EN World City Project: Protecting the City (Guard Submissions)


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Thread for discussing Guards and Military functions.

1. City Military (moving to new home from the Government thread)

2. Private Guards (see also Guild of Guards)

3. Rangers (who protects those outside the walls)

4. Captains and Generals (who's in charge of what and why)

Nothing is written in stone, I'll repost some of the important information and rough drafts of what is going on.

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The Military. (Third Draft)

The local military is based off of the original military unit that was brought here during the town’s infancy. Known as Mor’s Legion, based on the size of the original force, the present size of the standing army actually varies, normally numbering between 100 to 200 trained soldiers and 2000 or so member’s of the civil militia which can be called up from the general population when there is great need. The military is broken down into four categories, the Castilian’s elite guard, The City Guard, the City Watch and the Outland Rangers. The Guard and the Watch are under a single commander (presently Sebastiano Palmora) but the Elite Guard reports to the Castilian personally. The Rangers report to the head Ranger who sits on the Council of Wardens.

The Elite Guard

The elite guard is a small handpicked unit whose sole purpose is to protect Lady Kelvin. They report directly to the Castilian Stangus and are made up of the best soldiers the city has to offer. The elite are seen as ceremonial by many of the citizens but they are well disciplined and well led and are entirely devoted to Lady Kelvin, they are trained to attack and kill without thought to their own person and will react instantly to any order given by Lady Kelvin or Castilian Stangus. There is a rumored special group within the elite that act as Lady Kelvin’s secret police and assassins when need be but this rumor is unsubstantiated, and if it does exist most of the elite themselves are not aware of it.

The present strength of the Elite Guard is 17 soldiers for Lady Kelvin's elite guard. The work rotation breakdown is 4 squads of 4 (three guards for Lady Kelvin and one guard for Castilian Stangus) working 8-hour shifts with one squad getting a day off for every three days of work. Pay is doubled to 2 silver a day and their work schedule is lighter than the rest of the standing army, but they are expected to always be prepared for action, even on their days off.

The City Guard

The City Guard is the force that mans the city walls and is responsible for traffic in and out of the city gates. They are the rank and file of the army, composed mostly of infantry.

City Guard numbers 60 troops, they man all city gates and watchtowers and regularly patrol the city wall. The City guard is split into two 30-soldier groups, the day guard and the night guard, they work 12-hour shifts and get random one-day vacations for every 6 days spent on the wall. They are paid the standard 1 silver a day rate.

The City Guard is supplemented by 40 dwarven warriors from Kul-Moren who help to man the city walls.

The City Watch

The city watch is the group that is in charge of patrolling the city proper and keeping peace. The nicer the section of town the more likely a watch patrol is around. The city watch is not responsible for solving crimes; they are only responsible for keeping the peace and stopping crimes they witness. There is great animosity by the city watch towards the use of clay golems to patrol the city. They view this as an unneeded and extravagant expense and view the noble families who are responsible for these patrols as out of date throwbacks who swagger about trying to look important. They feel they are the ones doing the true work and the golems are only for show. Even when one of the golems is useful or effective you will not hear any praise from the men of the city watch. There is also friendly rivalry between the city watch and the city guard, as both try to out shine the other, both sides keep track of how many of each have been raised to the elite guard and elite guardsmen never forget from which branch they were raised.

The current city watch numbers 60 troops broken up into 12 groups of 5 working 8 hour shifts. They make the standard 1 silver a day.

The Outland Rangers

The Rangers are a small independent group that roams the area outside the city keeping order and watching for silk fish poachers along the lake and keeping the caravan routes bandit free. The rangers no longer have enough personnel to patrol the whole lake properly and instead use stealth and surprise to keep silk fish poachers fearful and off balance. Outside the wall the Rangers are also considered extensions of the town law and act as judges settling local disputes, their judgments are considered law in the countryside. Rangers are handpicked and swear an oath to always judge fairly according to the law. A Ranger found breaking this oath or handing down any false judgments is summarily executed as a traitor to Mor’s End.

As of yet there is no set number as to how many Rangers there are but it is known that there is never enough and the numbers have dwindled over the years. Rangers pay rates are given out according to their personal skill and talent. The Head Ranger sits on the Council of Wardens and his official domain is "the law outside the wall".

Total number of soldiers is 140 (+40 dwarves from Kul-Moren) and a dozen or so rangers.

