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EnWorlders of Color

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Scorpio said:
Nothing interesting here- Brit-Irish with a dash of middle eastern pigment, and NOBODY can tell me where that came from!
My grandfather was half Scottish and half Czech. He could have almost passed as Native American, though. That man was dark.

I got lucky and got his coloring, to an extent. I'm a total computer nerd and rarely go into the sun. Still, my skin is darker than my wife's, who spends so much time outside that she's jokingly referred to as "the Ranger". Of course, her degree in Animal Ecology probably helped earn her that nickname, too.


Steve Jung said:
I'm Chinese, though anyone (mis)pronouncing my last name thinks I must be German. :) :rolleyes:
I never knew. I had this image of this german guy with blondish hair who looked a bit like a young Carl Jung, watching Homicide on reruns. :) Totally new look for ya.

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
heirodule said:
Also "colored people" was what dominant white society called blacks.

Check Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and W.E.B DuBois for illustrious and proud usage of the terms colored people and Negroes. People of color is the linguistic equivalent of preferring hoop earrings over stud earrings.

I'm the product of Hispanic and Black parents, so I gleefully check "Other" when asked. My 15 year old gaming group is pretty much a mix of black and white guys. And elves. :)



Registered User
Ogre Mage said:
Randomling's post gave me an idea for one of my own. How many EnWorld posters consider themselves to be a person of color? And have you had many opportunities to game with other people of color?

I am Japanese-American.
In this day and age, living where I do, my perspective is, "Why on [insert a deity]'s green Earth does this matter, and what will it accomplish?"

Well, I'm a person of color. I'm a pale white color. I'm mostly Norwegian, and quarter German and Dutch. Pleased to meet you.
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First Post
Emiricol said:
In this day and age, living where I do, my perspective is, "Why on [insert a deity]'s green Earth does this matter, and what will it accomplish?"

Well, I'm a person of color. I'm a pale white color. I'm mostly Norwegian, and quarter German and Dutch. Pleased to meet you.

Not everything has to accomplish something or serve some hidden agenda. Perhaps he was simply curious. There's no harm in that. You're jumping at shadows.


First Post
Part German, Part British (Scottish and English). Though the british part traces back to a French name dating back to when France and England intermingled so much that you could be either or both. Oh, and I hear there is a dash of Native American thrown in somewhere along the line. The majority though is German, followed by Scottish, then English/French (though this is the line my name comes from).


I responded initially because I was curious. In the gaming circles I have encountered the players have been almost universally caucasian male, from middle class families. My group was considered odd becuase we had several girls, several ethnicities, and a bit of counterculture chic going on.

Now that the thread encompasses a bit of family history, I'm as glad to hear exotic Filipino tales as I am somewhat less exotic tales of English/Scotch ancestry.

I don't care what color a gamer is, but I am curious what cultures our hobby has entered. I live in a primarilly Hispanic area, and there is no gaming to be found. I imagine this is very true in most ethnic communities.

This thread does not really deal with that, but its related, and is of interest to me.


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