dex,Con, +2 to Int,Wis,Cha) and give him some ranks in Handle Animal as well (for his dogs, and to sic hordes of rats on his enemies).

We could also swap a few of his Commoner levels for Warrior, Barbarian, even Druid, but I do kinda like the whole "18th level Commoner" thing. :D

Alternative Build: Com13/Grizzled Old Fart5 (from Portable Hole Full of Beer): this one would have to have somewhat more social interactions, if only to take advantage of "Evil Eye and a One-Liner" power, plus his Bardic Knowledge and his sob story, of course...
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First Post

I have a number of ideas for cool NPCs, but I'm lousy at working out stat blocks etc. Would it be Ok if I just post my ideas, and let someone else who's more experienced at this part deal with the details?


First Post
Here's the first one:

Thora, Witch of the Squats

Old (68 yrs) female Human (or other humanoid?) Witch6 (Sorceror with the Witch spell list from the DMG)

Thora is a shriveled old TN witch, living with her "Children" in a rambling set of shacks in the part of the Squats that spills outside the walls. Actually, she will consider anyone who wants to place themselves under her protection her "Children", and this includes the rats running all over the place. She also has a rat familiar, which could be any of the hundreds of rats around.

Str 5, Dex7, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16

Feats: Brew Potion, Spell Focus, Leadership (+1 more if human)

level 5 cohort, monstrous humanoid Warrior (bugbear, gnoll, hobgoblin, orc or ogre): nobody gets to Thora without getting through this monster first! He calls her "mommy".

8 level 1followers: a motley crew of various races, act as eyes and ears for Thora

The Mage's Guild knows about Thora, but because she's outside the city walls they turn a blind eye. Besides, she's too much trouble to deal with! She is fond of using Bestow Curse on anyone who crosses her, but is fiercely protective of anyone within her realm of influence - which covers a good chunk of the area of the Squats outside the city wall. Other favorite spells include Scare, etc.


Well Conalli, it's fine to post your ideas first, but not sure if anyone willing to do stat blocks. Perhaps when you get a good program such as E-Tools or PCGen, then get cracking on it. ;)


First Post
Conaill said:
Here's the first one:

Thora, Witch of the Squats

Old (68 yrs) female Human (or other humanoid?) Witch6 (Sorceror with the Witch spell list from the DMG)

Thora is a shriveled old TN witch, living with her "Children" in a rambling set of shacks in the part of the Squats that spills outside the walls. Actually, she will consider anyone who wants to place themselves under her protection her "Children", and this includes the rats running all over the place. She also has a rat familiar, which could be any of the hundreds of rats around.

Str 5, Dex7, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16

Feats: Brew Potion, Spell Focus, Leadership (+1 more if human)

level 5 cohort, monstrous humanoid Warrior (bugbear, gnoll, hobgoblin, orc or ogre): nobody gets to Thora without getting through this monster first! He calls her "mommy".

8 level 1followers: a motley crew of various races, act as eyes and ears for Thora

The Mage's Guild knows about Thora, but because she's outside the city walls they turn a blind eye. Besides, she's too much trouble to deal with! She is fond of using Bestow Curse on anyone who crosses her, but is fiercely protective of anyone within her realm of influence - which covers a good chunk of the area of the Squats outside the city wall. Other favorite spells include Scare, etc.

Unknown: Female Human Sor6; Medium Humanoid ; HD 6d4-6 (Sorcerer) ; hp 15; Init -2; Spd 20; AC 8; Atk + 0 base melee, + 1 base ranged; +0 ( 1d4-3, Dagger, silvered ); Class Features: Sorcerer: Simple weapon proficiency, Spells, Summon Familiar; AL N; SV Fort + 3, Ref + 0, Will + 6; STR 5, DEX 7, CON 8, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 16.

Weapons: Dagger, silvered.
Goods: Alchemist's lab.
Magic: Staff: Charming (Charges: 50).

