ENnies Voting


First Post
DaveMage said:
Well, I agree it could get out of hand with too many categories, but three (D&D d20, Modern d20, and Other d20) seemed like a good place to draw the line (IMO). As for d20 Future & Past, I'd lump them into "Other d20" for the time being, and evaluate on a yearly basis what makes sense based on product volume.

Where does Grim Tales go? BESM d20? OGL sourcebooks like OGL Horror that are meant for any time and genre?

I imagine d20 very much like GURPS. If we took every GURPS product ever made, and there are hundreds of them, would we need to break them down into these sub categories? And I think the answer is no. Quality is qulaity is quality. Sidewinder Recoiled is a good book, regardless of division.

The next problem is what if you don't have enough products in the category? Should more substandard or okay products be encouraged to reach some type of limit? I'd rather we had the best products that a company has rather than see multiple entries from the same company trying to spread themselves across the board.

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The less categories you have, the higher the quality of the nominees. I don't have a well thought out solution, although just look at the Origins Awards for an example of categories gone wild. The ENnies don't NEED to be everything to everyone, there is nothing wrong with a tight set of awards.

But now's not the time to do the bitchin', there'll be plenty of time for that after the awards ceremony. :D (This is a general statement, as I don't really have any complaints.)


Slumbering in Tsar
JoeGKushner said:
Where does Grim Tales go? BESM d20? OGL sourcebooks like OGL Horror that are meant for any time and genre?

Other d20/OGL.

JoeGKushner said:
I imagine d20 very much like GURPS. If we took every GURPS product ever made, and there are hundreds of them, would we need to break them down into these sub categories? And I think the answer is no. Quality is qulaity is quality. Sidewinder Recoiled is a good book, regardless of division.

Good point, and there may be some award categories where breaking it into different groups doesn't matter (layout for example).

JoeGKushner said:
The next problem is what if you don't have enough products in the category? Should more substandard or okay products be encouraged to reach some type of limit? I'd rather we had the best products that a company has rather than see multiple entries from the same company trying to spread themselves across the board.

For those award where it makes sense to split them, split them. For example, adventures. I'd prefer to see an award just for D&D-type adventures. I'd also like to see one just for D&D-like campaign settings, and just D&D rules.

d20Dwarf said:
The ENnies don't NEED to be everything to everyone, there is nothing wrong with a tight set of awards.

True. You will not please all people no matter what is decided (obviously :) ). But the more lumped together everything is, the less I feel a connection to it, and thus, to me, it has less value. However, I am just a fan (and, only one voice). If the EN World admins like the way it is, and the publishers like the way it is, and the majority of other EN Worlders like the way it is, then it should stay the way it is.

Gregor Hutton

Some of the nominees I know very well, most I've heard good things about, and only a few I haven't heard anything about at all.

I shall be visting my FLGS with the ENnie list in my paw, looking through the books nominated and forming opinions. For those nominees not in the shop I'll hit the internet and see what there is online at the publishers' websites to try and help me out.

I agree that the fewer awards there are, then the more each award means. I think being an ENnie nominee is a badge of honour in itself. Who would we ask if we wanted to put an "ENnie Nominated" note on a cover? Is that OK to do?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Gregor Hutton said:
I agree that the fewer awards there are, then the more each award means. I think being an ENnie nominee is a badge of honour in itself. Who would we ask if we wanted to put an "ENnie Nominated" note on a cover? Is that OK to do?
Absolutely - although you might want to wait and see if you win first! :)

There's a link to print and web quality ENnies graphics and logos on the ENnies page. Feel free to use them!


Incidentally, Gregor, A/State is one of the coolest things I've seen lately. Very impressive, very different from what I usually see, and I really want to run a game. My compliments.


First Post
Piratecat said:
Incidentally, Gregor, A/State is one of the coolest things I've seen lately. Very impressive, very different from what I usually see, and I really want to run a game. My compliments.

I so agree. I'm not big on the percentage game mechanics they use, but the setting is freaking cool. If this years ENnies does one thing for me, it is that it has added to the games I want to run but have no time for. :D


There's lots of great products nominated. How about releasing the nominee list earlier next year so we'd have more time to check out the products, and more informed to vote for them? I didn't know about Omleves and A/State, and I've browsed the websites and find they're pretty cool, but won't be able to make an informed choice by the time voting ends.


Krug said:
There's lots of great products nominated. How about releasing the nominee list earlier next year so we'd have more time to check out the products, and more informed to vote for them?

You do realize that the last votes were tallied like 1:00 in the morning today, right?

We would have really liked to have started sooner, but we do what we can.

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