• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Enemy Among Us (DM: Stringbean2142, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Veruzak...Veruzak!!! Why didn't it occur to me before! How could I be so stupid?! Now, do I tell him or not? Best we finish the ritual, I'll think on it. Hmmm, these two constructs behave so alien. Oh, this one is a genasi, so he's joking then. Good. Oh, wow, I almost missed a phrase...By Caiphon's vivid dream, I should pay more attention."

OOC: Italics are for thoughts, just for the record. This is a filler since there realy isn0t anything to say during the ritual :)

OOC2: We lack dedicated healer...with surges it's less problematic then 3.5, but we may still feel it.
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First Post
[sblock=The Group]
So, the group so far consists of:

2 Leaders:
Atlas: Warlord
Bell: Bard

2 Strikers:
Kendrick: Ranger
Martelay: Warlock - starpact

2 Controllers:
Catein: Invoker
Veruzak: Wizard

I must admit that is a pretty good combination of classes!
[sblock= Bonuses]
Since I am a warlord, I constantly give a +2 bonus initiative rolls to every member of the group and when someone expends an action point, that character gets +3 bonus to their damage rolls. If that character misses, he/she gets +2 temporary hp's.


First Post
[sblock=ooc]My character can heal twice an encounter with Majestic Word. You also add +3 hp for each healing surge used during rests. Atlas has a power that lets him heal twice an encounter as well.

Even though we don't have a defender, I have a power that allows allies to mark people. So congratulations Atlas and Kendrick, you're now defenders. I think we'll do fine. ;) [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Warning! The majority of what follows is description of the town you see, the council members, and so on. Hence the reason it took me so long to write up.[/sblock]
The words of the ritual start to twist as Veruzak reads them, and Bell and Martelai's rhythmic responses seem to hang in the morning air. After a few minutes, the others in the circle realize they aren't just hearing the words; they're tasting them. Veruzak's lead words taste of smoke and mystery, and of darkness. Bell's response taste of youthful exuberance and the smell of old books. Martelai's taste more of the cold, merciless fire found in the heart of the stars. The word's then shift again, still rolling as simple words from the three arcane members of the group but now they carry the breeze of the open ocean, the smell of the rotting fish found on the shoreline, the call of gulls. The words become more than words; they become Haurton. And as the ritual reaches its crescendo, the words twist again. This time, they twist the party with them.

The twist is over as quickly as it comes, and the party is now elsewhere. The call of gulls isn't a by-product of the ritual any longer; the gulls are very real, circling overhead.

The party finds itself on the edge of a small coastal village. The coast here is a long sandy beach, with a docks built on the fair side of the buildings. It seems to be laid out in a simple fashion, with one road parallel to the beach and another splitting the village in half, leading deeper into the isle. The beach forms a small bowl, so little can be seen beyond rocky cliffs rising on both sides and a forested area.

[sblock=Passive Perception 15]Smoke rises in the distance from at least two different locations. The white smoke is hard to spot in the sunny sky, but is there.[/sblock]
Yurian shakes his head at the strange sensation of the ritual and looks at the others. “Right, well, we have a meeting to keep. Follow me, if you please.” He leads the way into the town's main fairway, where a number of people have stopped to stare at the recent arrivals and the manner of their arriving.

Yurian leads them past the onlookers, trading a soft word with one woman leading a group of children. He smiles at her as he passes, and turns to speak over his shoulder. “My wife. She teaches what lessons we give to our children here. Some reading, enough numbers to trade with the occasional merchant ship and to count a haul.” The woman is stocky, with thick forearms that speak to the hardships of her life.

Most of the people the party sees matches that mold. Passing a small blacksmith's, an elf is visible in the glow of the forge, working a hammer. While taller and thinner than the others the party can see, for an elf his build is one developed from hard work. What may have been a halfling disappears around on corner at the sight of Yurian, but the rest of the visible populace seems human.

In the center of the village sits a larger building. It's close to the docks, as well as to the beach where the party has arrived. The sign calls it the Sea Foam Tavern, but it seems to be where Yurian is headed. “The Council thought it best to meet in here. More room for all of us.” He opens the door and walks in, letting the party trail behind.

Waiting inside for the party are three older gentlemen. Yurian approaches them and bows. “Elders Frin, Tropolic, and Igliens, here are the investigators.” He gestures for the party to have a seat and, after introductions are passed around, the Elders lay out the initial information.

