EN5ider #29: As Good As His Blade: A Dozen New Weapon Properties

New for EN World EN5ider patrons! Expand the list of weapon properties to include barbed, double, awkward, tripping, and more! Along with nearly 20 new weapons designed to use these new properties, and changes to the entangling and reach properties, this article will unlock the potential of weapon design and introduce more variety into your fighting style! By Connors; illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.

New for EN World EN5ider patrons! Expand the list of weapon properties to include barbed, double, awkward, tripping, and more! Along with nearly 20 new weapons designed to use these new properties, and changes to the entangling and reach properties, this article will unlock the potential of weapon design and introduce more variety into your fighting style! By Connors; illustrated by Jacob Blackmon.



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My advice inchoroi, is put in the dollar, and get a look see; if you want to see more stuff like it, adjust your patronage to what you can afford that seems fair. Regardless of what you pay or don't pay, Russ can only publish with the resources we give him! All the more reason to tell a friend!
[MENTION=19265]Connorsrpg[/MENTION], great article, I've been looking forward to something like it for a while now. Only suggestion was if we had seen two tables, one with sample weapons using only the basic properties, and a second table that was basically the same as the one in the article, with all the special properties. It's more a matter of convenience than anything, just seeing how the first properties as you note fit more the philosophy behind 5e, and the 2nd batch of abilities is more abstract and involved, but still cool.

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Great article, which brings more detail (and fun) to an important part of the game.

I would very much like to see these new properties applied to the weapons in the PHB as well.


Thanks [MENTION=158]Henry[/MENTION], but I am not sure I follow your idea. Is it a layout issue, or the ordering of the info?
[MENTION=6794176]ilsundal[/MENTION]. Thanks for the kind words.

I know people don't like following links here much on ENWorld ;), but if you are interested in seeing how this relates to the weapons in the PHB AND a whole bunch more, you can check out our Equipment Page here: http://connorscampaigns.wikidot.com/d-d-equipment

(NB: I may have to adjust some of the names myself, as some weapon property names changed several times through the editing process - especially Readied, which I still have labelled as 'Set for Charge' on the website).


Thanks, Connors. Any chance to get that link as a nicely formatted PDF? :)

Agree with Magistus71. Would be great to have this for armors as well. Perhaps as a follow-up article.
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Hmmm. I would love to add to the armor stocks. Note that there is an expansion on shields on my website. (As we use Weapon Groups too).

Just highlight and print if you like. I just printed out the Weapon Tables that way and it looks okay. Not brilliant, but usuable.


Have to say from a DM point of view this was an awesome article, will be using all of this and feels like it should have been part of the 5th edition rules.


Thanks [MENTION=158]Henry[/MENTION], but I am not sure I follow your idea. Is it a layout issue, or the ordering of the info?

[MENTION=6794176]ilsundal[/MENTION]. Thanks for the kind words.

I know people don't like following links here much on ENWorld ;), but if you are interested in seeing how this relates to the weapons in the PHB AND a whole bunch more, you can check out our Equipment Page here: http://connorscampaigns.wikidot.com/d-d-equipment

(NB: I may have to adjust some of the names myself, as some weapon property names changed several times through the editing process - especially Readied, which I still have labelled as 'Set for Charge' on the website).
My suggestion was more of a development one than a layout one, and hence something not as much for change here, but in the article, you initially lay out the properties as
1) new properties without more complex subsystems
2) modified existing properties
3) new properties with more complex subsystems

Then your examples of new weapons are all in the same table, sometimes weapons having properties from both new categories within the same weapon (e.g. Kaginawa, Main Gauche, Ranseur). So instead of "levels of complexity" the sample weapons tables looks like an all or nothing affair, so if I wanted to introduce my Pcs to the simpler new properties without including the more complex ones, I'd have to create my own tables instead of using the article's tables directly.

Kind of like, "here's the vanilla cookie recipe for people with nut allergies, here's the almond cookie recipe, and now here's the dessert cart with vanilla cookies, sitting next to almond cookies, sitting next to some vanilla almond cookies"

Or maybe a different approach would have been to just make all the new properties under one heading (still keeping the redefined ones in a separate heading as it is now to call them out) and have the one unified table. That way there's no distinction, just like the weapon table suggests.

Either way, not a big issue, just one that the article layout sets up, but the table doesn't follow.


Oh, I get you now [MENTION=158]Henry[/MENTION]. ;) Thanks. I kind of agree with you. I guess I divided them up initially, as I was not sure how some of the ones that messed with 'what was there' or added complicated systems would be accepted, so I thought I would make that clear. Maybe not worrying about separating them at all would have been best ;) Not sure I would go with separate weapon charts - even more confusing (and what about weapons with new qualities from different 'categories'?)

I do know what you mean now though, and yes, perhaps this should have just been a list of qualities with a statement at the start. In any case the weapons are really just a few examples I took from my expanded weapon charts. I was trying to write in a style more to encourage the GM to come up with their own extra weapons and use the qualities to distinguish them from other similar weapons.

Thanks for you thoughts though [MENTION=158]Henry[/MENTION]. Would love to hear whether you incorporate any of the qualities.

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