EN World Short Story Smackdown - FINAL: Berandor vs Piratecat - The Judgment Is In!


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Rodrigo Istalindir said:
Damn, these pictures are hard! I've got no ideas at all.

Oh, and nice try, max, but you're supposed to wait until I win before you crash the boards. You're timing is off this time.

Come now Rodrigo.You are responsible for the crashing of the boards and these "pictures" are hallucinations brought on by the guilt...

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Thorod Ashstaff said:
Pictures? I don't see no stinkin' pictures! Am I missing something? I thought pictures were posted within the thread.

-One confused dwarf

Rodrigo, believing that his swarthy good looks are enough to protect him, tends to make undecipherable jokes... Unless I am mistaken, this is one of them.

maxfieldjadenfox said:
Rodrigo, believing that his swarthy good looks are enough to protect him, tends to make undecipherable jokes... Unless I am mistaken, this is one of them.

Undecipherable to the unwashed masses, perhaps. I find myself very witty. But, for the humor-impaired, I was making a joke that it's hard to write a story using pictures as inspiration when no one actually posted any pictures.

Piratecat said:
You spelled "warty" wrong.

You're recycling jokes like you recycle plotlines, PC. You'll have to come up with something more creative than a superhero story with dead-baby armor this time. I mean, come on, that's been done to death. ;)


I know, I know. But I find myself oddly hilarious, and some jokes are just too good to pass up on. Is that so wrong? IS THAT SO WRONG?

Anyways, how about cybernetic dead baby armor on a superhero? I figure that's branching out, right? (Although I think I've only ever done one superhero story. Not too, too bad.)


First Post
Rodrigo Istalindir said:
Undecipherable to the unwashed masses, perhaps. I find myself very witty. But, for the humor-impaired, I was making a joke that it's hard to write a story using pictures as inspiration when no one actually posted any pictures.

I am so washed. Um, were you referring to Thorod? 'Cause if you were, he's pretty clean for a dwarf.

And PC, having never met Rodrigo in person, I guess I have to bow to your greater (and reiterated) knowledge, but in my mind, Rodrigo will always look like Antonio Banderas...
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First Post
Sorry, first time I've been able to access Enworld since Sunday's downtime. Did we start already?

Mid-week/Wednesday is good for me, if that's good for my esteemed opponent. I'm being kind, as I hear Thursday is garbage take-out day where Fickle lives and I'd hate for him to lose his best source of inspiration before the smackdown even begins!


Does anybody have Herreman's E-Mail address? I'm not sure I do, and even if I have, I didn't save it under "Herreman" so I can't find it. And I won't send my entry to my whole address book just to make sure. Probably not.

Maybe I will.

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