Elder Frin is a pale man of perhaps 70. He is introduced as the dock master, and appears to be the head of the Council. Elder Tropolic has only one arm and the look of a military man. There's a subtle air about him of expected obedience, as though he once led men in battle. Elder Igliens is the closet the isle has to a merchant. He is the youngest, perhaps 55, and balding. His face wears a carefree grin, and he speaks of Daunton in passing as though he has had experience there in the past.

Elder Frin begins. ”Here's what we know...”

It started three months previous. Boar and hawks in the woods, began attacking the local hunters and farmers without provocation. There was a report of a rabbit doing likewise. Other animals were seen to attack each other, while yet others seemed plainly terrified of something. Soon, it spread to several of the farm animals. A girl was killed when he dog turned feral seemingly overnight. The dog was killed by the girl's grief-stricken brother. He was only eleven, and hasn't spoken since.

Three weeks ago, a man named Rand walked into the Sea Foam Tavern and, without a word, began to beat on the patrons. He struck at random, switching targets with no sense of purpose. He was finally killed by a blow to the head. Rand was a farmhand on the Jorgun farm, on the far side of the isle.

A second man, Krill Kol, stumbled into town shrieking about sparks a week ago. He said he saw others, people not of the isle, through the sparks. Before he passed out, he said they looked wrong. When he awoke the next day, he could remember none of it.

The third and forth incident happened six days ago. A man and a woman, married for twenty years, were killed in their home down the coast a bit, perhaps a mile from the village. He was a lobster fisherman, and when they were found his head had been removed. It was found in a lobster pot on his boat. A trail of blood led into the forest. When Captain Yurian's second in command, Lt. Rayn, investigated, he was set upon by a boy named Mart. Mart was only eight, but would not yield in the fight with the swordsman. Rayn was badly wounded in the throat and was forced to slay the boy to save his own life. Mart lived in the village with his aunt.

It was decided that something very wrong was going on. While there was no connection between the victims or aggressors, it was generally agreed upon that it all started with the animals of the woods. Six patrols of five men each went out to search for the culprit or culprits. Two patrols, one led by Lt. Rayn, disappeared without a trace. A second search was started, for the missing patrols. Three more men went missing, and a body of one of the previous patrols was found. He had arrows of the guard in his gut, and was beheaded by a sharp blade. This was four days ago.

The Council decided outside help was needed, and fast. Expending all of their available wealth, the sent Captain Yurian out to Daunton to return with investigators. And now, here they are.

Elder Tropolic, who handled the explanation of the patrols, sits back as he finished, and Elder Frin takes up the lead again. “Unfortunately, we can offer you no news. Nothing has happened recently, but we are frankly completely at a loss of what's happening here. Now, I'm sure you all have questions or comments. Let's get those out of the way, then we'll have you official sign on as Council Agent's and you can get to work!” He taps a stack of documents, obviously contracts, as he says the last.

[sblock=Briefing]Rather than roleplay out a massive infodump, I've just done the dump. Ask any questions after that block o' info, and I have the council answer them, but this prevents the slow back-and-forth that would have been needed to get all of this out at once. Assume it took twenty minutes for all of this.

After you ask any questions or roleplay your characters general reactions, we'll move forward. There's a definite next step, but after that I'm going to step back a bit and let you investigate as you will. I just want to give you guys a chance to get some words in before finishing the prologue bit here.

As you uncover more, I'll reveal more potential threads to follow and if you think of anything clever, run with it! This is your adventure as much as mine, so if you take it in a different direction, it makes it fun for all of us. There's enough rails around that, short of nuking the isle, I can keep things on track without railroading you down one street, and there's soft or hard nudges if you get stuck, which shouldn't happen but it's always safe to plan ahead.[/sblock]
[sblock=The Investigation]

- Three months ago, animals start acting up. It starts in forest, spreads to farms and village.
- Three weeks ago, a farmhand named Rand entered the Sea Foam Tavern and started attacking people. Was killed by a blow to the head.
- A week ago, Krill Kol enters the villages screaming about sparks and strange people before passing out. Has no memory of event on awakening.
- Six days ago, two people killed by an eight year old boy named Mart. Boy subsequently killed by Lt. Rayn.
- Patrols sent out to investigate. Eighteen men disappeared and one was found killed, apparently by a member of the guard. Lt. Rayn was one of the men who disappeared.