Originally posted by Conaill

Just to annoy jdavis , here's the corrected stats on guards for the average city of 10,200, based on the MMS tables (I had to correct for the number of adults in the population):

Guards (private): 140
Guards (city, governmental): 70
Mercenaries: 70

I agree that we probably should have more than that, but three times more seems a little much, especially if we are going to have a roaming force outside the walls as well.

50 personal guards for Lady Kelvin: what, she need her own personal army now? How many personal guards does the leader of a small city need anyway? I would say 2 dedicated guards would have to be with her at all times. Let's say 3 shifts of 8 hours. The more personal guards we give her, the more chance of sneaking in a spy or assasin among them! The number of personal guards must be small enough for Lady Kelvin to develop a personal rapport and trust with them. I would say 10 at most.

The actual citadel where Lady Kelvin resides (I'm assuming she'll be on the reinforced island in the middle of the river?) should probably be manned by the regular city guard.

Mor's End has 4 city gates right now. Let's say each has 4 guards on duty at all times (plus at least one clerk at each gate as well). Another 4-5 guards to patrol the city wall (at night there would be fewer men at the gates, and more patrolling the wall) and 10 guards for the Citadel. Add a few extras "on call" at the citadel or temporarily unavailable (training, sick, etc). Two shifts, that makes 80 city guards. That sounds fine.

No need for 3 shifts at the gates or citadel, because they're stationary: at any one time they can have one man taking a nap, eating, etc. The City watch patrolling the streets probably does need three watches. Let's stick with your 20 guards per watch, for a total of 60. That includes the occasional off-duty time for training, sick leave etc. (IIRC, days off are a relatively modern invention!)


10 Elite Guard for Lady Kelvin
80 City Guard for the gates, wall and citadel
60 City Watch

The number of Outland Rangers would probably be kept well below the City Guard. Perhaps no more than 40.
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(moved over from government thread)

I was using the Elite guard to guard the whole castle. 10 to guard a whole castle for a 8 hr shift, and the 10 Cavalry were for bodyguards if she decided to leave the city. I would actually count them as a separate private army (if you can call 40 archers and 10 horsemen a army)

I was running two 12 hour shifts for the wall and the city watch, with a day off about every 4 days (one day off a week) that would be a 72 hour work week.

you actually added 10 to the city watch (I'm stunned:) ), I was putting more emphasis on keeping people out than keeping them safe once in.

I was thinking more along the lines of 10 to 12 for the rangers, they would be actual leveled NPC's and would cost much more to maintain than regular soldiers.

The big question is does this city get attacked, 100 goblins on wargs using even a little bit of stealth or strategy could burn this city down faster than you could get 10 soldiers together to stop them, it would be real inconvienient to have to keep all city gates closed all the time in a city on a trade route.

What is the risk of attack on this city?
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Town Militia

The Mor’s End town militia is made up of volunteers who aid the city in time of need. They must have their own weapons and armor and are responsible for their own training in how to use them. They must be able to organize very quickly in case the town is attacked or riots break out. They also help when disaster strikes the city, such as fire or flood. At present the militia numbers nearly 500 strong. In return for their service Militiamen get (well I don’t know what they get, can fill this in later). Wealthy or Noble houses normally contribute leaders or captains to the militia, for many this is a figurehead position they use to show off their civic pride in doing their duty to the city, generally these nobles fail to show when the Militia is called up unless it is convenient for them at the time.

There is also a secondary militia known as The Muster. All able bodied citizens are required to sign up for The Muster and serve on the list for no less than 5 years. They are untrained as soldiers and are supplied with weapons and crude armor. The Muster numbers over 1500 on paper but is rarely (if ever) called together. Their only duty is to protect the city by manning the walls in time of attack or siege. Being on the Muster list is a civic duty and no rewards are given for being on the list, they will be paid the standard pay rate for soldiers during any time they are called up for active duty on the wall. The Muster can only be called up by Lady Kelvin directly; the decision for all able-bodied citizens to man the wall is hers and hers alone. Many noble houses have secretly bribed the names of their children off the list of The Muster, one of the privileges of wealth.


The Dwarf-Guard

The dwarves see Mor's End as an important trading outpost, and have granted the city an army of 100 dwarves to help protect the city and to ensure dwarf interests. The dwarves help in patrolling the city and reside mainly in the Dwarvish Quarter.

Every dwarf serves for a period of three years before returning to Kul-Moren, though some develop such a taste for urban life that they remain in the city.

