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DaveMage said:Well, I agree it could get out of hand with too many categories, but three (D&D d20, Modern d20, and Other d20) seemed like a good place to draw the line (IMO). As for d20 Future & Past, I'd lump them into "Other d20" for the time being, and evaluate on a yearly basis what makes sense based on product volume.
Where does Grim Tales go? BESM d20? OGL sourcebooks like OGL Horror that are meant for any time and genre?
I imagine d20 very much like GURPS. If we took every GURPS product ever made, and there are hundreds of them, would we need to break them down into these sub categories? And I think the answer is no. Quality is qulaity is quality. Sidewinder Recoiled is a good book, regardless of division.
The next problem is what if you don't have enough products in the category? Should more substandard or okay products be encouraged to reach some type of limit? I'd rather we had the best products that a company has rather than see multiple entries from the same company trying to spread themselves across the board.