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[Epic] Scions of the Endless Falls

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Qu'var doesn't drop to his belly, but shows a remarkable amount of defference. Arion thinks that the Lich Queen is not using an item so much as she's probably using a spell of some sort to keep tabs on this deligation. Qu'var looks at Arion, then back at Sindol, and decides to answer the psychotic elf first.*

"Ah, my pardons lord. It was the gods that destroyed this world, the gods of life, death, and power," he says quickly to appease the butcher, then turns to Arion. "What would you like to hear? I could tell you a great deal that would be flattering, but very little of it would be true. What do you want from us? I am in a position to make you some very generous offers," Qu'var says politely.

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Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Sindol of the Dusk, Blackstorm, Demon of Slaughter.

OOC: Butcher ? Tsk, tsk ... DM. It's all yugoloth propaganda Sindol don't eat children nor he hurts innocent. Such creatures are hard to find on the battlefields anyway, and if at all ... he have more dangerous opponents to waste time on innocent bystanders. Unless anyone consider countless combatants slain by him as innocent. But even yugoloth would blush telling such words. :p

Kelleris, You have just witnessed privileges of "celebrities" ... fame have it's positive aspects. ;)

"So Your magnificient Queen is wishing to destroy these gods and extend her portfolio over the domains so shoddily managed by these three ? Brilliant, breathtaking and absolutely worth of greatest awe and admiration ! I promise to help her in acquiring their power and killing them ... if only she would give me their souls. I'm going to make ... example."

OOC: Hint ! Hint ! And Sindol is know from the fact that he ever keep his word, even if he had sometimes to go to almost impossible lenghts to force second person to keep her's part of promise. ;)

Sindol smiled, and innocent smile of a child thinking of some prank, even if his tone changed for moment ... it was, for barest of moments, filled with cold and in the same time feverish emotion that is hard to emphasize or describe without use of Dark Tongue. Impression left by his tone could be only associated with sounds of breaking bones, screams of utter terror, stench of battlefield and bloodthirsty roar of clashing armies.

"As an act of goodwill I return You your slave-guard, body and soul ... so You could punish him apporiately for his failures. And I need some short term worthwile employment. I need some resupplying, my last army of lackeys get themselves killed in smart devil ambush. Why underlings couldn't do the simplest thig without whip cracking over their backs ?! Did You heard of any short war ... that needs inmediate resolution ? Maybe some obnoxious Githzerai horde did a folly and disturbed Queen's loyal subjects ?"

When speaking of business, Sindol were staring at Akumanga from time to time, until he asked in conversational tone, pointing with short move of his ear at Akumanga.

"Young hunin, isn't this swordmaking style of Mugenga Clan ?"

OOC: DM ! Sindol is willing to start whole "war" on his own. Why he needs money ? To buy services of a spellslinger who would Call and Bind a powerful Fiend of Possesion for him. preferably enslaved into utter loyalty to my PC with the help of Wish. I understand that it will require buckets of gold. :eek: Not to mention that I would wish to improve Quiver of Lies so it would create permament arrows of any nonmagical material. (expensive, expensive and for good meansure even more expensive. :] )

Not to mention that he is very nice to Qu'var, out of ... ehem ... respect for the queen.


Arion glances at Sindol, spouting off threats, promises, and deals like the bloodthirsty fool he is, and his eyes darken from their usual violet color to a dark red. Arions glares at Sindol until they lock eyes, and begins speaking after a moment:

"You ham-wit! Let those of us who have some experience dealing with others in a way that doesn't involve their immediate demise handle this! Your stupid Abyssal scheming is entirely beside the point in this situation, and I'd kindly thank you to keep your paws off of our new allies. When I need something dead, I'll get back to you, but let the sane ones handle the planning. If we're going to deal with the unbridled arrogance of the deities who did this, committed this atrocity, I'm going to need a little cooperation. If I can't get it, then I have no qualms about leaving you to a much worse fate than my annoyance."

A tangible wave of anger reaches out from Akumunaga, wreathing Arion's words in telepathic menace and adding to the effect. At the same time, directed only at Sindol, is another mental communication, no less wrathful:

Do shut up! It's hard to negotiate when it looks like we're not a unified front, no matter how powerful we are. Do me a favor and please, be silent.

*Perform (oratory) to fascinate Sindol and anyone who isn't mind blanked (*sigh*) - 60.
Suggestion to be quiet for now DC - 32.*

Turning back to Qu'var, Arion smiles serenely. "What we need more than anything right now are eyes. Your people know the Astral better than any other, and all of our divine opponents must pass through it to reach this place. Watch carefully, and contact me magically when necessary. Can you do this for us?"

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Sindol of the Dusk, Blackstorm, Demon of Slaughter.

Sindol turned his head toward the Arion, and spoke again and if tone could be more acidic You never heard that before.

"Och, it talks ? Fascinating ... And thanks for the idea, I might go and recruit some flesh for the party. Demons just love brawl ... Chmm, thinking of that I truly need some extra muscle, dong everything all by myself would be so boring. Feel forgiven, naive boy. After all, You are not jonin that talked with me these thousands of years ago. One day though, You may cross the wrong line and someone will hurt You. I won't bother with tutoring You ... I guess that I would be too gentle."