The dwarf guards are loyal to Kul Moren but also to Lady Kelvin, though occasionally the complex intricate web of dwarven politics come into play. There are about five siege engineers in the army who are adept at using some of the siege weapons that the dwarves have developed, including the great trebuchet, "Goblin Tosser".
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Originally posted by jdavis
The Outland Rangers

The Rangers are a small independent group that roams the area outside the city keeping order and watching for silk fish poachers along the lake and keeping the caravan routes bandit free. The rangers no longer have enough personnel to patrol the whole lake properly and instead use stealth and surprise to keep silk fish poachers fearful and off balance. Outside the wall the Rangers are also considered extensions of the town law and act as judges settling local disputes, their judgments are considered law in the countryside. Rangers are handpicked and swear an oath to always judge fairly according to the law. A Ranger found breaking this oath or handing down any false judgments is summarily executed as a traitor to Mor’s End.

As of yet there is no set number as to how many Rangers there are but it is known that there is never enough and the numbers have dwindled over the years. Rangers pay rates are given out according to their personal skill and talent.
having spent some time discussing the ranger issue, I'd be happy to put something together while I'm away, then type it up and post it as soon as I get from my fencing tournament in Melbourne...

assuming that's the sort of assistance you're after here...



The Order of the Winter Storm

The Order of the Winter Storm are a company of forty barbarian knights from the northlands. They were protectors of their kingdom and fought in many a war. However, when Theogen Wolfgard returned to his city he was ambushed and slain by assassins. The King had turned against them, considering Theogen a threat to the throne, and gave orders that all members of the Winter Storm were to be slain. Only about sixty managed to make their way out of the Northlands.

The Order of the Storm fled and found refuge in Mor's End. Styria Wolfgard, son of Theogen, remains bitter about the betrayal, and waits for the King to allow them to return. At present, the blades of the Storm serve Lady Kelvin, though the northlanders have attempted to request that she turn over members of the Order for extradition. She has refused all requests, and said that the Northlanders may come take them if they wish.

The Order is regarded as snobs and keep to themselves. The Winter Wolves are a proud order, and Styria seeks to recruit any northlanders in Mor's End to join his group. He hopes to return to the Northland in glory, and for his Order to be fully restored.

Composition: Primarily Barbarians or Fighters, with a few Rangers. There are a number of druids amongst them who take care of the wolves that roam with them, as well as Skalds who sing epics of the Order's greatest battles.

Plot Hooks:
Styria is getting old, and rumours are that he will launch a final strike to take the northern throne. Lady Kelvin has asked the Castellan to dissaude him, but Styria is determined. Meanwhile, there are those in the Order, particularly a young warrior Treygar, nephew of Styria, who have no more interest in the Northland. They think the Order should settle down and no longer yearn for the North. Styria considers these men soft and spoilt by civilization. One day, Treygar disappears. Is Styria to blame? Or is Treygar plotting something? Styria hires the adventurers to find his nephew.

A witch from the North has been given the task to hunt down the Order and destroy them. Through sabotage and rumours, she desires to make the Wardens of Mor's End allow members of the Order to be extradited. A murder is committed and one of the Order is accused, and the populace turns against them. The party must investigate who is behind the murder and save the order.
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First Post
Ruavel said:
having spent some time discussing the ranger issue, I'd be happy to put something together while I'm away, then type it up and post it as soon as I get from my fencing tournament in Melbourne...

assuming that's the sort of assistance you're after here...


That is exactly the type of assistance I am after.


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Krug said:
The Dwarf-Guard

The dwarves see Mor's End as an important trading outpost, and have granted the city an army of 100 dwarves to help protect the city and to ensure dwarf interests. The dwarves help in patrolling the city and reside mainly in the Dwarvish Quarter.

The dwarf guards are loyal to Kul Moren but also to Lady Kelvin, though occasionally the complex intricate web of dwarven politics come into play.

I think Lady Kelvin would be rather nervous about such a large force, and would try to - very politely and diplomatically - reduce it to, say, 50. Either way, they should not outnumber the City Guard.

Mixed allegiances are a very touchy subject for an independent city state!


First Post
Conaill said:

I think Lady Kelvin would be rather nervous about such a large force, and would try to - very politely and diplomatically - reduce it to, say, 50. Either way, they should not outnumber the City Guard.

Mixed allegiances are a very touchy subject for an independent city state!

A smaller Dwarf force could help on the wall and reduce the standing army closer to your numbers, no way they would guard the castle though, and they would have to be smaller in number than the city guard.

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