Alchemy + 8, Concentration + 0, Handle Animal + 5, Knowledge (arcana) + 4, Scry + 7, Sense Motive + 5, Spellcraft + 6, Spot + 2, Wilderness Lore + 2.
Animal Control, Brew Potion, Leadership, Spell Focus: Enchantment.

Spells Known (Sor 6/7/6/4): 0 - Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Ghost Sound, Mending; 1st - Cause Fear, Hypnotism, Identify, Sleep; 2nd - Alter Self, Scare; 3rd - bestow Curse

Animal, Rat: None Animal, Rat ; CR 1/8; Tiny Animal ; HD 1/4d8 (Animal) ; hp 7; Init + 2; Spd 20, 15, Climb 15; AC 17; Atk +2 base melee, +7 base ranged; +7 ( 1d3-3, Bite ); SQ: Scent (Ex); AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1; STR 5, DEX 15, CON 10, INT 1, WIS 12, CHA 2.

Skills: Balance + 10, Climb + 12, Hide + 17, Move Silently + 9.
Feats: Weapon Finesse.

Don't have time to do bugbear follower right now. (and people say e-tools is useless...)


First Post
Woohoo!! Thanks a bunch, jdavis! Now that's an amazing turnaround time! She looks great! Need more exclamation points!!!

A few details:
- I don't think we need to stat her rat familiar
- she'll need at least CLW to take care of her "Children" (on the Witch spell list). Swap out Identify?
- Swap Alter Self for Invisibility?
- Where is the "Animal Control" feat from?


A suffusion of yellow
eew I love Thora - I entirely forgot about the Witch Spell List!!

hey can Pommy Muckraker the Night Pot Collector be her cohort?(see Trade Thread for Pommy)


First Post
Tonguez said:
eew I love Thora - I entirely forgot about the Witch Spell List!!
Only problem is it's not SRD. But I guess we can get around that by saying "everything else is like Sorceror"...

hey can Pommy Muckraker the Night Pot Collector be her cohort?(see Trade Thread for Pommy)

Checking... Hmm, Pommy seems more of an independent entrepreneur. Thora is a frail old woman (ever seen a 6th level PC with 15 hitpoints? :D) who really needs a bodyguard/personal slave/etc. to take care of her 24/7. I think a straight Fighter with some unusual skills might be more appropriate.

Besides, I think Thora would likely live on the east side of the Squats, farthest downstream along the river. Near the swamp, the Squats probably wouldn't extend as far beyond the city walls (more dangerous).
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First Post
Conaill said:
Woohoo!! Thanks a bunch, jdavis! Now that's an amazing turnaround time! She looks great! Need more exclamation points!!!

A few details:
- I don't think we need to stat her rat familiar
- she'll need at least CLW to take care of her "Children" (on the Witch spell list). Swap out Identify?
- Swap Alter Self for Invisibility?
- Where is the "Animal Control" feat from?

She had a extra feat slot, Animal control starts with "A" so it was close to the top of the list and made more sense than ambidexterious.

Just cut/paste any changes, I didn't save the file.

I would definatly advise getting one of the many wonderful PC generators out there, heck I am using e-tools (which is pretty much universally ridiculed) and it helps a bunch. I also use the old James Buck NPC generator a lot. (like this)
T'banrak, male bugbear Rog3/War2: CR 6; Size M (7 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 3d8+9 + 3d6+9 + 2d8+6; hp 47; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +3 Natural); Attack +10/+5 melee, or +7/+2 ranged; SV Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +3; AL N; Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 8.

Languages Spoken: Common, Goblin.

Skills and feats: Appraise +5, Climb +6, Concentration +6, Heal +3, Hide +3, Knowledge +0, Listen +4, Move silently +9, Open lock +7.5, Perform +3, Search +1, Sense motive +4, Spot +4, Swim +9; [Alertness], Lightning reflexes, Quick draw, Weapon focus (longsword).

Possessions: 4,300 gp in gear.
http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/npc_win.zip (download)


http://www.d20reviews.com/generators/ (online generator)
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