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Erekose's Savage Tide Adventure Path [Players Selected]

Rystil Arden

First Post
Wow, that was awful--Erekose, I see you're using the "roll 7 stats and drop 1 of them" variant that I use. I'm wondering if you also allow to drop the high stat to become hopeless and reroll? In this case, I'd like to drop the 18 on this so I can be a hopeless character.

(10 13 13 18 11 7 13)

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Here's the background I've come up with. I'll edit in the stat sheet later today.

Odair Gilchrist
Odair Gilchrist was introduced to the practice of magic more by an accident of birth than anything else; his parents had both studied the Art, with varying degrees of success, and Odair had been tutored in the basics practically by the time he was able to read. Odair’s father, Milton, was an illusionist of minor ability, his progress somewhat stunted by the ever-present distraction of supervising his investments in the nearby plantations. Frustrated by this inevitable consequence of the choices he had made, Milton became resentful of the success of others, and would vent his discontent through petty, arbitrary emotional abuse toward those around him. This eventually drove his wife to leave him, which only caused him to redouble the misery doled out to his three sons.

Odair was the middle child, for which he was grateful, as his elder brother often took the brunt of Milton’s abuse. Odair began to make a habit of slipping out to wander the streets during the worst of their fights. Gradually, he spent less and less time at home, and more simply winding through the streets of Sasserine, seeming to always find his way to Standing Stone Park; he enjoyed the paradoxical sense of simultaneous freedom and isolation to be found in nature, away from the press of humanity. Most of all, he loved the storms. Though he would never admit it, he felt most at peace in the most violent kind of weather, the fury of the storm feeding into his own unvoiced rage and sadness until he reached a kind of ecstatic catharsis. Whenever the winds blew in black thunderclouds and sheets of rain from off the sea, Odair could be found standing in the midst of it, soaking wet, hair whipping about his head, and a look of complete serenity on his face.

Recently, upon returning home late at night from one of these meteorological fugues, Odair discovered his family’s home in flames. His brothers and a number of townsfolk were gathered outside, but Odair’s father was nowhere to be seen. Odair asked his brothers what had happened, and they told him there had been a terrible crash that shook the entire house, and before anyone knew what had happened, the building was burning. Their father was still inside – he had refused to leave without his accounting ledgers, receipts, and paltry spellbook. Odair’s brothers had tried to rescue their father, but the heat had become so intense that no one could even approach the building. Odair turned toward the smoke and flames pouring from the doorway, and, barely pausing to think, cloaked himself in what little protective magic he could muster, and rushed inside. His father’s study was in the rear of the building, and Odair had to jump over fallen ceiling beams and pass through flaming doorjambs that seared the sides of his face, but he finally found his father, lying across his desk, overcome by the smoke, still clutching an armload of parchments and ledgers. Odair hauled him up under one arm, and managed to half-carry, half-drag him outside, where, thanks to the ministrations of one of the Pelorite priests, he chokingly returned to consciousness.

In the intervening weeks, as he oversees the rebuilding of their house, and attempts to put his finances in order, Milton has been much less bellicose than usual, especially toward Odair, whom he seems reluctant to speak to, often watching him sadly, only to quickly look away if his attention is noticed.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Erekose13 said:
RA, welcome you are good to roll stats with Rystil-ST. FC1&2, BoVD, BoED, and Savage Species were left off on purpose sorry.
Considering two of the instigators of STAP are the two authors of FC1, its partially "cannon" anyway. But, its your game, of course.

Verbatim said:
Stonegod: Yeah, but I don't think we could come close to matching Mad Col though.
Col is massively fun, but I think RA's archivist in his RL SCAP game gives him a run for his money. What is it with crazy archivists? :p

Rystil Arden

First Post
stonegod said:
Col is massively fun, but I think RA's archivist in his RL SCAP game gives him a run for his money. What is it with crazy archivists? :p
That's funny--I was thinking of that too. You must have heard some of my Archivist war-stories, but Alcyone has a bunch of other funny moments I never mentioned--I should write a story-hour :lol:


First Post
Verbatim: I don't yet, but many option are open:

- Rogue: I love rogues and I am always happy to do a new kind of Rogue.
- Ranger: A more warrior-like sailor, with Favored Enemy(Whale)
- Monk: They could do great sailors if we go in stats only. But the monastic background that stick to them make it less fitting. But see the sailor with Slow fall, a hand on the sail to slow his fall, the other hand with his pistol crossbow, shooting at the pirate.
- Figther: Could be interesting, but lack many sailor's skills, but could do a nice multi-class
- Swashbuckler: Another nice warrior sailor.

Only things that are sure:

- He will be able to fight hand to hand for good bar fight (Improved Unarmed Strike)
- He is a good swimmer (Water Rat Feat in Savage Tide and some swim ranks)
- He must be able to use a javelin (aka harpoon)


First Post
Hey - thanks for the concern about my poor rolls, but I'm satisfied with them. The fact is, this thread will get a lot of recruits, and they'll probably be plenty more with lame rolls like mine & RA's. Erekose may end up picking a lower-powered group. That said, if my PC is chosen and looks to be the 'runt of the litter,' then you wouldn't hear me complaining about a few extra points to throw around.

I'm not making a powerful character. I'm designing a half-elven bard. Erekose stated he is picking 5 PCs for this adventure & I'm aiming for PC #5. My half-elf will be flexible. Given the number of feats coming down the track, he/she should have lots of PrC and multiclassing options to choose from. I hope to guide my PC's progression organically, with few preconceived ideas. He/she will grow based on party needs and IC experience. A rich setting like this should provide lots of ideas. Racial paragon classes are legal here, aren't they?

I've never brought a bard up past 1st level before, and I've never had much luck w/my half-elven PCs either. I see this as a good oportunity to expand my Rollplaying. Plus, I plan to make a pirate! I'm stoked! Whoever gets picked, I'm confident this will be a great game. And nothing is ever wasted when making a PC. Eventually, you get a chance to use what you've done. I'll probably get my PC posted by tonight.

Verbatim, you're an awesome player. I'm glad you're back on these boards, and if we don't make the cut on this one together, I hope to see around on LEW and elsewhere!

Rystil Arden

First Post
The fact is, this thread will get a lot of recruits, and they'll probably be plenty more with lame rolls like mine & RA's

Hmmm...statistically, the main difference in the min(2) (which is the only difference between Erekose's rolling scheme and my usual one, except maybe if he doesn't allow tossing the high roll to get a hopeless character) is that it actually makes anything much worse than our rolls highly statistically unlikely while not increasing the likelihood of anything higher than 14 at all. For instance, 6 is the lowest possible roll at all, and I rolled a 7 :lol:

I would expect a typical PB around 36 with significant spikes towards the upper end (anyone who rolls a high stat or two can expect to be backed up with solid lower stats most of the time)

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