Eric "Shade" Jansing (1971-2012)


Extradimensional Explorer
Today marks a year since Shade left us. I still see his posts and miss his guidance in our conversions nearly every day. Rest in peace, Shade.

I keep thinking about the idea of a netbook of conversions with a page about how to donate to Shade's memorial fund, but work is just too busy. Maybe someday, though.

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Creature Cataloguer
Closing in on two years now. :( Was just thinking of him last month, as it seems like a lot of my friends are dying young.


Extradimensional Explorer
Two years today. It's hard to believe. One day I really would like to do some kind of monster memorial for Shade.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
I missed the two year mark, but I think of Shade often. Just last week I was wondering what he'd think of 5th Edition D&D, and especially its treatment of monsters. I tend to think he'd have been a fan of the consideration given to the historical body of D&D lore in preparing the new edition. (If you haven't been following the development, I can recommend James Wyatt's Wandering Monsters series of articles on the WotC web site.)

Maybe Shade would be urging us all to start working on 5th edition conversions of missing creatures :cool:


Demon Lord
Two years today. It's hard to believe. One day I really would like to do some kind of monster memorial for Shade.

"Old News" I guess, but we did put a dedication to Shade in Tome of Horrors 4 (which came out last year). It read simply "This book is dedicated to Eric “Shade” Jansing (1971–2012). Thanks for keeping the Creature Catalog flame burning at ENWorld. You will be missed my friend."


Demon Lord
I missed the two year mark, but I think of Shade often. Just last week I was wondering what he'd think of 5th Edition D&D, and especially its treatment of monsters. I tend to think he'd have been a fan of the consideration given to the historical body of D&D lore in preparing the new edition. (If you haven't been following the development, I can recommend James Wyatt's Wandering Monsters series of articles on the WotC web site.)

Maybe Shade would be urging us all to start working on 5th edition conversions of missing creatures :cool:

I think Shade would've dug 5e. And yeah, I agree with ya, he'd likely be knocking away at 5e monsters as we speak.


Creature Cataloguer
"Old News" I guess, but we did put a dedication to Shade in Tome of Horrors 4 (which came out last year). It read simply "This book is dedicated to Eric “Shade” Jansing (1971–2012). Thanks for keeping the Creature Catalog flame burning at ENWorld. You will be missed my friend."

Thanks, Scott, that's great to hear.


Extradimensional Explorer
It's now been 10 years (and two weeks). I still think about Shade when I come post in this forum, since he started a lot of the threads we're still using. One day we'll finish getting all creatures a 3e treatment! I think Shade would've been working on that, probably in addition to 5e and Pathfinder and new monsters too.

Voidrunner's Codex

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