Possible Actions:
- Talk with Council.
- Take off and nuke the site from orbit.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=Passive Perception 15]Smoke rises in the distance from at least two different locations. The white smoke is hard to spot in the sunny sky, but is there.[/sblock]

[Sblock=Passive perception 17]Kendrick sees that easily enough and would have asked about it to Yurian. It is hard to do IC at this point, though.[/sblock]

Kendrick seems indifferent while the elders explain the situation. In fact, he hardly looks at them the whole time, lazily strolling through the inn, sipping a mug of fresh milk he ordered and looking through windows. Yet as soon as they finish their exposé, he speaks up.

-''Quite a mess. Lots of disparition, it's a wonder there is anyone left in the village. Two things come to my mind. First, any moron can see it started with the animals so the immediate question is how it spreads to the humans. I suspect some kind of rabies. I presume Rand and Mart's bodies were examined. Did they exhibit fresh wounds? Wounds that are unlikely to have been caused during the fights that brought them down? If nobody checked on that, I want them exhumed (Oh, please say you didn't incinerate them!). The dog that killed that poor girl too, while we're at it. I am no physician, but I am pretty sure I can spot a bite mark, even if the body has been decomposing for a week or so.

Also, that Lt. Rayn who failed to subdue a eight year old and was forced to put him down... is he seriously inept or are you telling me that the victims of this... disease suddenly gain inhuman strenght and endurance? In relation to my rabies theory, was he bit by Mart during the scuffle? Because if I am right about this, considering there is always some time before infection and the onset of such diseases, it puts in perspective the disparition of Lt Rayn's patrol. If a eight year old becomes dangerous after being infected, imagine a trained warrior...

Kendrick turns away and smiles dreamily at the thought of confronting such an enemy.

Possible Actions:
- Talk with Council.
- Take off and nuke the site from orbit.


That's all I have to say.[/sblock]

[sblock=Nature skill]If you examined my PC sheet in the past, you may notice that Kendrick used to be trained in Dungeoneering and now is trained in Nature.

That is because originally I wanted to stay away from typical ranger stereotype and falsely believed the Dungoneering skill to be more of a... well, I am not entirely sure what I expected, but 'Nature skill for cave-dweller' wasn't it! When I recently actually looked at the skill, the first thing I saw was 'Forage'. Forage! Kendrick is not a damn mole.

Ranger have either Nature or Dungeoneering. I don't see Kendrick as a happy camper, so to speak, but he is even less of a spelunker! Being ex-military, I decided it was better that he was someone who knew much more than he cared to about wilderness expeditions (and is sick of it) than about hitting his head on a stalagmite.

This longwinded explanation is due to the fact that it now seems nature will be much more useful for this adventure than dungoneering... this change wasn't powergaming, is my point.
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First Post
Following along in silence, Veruzak keeps his hood up, arms crossed, hands within the sleeves of his robes. He listens in silence while the situation is explained, and when asked if he has questions or comments he keeps both to himself.

He knows that if his mouth opens, nothing positive will come of it.


First Post
[sblock=OOC: Things Past]Mal mentioned that Kendrck would have noticed the smoke from the perception check and asked about them. Yurian tells you that with the local problems, the more distant farms have begun lighting a fire every morning to let the village know they're ok, like an all-clear sign used by banks.[/sblock]
"Not so much a wonder, lad," Elder Tropolic said. "This is our home. Just under 200 souls have poured everything we have into this isle, and we're damned well not going t' leave it without a fight. But we can't fight... this madness."

"As for Lt. Rayn's prowess," Yurian said, "it wasn't lack of skill or inhuman strength. Rayn tried to knock Mart out, bring him in alive, but the boy just wouldn't stop attacking. He went for the throat, and even a boy can do damage if he claws hard enough. Rayn said Mart practically skewered himself, and at first Rayn was trying all he could not to kill him. In the end, there was no choice. Mart wouldn't stop."

Elder Tropolic nodded. "Aye, Yurian'd know. He trained Rayn himself. One o' the best swordsmen on this isle, or the others around."

"As for the bodies, we didn't notice any wounds other than from the fight. Once we knew we were bringing in outside help, though, we set them aside in case you wanted to look at them. They're in the cellar of Gwenn Aleanaca, the village's midwife and herbalist."

