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[Epic] Scions of the Endless Falls

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Rahveon's wings extend suddenly, then settle back into place. His eyes never leave Sindol, other than his wings, his body remains devoid of tension, relaxed, waiting.

"Yes we need all the help we can get. Whether Sindol is help or hinderance is something I am not sure we have yet established. What say you Sindol? Do you need help?"

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Sindol of the Dusk, Blackstorm, Demon of Slaughter.

"At least You avoken from whinning, female."

He replied sharply, but listened with blank expression to her statements. Before replying again.

"You overvalue the Powers. I seen them coming to life and dying, so there is no madness in what I'm planning. I know that they can be dealt with. I know magic that can be used to render them almost equal to non-powers. My mother, who bathed in these waterfalls often, onece in aeon if I remember correctly ... was more powerful than I. And she didn't made it. I surviwed ... because I weren't here. And I didn't bathed in the falls ever. It's power lingers in my veins, but this is just a shadow inherited from Golden Empress. And Yes, I seen many worlds freed from divine corruption. Most of them vere dead shells ... though."

He responded to Rhaveon's question with mocking smirk.

"I might use a company for some time, but remember that only help You can trust, partially, is one coming from Yourself. What was Your plan thoug ?"


What a dolt... Arion, perched on a nearby tree branch, sneezes loudly. "Your years in the Abyss have addled your mind, Sindol. I've heard many times of your encounter at the Falls. I'm told they ran red for a week, but regardless of the truth of that wild tale, I know of several corroborating sources that confirm your presence there. Frankly, I trust them more than the words of an addled bloodhawk who probably bartered his soul away decades ago to some Abyssal lord for a few more arrows." Though I'd undoubtedly have heard of something like that, there's no denying this one's skill.

Arion looks back up and gazes out into the pseudomatter morass. He's either lost in thought or thinking nothing at all.


Sigrún lets the others deal with Sindol, Arion and Rahveon were two that he may actually place some faith in, the others were about as meaningful and as predictable as an unbound abomination (although that was exceedingly accurate, it pained him that he'd have to tolerate it nonetheless).

"Now that the excitement is settled for the moment, it would be best to examine our options. Rahveon, what did you learn at the Court of Stars?"

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Sindol of the Dusk, Blackstorm, Demon of Slaughter.

"Mmm ... that small brawl was really entertaining. And only thing that suffered during my involvment in Blood War, were my weaknesses as an warrior. With dull mind I won't live that long. And only complete moron sells his soul, greatest source of personal power, to demon or god. And this ... dolt, is older than Your clan."

He responded to Arion, calm and relaxed. At least if hunting cat can be truly relaxed. He turned his attention to Rhaveon.


First Post
Rahveon looks down at Sindol, pausing to consider, then he speaks.

"I have heard of you, Sindol. I have heard of your dance with Sha'rada, the demon queen of lies, I have heard of the slaughter in Triegan's Deep. I know your name is synonomous with pain and destruction. You are a scourge, a blight and in different circumstances I would not be having this discussion with you, we would be locked in combat."

Rahveon takes his massive sword and lets it relax on his shoulder, "But the circumstances are different, it is possible we will need you. Perhaps because I can see a larger hand moving in all of this and I am not sure that I believe your presence here is a coincedence. So I will offer you this, once."

"We intend to restore the World of the Endless Falls, we believe we have the means to do so. If you would like to join us, as an equal we will consider it. So this is your choice, do you wish to join us, or go your own way?"

Rahveon, still watching Sindol, adresses Sigrun, "Lets wait and see what our prospective "ally" decides before we share what information we have."

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Sindol of the Dusk, Blackstorm, Demon of Slaughter.

Elf's expression remained blank, maybe little too neutral. And Rhaveon couldn't read his eyes, for they are hidden beyond the red bandana. Slight breeze moved his hair, trophy skulls threshed one on the another.

"It seems that You think of Yourself ... equaller, why it isn't suprising me to hear it from paladin. Apologies, kid."

He spoke as if into the air, but last sentece was clearly directed at annoyed Arion.

"And stories ... gossips ... I wonder why they alvays grow with time."

His tone almost sour. Sindol gazed over everyone assembled, slight frown appeared on his face when he directed his hidden stare at Rhaveon. And then he adressed everyone assembled.

"Because I have such feeling, I promise to not attack anyone of my ... current compatriots, unless they attack me first ... until my homeland will be restored. Later, later I will slay anyone who will stand in my way."

He turned his back on them, as if requiring privacy, and mumbled to himself annoyed.

"I think that impostor hunt might be in order ... I haven't been here for aeons.."

He strethed his arms wide, as if to embrance the sun and growled. Before turning to the rest of party. With calm and relaxed face.

"I consider it neccesary to resolve our ... difference of opinions, after we deal with the powers and restoration of ... our homeland, Mountainshaker. I dislike You too. Afterwards ... Your proposal that we should attend to these tasks as equals is wise, so I give my vote for it. Now I'm going to make use of my loot. I need several trinkets from Sigil. I propose that Dragon Lady and Master Summoner should do the same thing with their loot ... and I would gladly exchange amulet for this cloak of the ranger. I found it fitting my taste ..."

OOC: Anyone in the know, I hope that You all understand that not all things blamed on my "blight" were of his doing. As all famous ppl he have and had impostors. So ... all exciting events, that You are proposing to be part of Sindol's fame and I would find unfitting my Character concept will be ... so called "Innocently accused" because of some impostor. Thank You Wrahn, for inspiration with Demon Lady. :p
Tiergan's Deep ? Could You ... chmm, tell me why Rhaveon is so aggravated about this event ? Must know if blame it on impostor or not. ;)
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Suddenly, and without warning...

As the scions argue over the morality of their companions, something terrible happens. A huge rush of wind, stinking of death, washes over the remains of the Endless Falls. In the protomatter sky appears an enormous rotting corpse of what seems to a an infant with sodden feathery wings of black and poisonous green. Next to him flutter clusters of shadowy wings trailing rotting serpent tails.

Leave or die, a dead and whispery voice commands in every mind. A powerful pulling sensation grasps at everyone, attempting to unravel the magical and psionic effects and items around them. At the same time, a trio of hideous screams echos across the sky, shattering the ears of those that hear it, trying to hound them into death. Arion recognizes the creature immediately - Ter'sat the atropal and his flock of shadow chichimecs!

OOC - Everyone please make dispel checks for your gear. Ter'sat got a 35 on his check, so just check your gear against that. I also need everyone to make three DC 29 Fort saves against three wails of the banshee.
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Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Sindol of the Dusk, Blackstorm, Demon of Slaughter.

OCC: Och, most of Sindol's gear don't stand a chance ... and this what matters is if My cloak of resistance surviwes. Otherwise I might be forced to make new PC. :D
Let's see: Caster lvl 20 ...
roll: 8.
Upsie, now I'm in trouble. :]
Fortitude Saves: 26,43,30. Ok, Sindol is stone dead. :p

"Who dares !!!"

He felt as his lifeforce flees his body, torn out by dominating power of the dead ... unborn ? Laughing viciously at this joke of fate, immortal elf passed from records and with him last remmants of Golden Empire passed away. His colling body stands there, unmoved by death, his bow made of the bones of demonkind clutched strongly in his last grip. Several black arrows fell from unfeeling fingers ... right next to small figurine of black steed.

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