D&D 5E Escaping from (rope) bonds... What is your ruling?

Do you allow proficiency in Acrobatics or Sleight of Hand to apply when escaping rope bonds?

  • 1. No. Straight Dexterity check

  • 2. Yes. Acrobatics proficiency will help.

  • 3. Yes. Sleight of Hand proficiency will help.

  • 4. Yes. Either Acrobatics of Sleight of Hand proficiency will help.

  • 5. Yes. Other (please explain).

  • 6. No. Other (please explain).

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Where is that Singe?
During some character sheet revision, I decided to double-check abilities and their uses and came across something which seems a bit odd to me: if your PC is bound, tied, etc. by ropes (typically behind their back), the PHB implies it would be a straight Dexterity check (the "wriggle free of bonds" item).

Curiousity (and boredom) getting the better of me, I thought "why not ask how others do it?"

Do you allow Acrobatics or Sleight of Hand to help with escaping from ropes when bound?

Note: I will add making a Strength check covers "breaking" free of bonds. Manacles also require a DC 20 Strength check to break free or DC 20 Dexterity check to escape (DC 15 for using thieves' tools).

While rope requires a DC 17 Strength check to burst free, there is no set DC for a Dexterity check since it would be opposed by the creature tying you up.

ATTENTION: Ok folks, this is an "all-age" web site, so let's keep it "clean" please and thank you! :)

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I default to allowing proficiency if it makes sense at least a bit, and both of those qualify. I would also allow strength (athletics) to simply break the rope, though the DC may be different.


Where is that Singe?
Per Xanathar's, p. 78:
  • The creature who ties a knot makes an Intelligence (Sleight of Hand) roll
  • That total is the DC to untie (Sleight of Hand) or slip out of (Acrobatics) the knot
Huh. I'm not surprised it's there... just never noticed it before. I wonder if making it a straight Dexterity check before was a bit of an oversight or over-simplification?

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
I would probably lean towards using either; nice to let the party have different ways to think their ways out of obstacles.

Heck, you could have the rope be enchanted to come loose at a command word (perhaps "red"...) ;)


5e PHB and DMG often use "Strength check" or "Intelligence check" or "Dexterity check" in the general application of 5e's skill rules – which is that whether or not proficiency in a skill applies to a roll is up to the GM.

The reason hardly anyone remembers or pays attention to that is cause people are used to Stat (Skill) from past editions, adventures pretty much threw out that PHB/DMG advice, character sheets are designed with ability scores hard-coded to skills, and often it's just easier to avoid back-and-forth between player and GM about what applies.

When they say "Dexterity check", the implication is "Use your best judgment and creativity about what skill proficiencies or tool proficiencies might apply to this check. Dexterity is just the default. How it gets modified is determined by play."

The only ropes in my games are alive, and you need to solve a puzzle to convince them to knot and unknot, and when knotted that which is bound must solve three riddles and make a successful Arcana check followed by a successful Animal Handling check followed by a charisma saving throw to not be possessed by the rope.


Where is that Singe?
When they say "Dexterity check", the implication is "Use your best judgment and creativity about what skill proficiencies or tool proficiencies might apply to this check. Dexterity is just the default. How it gets modified is determined by play."
Sure, but when the PHB actually lists "wriggle free of bonds" as an example of a Dexterity check where no "listed" skill applies, that sort of goes against the above philosophy IMO.

However, I do know what you mean.

The only ropes in my games are alive, and you need to solve a puzzle to convince them to knot and unknot, and when knotted that which is bound must solve three riddles and make a successful Arcana check followed by a successful Animal Handling check followed by a charisma saving throw to not be possessed by the rope.
Do you have a stat block for your "Living Rope"??? :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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