[sblock=Nature Skill]No sweat; Nature does factor in, but there's places where Dungeoneering may help as well later on. Maybe. The trick with this adventure was, I built it with saftey valves so that many different kinds of skills can shine, and I just pull in the bits that fit what you're doing and what you're good at.[/sblock]
[sblock=The Investigation]0 SUCCESSES

- Three months ago, animals start acting up. It starts in forest, spreads to farms and village.
- Three weeks ago, a farmhand named Rand entered the Sea Foam Tavern and started attacking people. Was killed by a blow to the head.
- A week ago, Krill Kol enters the villages screaming about sparks and strange people before passing out. Has no memory of event on awakening.
- Six days ago, two people killed by an eight year old boy named Mart. Boy subsequently killed by Lt. Rayn.
- Patrols sent out to investigate. Eighteen men disappeared and one was found killed, apparently by a member of the guard. Lt. Rayn was one of the men who disappeared.

Possible Actions:
- Talk with Council.
- Investigate the bodies of Rand and Mart. Arcana, Nature, Heal, or give me a good reason for something else. Different skills may reveal different things.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
"As for Lt. Rayn's prowess," Yurian said, "it wasn't lack of skill or inhuman strength. Rayn tried to knock Mart out, bring him in alive, but the boy just wouldn't stop attacking. He went for the throat, and even a boy can do damage if he claws hard enough. Rayn said Mart practically skewered himself, and at first Rayn was trying all he could not to kill him. In the end, there was no choice. Mart wouldn't stop."

Elder Tropolic nodded. "Aye, Yurian'd know. He trained Rayn himself. One o' the best swordsmen on this isle, or the others around."

Kendrick brows furrowed slightly but he makes no comments. No matter what the elder could say, he was pretty damn positive that he could restrain an ordinary, unarmed eight year old without killing him... Probably even Bell could manage that. He felt something was wrong.

-''Well, I am sure Rayn had no choice. Kids are dangerous, these days. Good foresight about storing the bodies for examination, though. I, for one, will start with that.''

Kendrick looks at his colleague to see what they think of the situation.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Martelai listens impassively. He looks out of the window, noding at times as if recognizing something said, but actualy trying to spot the man/halfling that avoided us.

As unobtrusive as he can he observes each elder few seconds while they speak and then turns away again.

When Kendrick suggested to examine the bodies
"Maybe there is some curse or magical compulsion on the deceased. We should examine them too." Martelai speaks silently with Veruzak. "And I have something I want to tell you, but I'd prefer we be in more private setting?"

After they are finished, he has only few questions: "May I...we speak with the people involved, with families of infected people? Also, I'd like to speak with Mrs Aleanaca and whoever you point me to as local troublemaker and gossip. I don't want to prejudice, but I think I saw halfling slink away when Yurian lead us here. His people are good at seeing and hearing things not meant for them."

OOC: for body examination, Arcana skill may be used to recognize traces of some ritual or long lasting spell or curse cast upon bodies. If there is anything to recognize. That includes examining the bodies with something other then plain sight.
Skills to be used: Arcana(+8) - signs of rituals in or near the village or on the bodies, Bluff (+9) - just in case, Intimidate(+9)/Diplomacy (+6) - to awe or sweettalk man/woman, Streetwise (+9) - to find out what local troublemakers know and gossip
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First Post
Listening to the story, Atlas has been standing next to the table in is usual pose. While the story goes on, he silently comes alive as one of the waiters passes by, making him spill some of the milk he was carrying. " Could you please bring me some raw meat " he requests and continues to listen to what the Elders have to say.

Eating a raw piece of steak with great pleasure, he turns his attention to what Kendrick and Martelai have to say about this matter.
Mal Malenkirk said:
I suspect some kind of rabies. I presume Rand and Mart's bodies were examined. Did they exhibit fresh wounds? Wounds that are unlikely to have been caused during the fights that brought them down? If nobody checked on that, I want them exhumed (Oh, please say you didn't incinerate them!). The dog that killed that poor girl too, while we're at it. I am no physician, but I am pretty sure I can spot a bite mark, even if the body has been decomposing for a week or so.

Atlas finishes his steak and nods approvingly to Kendrick. " I agree, there might be some kind of disease spreading throughout the island which may have left its trace on the infected. I might be able to aid you Kendrick, I have some experience with different kinds of softskin anatomy, perhaps I can spot something unusual "
Neurotic said:
When Kendrick suggested to examine the bodies
"Maybe there is some curse or magical compulsion on the deceased. We should examine them too."
" I do not know much about magical ailments, it's a good thing we have you along with us then " and the statue gives Martelai a friendly clap on his shoulder, which feels more like a beating than an gentle clap.

Voidrunner's Codex

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