Eric "Shade" Jansing (1971-2012)


Creature Cataloguer
That's good news. :)

For those who do Facebook, see the "recent posts by others" section, where you'll see comments from me and a few others you might recognize. One of the responses indicates that they might be just fine with the netbook idea.

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Clefton Twain

First Post
Just an update or two. Eric's wife has been having some complications and has been in the hospital off and on for a couple of weeks. She had surgery yesterday and we all hope that this is the end of it all. It's been a rough ride for her.

So I don't know where she stands on certain things like the netbook or other issues that I've been asked. Hopefully everything will sort itself out and things can return to normal. Then she can devote a little attention to the questions you guys have posed.

In the meantime, keep her in your thoughts, prayers, or spellbooks. :)



Extradimensional Explorer
Thanks for giving us an update, Clefton. It must be very difficult for her (and their kids). Certainly, worrying about the netbook should wait until things settle down for her!


Extradimensional Explorer
In Memoriam

We have our first update to the Creature Catalog, posting here for anyone who'd otherwise miss it.

In Memoriam

In June, Eric Jansing, known here as Shade, departed for the Outer Planes, leaving us without our leader and friend. Shade became a CC moderator and admin in 2005, and this is the first CC update in over 5 years that Shade didn't make himself. In honor of his tireless efforts in monster conversion, the CC crew will continue our project of updating every D&D monster to 3.5e; Cleon and I will take over the updating duties. We hope these critters bring you the same joy that Shade's work brought to us and so many others.

Shade was an equal opportunity "monster junkie," as he proudly called himself, so it was difficult to choose monsters for this first update. These include some of the monsters Shade helped convert in his last year (the gohei p'oh, jagwere, snapper tortle, and werejaguar), two epic monsters (the draeden and the Tree of Wailing Souls), some shadowy undead (the shadowrath, greater shadowrath, and soul beckoner), and the greater lammasu (to represent Shade's role in our community).

Rest in peace, Eric. We will miss you.


First Post
My first visit to the creature catalog in far too long, and some very sad news to greet me.

I have fond memories of working with Shade on creature conversion projects, several years ago. He was always a pleasure to work with.

Goodbye, Shade. You are missed dearly!


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Shade has been in my thoughts a lot recently.

Just over a month ago, one of my very good friends returned home on a Sunday night to discover that he had been robbed. Unfortunately for him, the robbers were still inside the house. When my friend entered the room they were hiding in, they attacked him, stabbing him several times with a knife and bludgeoning him over the head with a heavy object. His neighbors heard his screams for help and immediately called the police, but by the time they arrived, he was already dead and the robbers had fled.

The weekend before he died, our gaming group had gotten together at my house. Unusually, everyone decided to stayed over for that whole weekend, so there were plenty of board games played and lots of socializing took place, as well as an eight hour D&D session. I am very grateful that the last time I saw my friend was for such a fun-filled weekend.

Losing someone that you game with regularly is slightly different to losing a friend that you don't game with. You don't have to say goodbye to just one person, but also to the characters he played. At the end of last year, we finished the heroic tier of our extended 4e campaign, in which the heroes led a large scale assault on the lair of a powerful lich-lord whom they eventually overcame in a climatic battle. One consequence of this is that a statue of the heroes who led the charge is being built in their hometown. It is strangely comforting to know that although my friend will never have another chance to play his character, that character will forever be immortalized in stone in our gaming group's shared collective imagination.

Shade, it has been almost a year now since you left us. But you are not forgotten. I often think of your contributions to D&D monster lore when I am looking up monsters in my index, and I still get a lump in my throat each time I stumble upon one of your posts to the ENWorld forums.

But wherever you might be now, if you happen to come across a fellow traveller who plays a goliath with a huge sword and a tendency to stumble into awkward situations, or a shadar-kai bard who sees only in black-and-white because he traded his color-vision with a hag for a favor, I hope you'll be kind enough to invite him to join you at your gaming table. It pleases me greatly to think that he might have a kind and wise fellow gamer with whom to continue his adventures.


Extradimensional Explorer
Shade has been in my thoughts a lot recently.

Just over a month ago, one of my very good friends returned home on a Sunday night to discover that he had been robbed. Unfortunately for him, the robbers were still inside the house. When my friend entered the room they were hiding in, they attacked him, stabbing him several times with a knife and bludgeoning him over the head with a heavy object. His neighbors heard his screams for help and immediately called the police, but by the time they arrived, he was already dead and the robbers had fled.

The weekend before he died, our gaming group had gotten together at my house. Unusually, everyone decided to stayed over for that whole weekend, so there were plenty of board games played and lots of socializing took place, as well as an eight hour D&D session. I am very grateful that the last time I saw my friend was for such a fun-filled weekend.

Losing someone that you game with regularly is slightly different to losing a friend that you don't game with. You don't have to say goodbye to just one person, but also to the characters he played. At the end of last year, we finished the heroic tier of our extended 4e campaign, in which the heroes led a large scale assault on the lair of a powerful lich-lord whom they eventually overcame in a climatic battle. One consequence of this is that a statue of the heroes who led the charge is being built in their hometown. It is strangely comforting to know that although my friend will never have another chance to play his character, that character will forever be immortalized in stone in our gaming group's shared collective imagination.

Shade, it has been almost a year now since you left us. But you are not forgotten. I often think of your contributions to D&D monster lore when I am looking up monsters in my index, and I still get a lump in my throat each time I stumble upon one of your posts to the ENWorld forums.

But wherever you might be now, if you happen to come across a fellow traveller who plays a goliath with a huge sword and a tendency to stumble into awkward situations, or a shadar-kai bard who sees only in black-and-white because he traded his color-vision with a hag for a favor, I hope you'll be kind enough to invite him to join you at your gaming table. It pleases me greatly to think that he might have a kind and wise fellow gamer with whom to continue his adventures.

Echohawk, I'm very sorry for your loss. I wish I could offer you more effective consolation, but please remember that you are always welcome in the CC or to send a PM if you want.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Echohawk, I'm very sorry for your loss. I wish I could offer you more effective consolation, but please remember that you are always welcome in the CC or to send a PM if you want.
Thanks for the kind words freyar, I appreciate them.

I do still visit the CC relatively frequently, although I realise I only rarely contribute anything :(.

As a complete aside, I recently started work on a new indexing project, this time trying to catalog all of the D&D maps that have been published over the years. While I'm busy with that, I'm also touching up the monster index slightly, and when I get to the later 4e publications, I'm going to add the missing 4e monsters to the index at the same time I catalog the maps.

I'm about 5% done with the maps so far, so I should have a complete index of both monsters and maps about two years from now. :hmm:

Then maybe I'll do spells. Or magic items. Or something... :lol:

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