OOC: Bad Arion ! Bad, to enchant someone paranoid, You won't get any trust from Sindol for long time. Fascination works, for I have no idea how to beat such DC with my saves. :p But suggestion, Will save result 38 ... so it washed down over him like water over duck. Kel, mind blank is boring, so that's why I don't use it. Besides, if divinations wouldn't work on my elf ... why I would bother with buying Gem of Psychic Poison ? :] And one more thinge, whenever You would feel insulted/bothered by Sindol's behavior let me know, Ok ? Now he scolded Arion, who have full right to feel wounded ..., and it was more diplomatic response to Arion's quite rude interruption of Sindol's exchange of "pleasantries" with Qu'var. And Arion is mistaken, SIndol isn't fan of demons ... it is just that their "natural" and "reasonable" behavior that is least tiring and iritiating for him. And he more often than not let such employers live ... ;)


First Post
Rahveon's great wings beat down once, carrying him from Fairweather's back to the ground, slightly forward, to shield the great beast that she is, if it becomes necessary. Retribution remains in his hands.

Great Sindol, I have heard of him, he is as bad as the Githyanki, perhaps worse. This keeps getting better and better. Su'ryuu at least I can hold at some hope of redemption. Sindol is as dark as they come. He abandon the Endless Falls years ago, his claim to this being his home is dubious at best. Probably smells power.

Important not to show the Gith the fragility of our alliance here, they will certainly use it against us, trying to play the political game to fracture us more than we already are. For now it is best to let Arion play his games

Rahveon pats Fairweather on her shoulder, both to thank and comfort her and to indicate it may be better to stay in the Giant Ugly Dog-thing form for the moment. Best not to give the Gith or the psychotic more information than they need.

Isida Kep'Tukari

"We have no wars at the current time. However, I believe the purpose of those assembled here is to restore the Endless Falls. This will require the death or imprisonment of three gods, if I am understanding you correctly. We can locate and distract them for you, if there are preparations you need to make. I shall humbly submit that you've just destroyed some of our best warriors, so apparently any offer of aid in the realm of direct force may be pointless. But information, yes, we can do that, and willingly," Qu'var offers, his manner very deferential.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Sindol of the Dusk, Blackstorm, Demon of Slaughter.

"Best warriors ? Absolutely unprepared for dealing with psions ... magic trinkets don't make warrior, but his skills. And wits. You are better warrior than them good Qu'var, still standing. I give You guarantee of surviwal, this encounter at least. I see Your negotiations with the others intriguing."

Elf smiled with sympathy towards the Githyanki and eyed from the closer perspective the ugly dog-thing and the "demon" who rided it.
Intriguing ... it bears jovar, and elephant-things of the savannas were alvays fierce ... must be quite resourceful. Both shining like beacons with magic ...

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Sindol finds four shimmering silver swords, four elaborate sets of half-plate, and four stone amulets resembling a crowned skull on the slain warriors. On the arcanists he gathers two jeweled staves, two sets of silver bracelets, two silk headbands, two amulets, one of platinum with a sigil of air on it, the other silver set with a pearl, four rings, two silver and ruby, two gold and sapphire, and two cloaks, one of black leather, one of brown wool. The lone psion has six ioun stones on him, a rainbow spindle, a pearly white spindle, a pale green prisim, an iridescent orange prisim, a scarlet and blue sphere, and a clear sphere. The robes he wore are woven with silver and tied with a belt that seems to be made of starlight. You add it to the pile. The ranger carries a fine bow, a large quiver full of a myriad of different arrows, leather bracers, a feathered cloak, elegant chain armor that resembles the forms of a thousand vanquished foes, winged boots, and twin rings that resemble serpents. The monk has bands of metal around his hands, forearms, upper arms, chest, waist, thighs, calves, ankles, and feet.*

*Qu'var bows humbly at Sindol's praise.*


"Well, then. I think it's best for you to leave now."

Because I would hate for us to start killing each other with you looking on.

"We'll be in touch. Please take the bodies of your comrades - I'm sure you can figure out what to do with them. Expect to receive the majority of their gear as well, though I obviously can't make any promises," Arion adds, the slightest edge in his voice betraying his annoyance at Sindol's looting.

When/if Qu'var leaves, Arion turns to his comrades. "Well? What now? Rahveon, did you get any leads? I've got some ears to the ground, so to speak, but it would be nice if we had some immediate course to pursue."

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Sindol of the Dusk, Blackstorm, Demon of Slaughter.

Sindol smirked, while pooling his loot into one of sacs he have, except the silver sword wich he left over with the head of the warrior slain by himself. For Qu'var, to decide what to do with it. Still, how he managed to did it without touching the stuff is a very strange sight.

"You, ..."

He stared at Arion with warning in his eyes.

"... nor anybody else will stop me from doing what I want. All who tried, are now forgotten. So step aside while man is restoring his home. And if You want to fight over my rightful loot, wait till I end here ... My homeland is more important than pride. Than anything !"

Voidrunner's Codex

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