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EnWorld DM to Player ratio

Do you Play or DM (and which do you prefer)

  • Yes, I am a DM most of the time

    Votes: 246 72.8%
  • Yes, I am a player most of the time

    Votes: 74 21.9%
  • I prefer to play

    Votes: 111 32.8%
  • I prefer to DM

    Votes: 138 40.8%


First Post
Player most of the time, but I would like to take a shot at being DM a little more. I still need some work, but I think eventually I will make the transition.


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Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
I used to prefer DMing back in 1e & 2e, but with all the character options in 3e to explore, I'm happy playing (and thats all I'm doing right now- playing in 2 groups).

Mystery Man said:
I thought of that but I like someone to actually make a decision. :)
Damn you, Mystery Man! :cool:

If I had to only do one of the two, I'd probably rather GM. But honestly, if I do that, I'll get a real jones for playing too. I'm happiest when I'm doing both.

Keeper of Secrets

First Post
I have always been the GM of the group. I don't get much time to play even though I would like to play a game from time to time. Though I guess I don't mind the current situation.

Mystery Man

First Post
Lanefan said:
There needs to be a "prefer both" option for those who - like me - can be equally happy playing or DM-ing. And, the answers you're getting are most likely not peoples' permanent state; once the campaign I'm currently DM-ing has run its course, I'll most likely go back to playing only and hand the DM reins to someone else...


This is getting irritating. There doesn't need to be anything other than what there is.

Like I said, for the 3rd time now "please pick one or the other". What would the point be of having a "both" choice when I'm trying to see which one people prefer? That's stupid. I'm sure that "both" would be most everyone's ideal choice. Now, if you simply cant reach deep down and say "I like this most of all" than choose all 4 or don't participate.

Rystil Arden

First Post
I DM 99% of the time, but I prefer to play (not to say that I don't really like DMing). Unfortunately, all of my fellow roleplayers who see me in action as a DM quickly become of the opinion that I am too good of a DM to ever be allowed to play (or maybe they are just lazy and use that as an excuse). Maybe I need to start DMing poorly or something...I've debated joining a PbP game so that I could actually be a player, but I don't think that PbP is right for me.

I guess the reason I would prefer to play might just be because I never get a chance.


Mystery Man

First Post
Rystil Arden said:
I DM 99% of the time, but I prefer to play (not to say that I don't really like DMing). Unfortunately, all of my fellow roleplayers who see me in action as a DM quickly become of the opinion that I am too good of a DM to ever be allowed to play (or maybe they are just lazy and use that as an excuse). Maybe I need to start DMing poorly or something...I've debated joining a PbP game so that I could actually be a player, but I don't think that PbP is right for me.

I guess the reason I would prefer to play might just be because I never get a chance.


It's interesting the ration of those who DM here, (big number) to those who would rather play. I had no idea the gap would be that large.

Mystery Man

First Post
Joshua Dyal said:
Damn you, Mystery Man! :cool:

If I had to only do one of the two, I'd probably rather GM. But honestly, if I do that, I'll get a real jones for playing too. I'm happiest when I'm doing both.

It's a tougher choice than what you'd think. I wonder how many people would be playing at all if they didn't DM?
Last edited:


First Post
Up until about last Nov I was one of two regular GMs in the group, then things came to a head and I quit GMing. We have a new GM in our group and the old one that was my co GM. Hate to GM with a passion, but do it so that others can play.

I am gonna try to get back into it, to relieve the GMs, but more then likely it will be another month or so.


First Post
Recovering DM learning the joys of being a PC

I've DMed most of the time I've been playing D&D. Lately, since I'm working full-time and attending grad school, I am merely playing. When I have the time, I prefer to DM. When I don't have the time, I prefer to play. Either way, I prefer some sort of involvement in the game to none at all, of course.

Voidrunner's Codex

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