Escaping the Labyrinth


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Frustrated with his lacking arsenal of ranged powers, Ryash draws on the only power he turns towards the tentacles currently visible above the surface, and a colum of holy fire strikes their writhing forms.

Casting Flame Strike centered on the surfaced stuff: 33 damage, half of it is Fire, other half is not.
Reflex save halves, DC 23.

HP: 80/80
AC: 23/10/18 + 1 vs. evil.
Saves: Fort 12, Ref 5, Will 18. + 4 vs. evil spells.
Reistance to Cold, Acid and Electricity 5.
Attack: +15/+10, 1d8+2, 20/x2. Good weapon, All crit threats = crits vs. evil.
Turns remaining: 13
0 - Create Water x2, Light x2, Purify Food and Drink x2.
1 - Bless, Divine Favor, Remove Fear, Sanctuary x2, Nimbus of Light x2 + Cure Light Wounds.
2 - Deific Vengeance, Bull's Strength x2, Bears Endurance, Lesser Restoration x2 + Cure Moderate Wounds.
3 - Ring of Blades x2, Blessed Aim, Hearts Ease, Create Food and Water, Prayer + Cure Serious Wounds.
4 - Recitation, Revenance, Divine Power, Neutralize Poison + Cure Critical Wounds.
5 - Chaav's Laugh, Break Enchantment, Flame Strike + Mass Cure Light Wounds.
6 - Visage of the Deity, Find the Path + Heal.

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First Post
Frustrated that the creature has moved beyond his reach, Rhokkan launches himself at the octopus, using his momentum to add force behind his attack.

So not sure how to adjucate this, but Rhokkan wants to launch at the octopus and drive his blade into it, hoping to hang on with his blade in it...

Jump; Reflex (If Necesary); Atk; Damage (1d20+11=20, 1d20+7=21, 1d20+16=19, 3d6+16=28)

92/107 hp (17 damage + 5 fast healing)
AC: 26, Touch: 14, FF: 21
F/R/W: +20/+11/+10


Darius manages to wriggle free of the creatures grasp, spending a moment to figure out which way is up, and then swimming towards it with all haste. The monster flails a tentacle after his fleeing form, though, and Wraps it around his throat, preventing him from reaching the surface. The others see the flailing in the water, both Darius and the Octopus being under the surface.
Anabelle begins to summon in the darkness while Carl, realizing that these things tentacles could probably reach the roof if they wanted, takes measures to protect himself while blowing a hole straight through the beasts head. As he cheers, Savlin continues down the path.

Ryash turns to blast the thing and sees it fall. He holds his spell a moment, trying to figure if he can possibly use it against the one trying to eat Darius.. Rhokkan likewise scowls, seeing his intended prey dissapear.

As the two of them turn to regard their companion, however, a third beast comes bursting out of the water to their left, it's tentacles whipping upwards at Ryash. The priest reflexively drops his spell onto the thing, burning it with holy fire even as it lashes out at him. Neither of their attacks, however, seem very effective, the fires barely singing the octopus and it's tentacle missing the priest.

Rhokkan's response is much more effective as he leaps off the path, his blade driving deep through the things blubbery body. Unfortunately, he can't keep ahold of it and now finds himself floundering in the water.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the Octopus again latches onto it's prey, drawing Darius in close and squeezing as they move even further down, barely visible to those above the surface now..

R=Rokelsh, C=Carl, Y=Ryash, S=Savlin, D=Darius, A=Anabelle, F=Familiar
O=Octopus, ~=Water, .=Path, x=border of the darkness (can't see anything south of it)


Ouch.. Octopus AoO (1d20+10=30) Nat twenty.
Confirm Crit; Damage; Octopus Improved Grab; Darius resist grapple. (1d20+10=11, 1d4+5=9, 1d20+15=19, 1d20+8=12)
Doesn't confirm, but it does beat you on the Improved Grab check. Sry, but Darius is grappled again, still underwater, and takes 9 damage (Overcomes DR/Magic)
Carl realizes that he won't get out of this things reach easily, so your only alternative is: Defensive casting of Eldritch Blast (1d20+17=31) which succeeds. I also rolled your SR check (1d20+12=30) which also succeeds. Dead octopus.

Octopus Reflex vs Flame Strike; Attack; Damage; Grapple if hit(Octo;Ryash) (1d20+8=28, 1d20+10=22, 1d4+5=8, 1d20+15=20, 1d20+9=22) Ryash SR check (1d20+12=22) You beat it's SR, but The octopus saves for half(8 fire, 8 holy. Resists the fire damage), Fortunately, it's tentacle misses Ryash.
Rhokkan's jump check DC is doubled b/c you don't get a running start, meaning you jump 10 feet. Due to your reach you get close enough to stab it, but aren't close enough to grab on. You'll need a swim check on your next action to do anything. [Rhokkan has a total swim check of +8... +10 str - 2 (double armour check penalty)]
You do, however, hit it for 28 damage. (It looks nearly dead after that and the flame strike)

Now for the other side...
Touch Attack; Grapple check(Octopus; Darius) (1d20+10=23, 1d20+15=27, 1d20+8=19) It hits, and succeeds at grappling you, then moves into your square and Octopus Constrict (2d8+6=16).
*EDIT: Ignore the touch attack, it doesn't matter as I forgot he was allready grappling you*
Darius takes another 16 damage (overcomes DR). For a total of 25 damage this round. Also, you don't need to worry about con checks vs drowning yet.. I'll tell you if/when they become neccessary. It also takes you 5' deeper.

The NEW octopus on the left is surfaced, the one on the right (as well as Darius, in its grasp) is now 10' below the surface.
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Walking Dad

First Post
Struggeling in it's grasp, water all around him, blurring his sight, Darius tries to elude the tentacles deadly grip. Again!

Please continue to roll my grapple check. As it is a resisited check, I would like it more that way.

AC: 27 (10 base + 3 dex + 6 armour + 3 defl + 3 nat. armor + 2 shield)
Touch: 16
Flat-Footed: 24

HP: 74 / 136
DR: 2/ magic

FORT: +17 (8 base + 4 con + 5 res.)
REF: +12 (4 base + 3 dex + 5 res.)
WILL: +15 (8 base + 2 wis + 5 res.)


First Post
Rhokkan's large form hits the water with a splash. After his attack and subsequent retreat of the octopus, Rhokkan pushes himself forward towards his foe, hoping to finish what he started.

Even with his great strength, Rhokkan's mighty swing is slowed by the water as he attempts to slash the creature's main body.

If he makes the check can swim 1/2 speed as a move action, therefore swim SW 1 square

Swim (1d20+8=17)

Attack rolls are -2 underwater, 1/2 damage so damage is 12 if it hits.
Attack (-2 underwater); Damage (Will need to be divided in 1/2) (1d20+14=20, 3d6+16=25)

97/107 hp (0 damage + 5 fast healing)
AC: 26, Touch: 14, FF: 21
F/R/W: +20/+11/+10


First Post
Anabelle finished up with her summoning spell, her vipers once again making an appearance, this time surrounding the octopus that was assaulting Darius. Before they begin to attack however, Anabelle rushed forward right behind Ryash and cast another spell, speeding up all of her allies in the battle.

Anabelle finishes her spell, and cast it right above and right below the Octopus attacking Darius (2x2 respectivly). She then moves 30 ft up behind Ryash and casts haste, effecting every party member, as well as all 4 snakes (but not her familiar).

Snakes attacks: Note: Since the Octopus is grappled, it should lose any dex mod to AC it might have.
1: AC 18, 2 Damage, 4 Str (Poison, Fort DC 13)
2: AC 12, 5 Damage, 2 Str
3: AC 14, 3 Damage, 4 Str
4: AC 11, 4 Damage, 5 Str
5: AC 12, 2 Damage, 6 Str
6: AC 8, 5 Damage, 1 Str
7: AC 11, 5 Damage, 5 Str
8: AC 12, 4 Damage, 1 Str

*Now I'm ticked at Invisible Castle. 8 Rolls and I only got over 7 ONCE! AARG!!!!*

AC 18 (3 Dex, 4 Mage Armor, 1 Haste)
HP 74
Fort: 6
Ref: 6
Will: 11
*Still in Sphere of Darkness*

AC 22 (3 Dex, 3 Natural, 2 Size, 4 Mage Armor) 24 against those who can't see invis.
HP 37
Fort: 3
Ref: 6
Will: 12
DR 5/cold iron or good

Snakes x4
AC 17
HP 13
Fort: +5
Ref: +7
Will: +1


Carl sends a blast at the newly surfaced octopus, trying to do to it what he did to the oother one.

[sblock=ooc]beshadowed blast 28 to hit touch, 30 damage (+ Fort DC 22 or blind for one round)

Jemal: Note that I will be OOT and offline Weds 6/18 - Mon 6/23. Carl will continue to blast foes that surface, if applicable.[/sblock]


Darius continues his attempts at escape, but the octopus maintains it's death-grip on him.

On the Left, Rhokkan heaves himself through the water towards his opponent, avoiding it's lashing tentacles and plunging his sword into the thing's bulbous body, though not managing to inflict a deep enough wound to finish it.
That is done instead by Savlin's arrows which fly in above the troll, one taking the beast in it's eye and finishing it off.

Meanwhile, Anabelle summons her snakes to surround the octopus on the right and Haste's the party while her snakes swarm Darius's attacker, biting furiously. Unfortunately, its tough skin seems impervious to their attacks.

Carl, seeing the left target has been dealt with, turns and sights in on the other one. His blast flashes out, driving through the water and into the Octopus, wounding and blinding it.

R=Rokelsh, C=Carl, Y=Ryash, S=Savlin, D=Darius, A=Anabelle, F=Familiar
O=Octopus, s=Snakes, ~=Water, .=Path, x=border of the darkness (can't see anything south of it)

Grapple escape attempt (Darius, Octopus) (1d20+8=13, 1d20+15=22)
Octopus wins, Darius doesn't escape.
Rhokkan makes the swim check but provokes an AoO (1d20+10=12, 1d4+5=7) for his movement, which misses.
Rhokkans attack hits.
Savlin also hits with both. The first does not beat the beasts DR, but the crit kills it.
None of Anabelle's Fiendish Medium Viper's beat the things DR. As such, their poison's don't go off either.
RE: Carl's attack - One thing I hadn't considered with this was firing magic into water. Miss chance? AC bonus? Or does it just straight-out work? Well, I'll give it to you this time, at least.
Octopus Save vs Blindness (1d20+7=14)

Just waiting on Ryash's action then the last octopus's turn.[/sblock]


[sblock=Jemal]Ok then.

There's a reason Carl hadn't been trying to rescue Darius instead of foolling around with the ones that had surfaced. A creature underwater has total cover against attacks from out of the water that require to-hit rolls.

However, I consider that rule poorly justified and broken, so you may want to house rule it.[/sblock]

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