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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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OOC: That's more for kicks and for the record than anything else.

Velmont and Walking's Dad character new characters are replacing their old ones in 'A chef's Request', the silliest and deadliest adventure currently running on L4W.

Yeah...quite the odd adventure, light-hearted and deadly. P.S. Well done Mal, I can't XP you yet, but this definitely had me laughing. Glad I couldn't manage to kill Ghorgor [/sblock]

OOC: And I just made a character named Lenard! I even searched the wiki to make sure I was the only one. Boooo! At least they're different spellings, hehe.

I saw this today when I was looking for Leonard's sheet... not as bad as Mikara and Mikara (Gimlord & Kalidrev's PC's)... funny how that works[/sblock]
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Queen makes eye contact, and says in an ever neutral tone. What do you want?

OOC: Grats on 2k posts. ;)

Gil thinks on it for a moment, I'd like to see one of those tiny segments again, so I can get a better sketch. He smiles at Queen, poised to put pencil on paper.


First Post
Gil thinks on it for a moment, I'd like to see one of those tiny segments again, so I can get a better sketch.

You think on the short term. Queen's palm opens and a construct sits there. Neither the construct nor the Forged move for quite some time forcing you to move around to get the full pictures. After a handful of uninterrupted minutes, Queen finally moves. Simply whispering to the construct.
Gil, 2 feet north-east, "You need not return me"
With that the tiny flying machine takes off, flying around the forged once to get it bearings and flits directly into the front of Gil's face. "You need not return me" says the insectile looking machine right before falling into Gil's lap. Now devoid of power, sentience and soul it is little more than a delicate model.

OOC: Animal Messenger, kinda First one is Free

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 19 Insight: 14
AC 15 Fortitude 14 Reflex 11 Will 16
Hit Points: 30 / 30 Bloodied: 15
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -4 melee/ranged damage while in beast form.
Saving Throw: +2 vs. Ongoing damage effects, take 10 vs Death.
Action Points: ? Second Wind: ?
Healing Surge:7 Surges per day: 11 / 11
At-Will Powers: Swarming Locusts, Wild Shape, Grasping Claws, Storm Spike
Encounter Powers: Stinging Cloud,Warforged Resolve
Daily Powers: Fog of Insects


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Owen looked up at the doorway for a moment.

"The Hanged Man, eh? Well, this is supposed to be the place."

Taking a deep breath and trying to quell his growing excitement, he pushes the door open and steps inside. The change from daylight to the tavern's interior, leaves him framed in the doorway for a moment, as he blinks and waits for his eyes to adjust. His pause allows everyone a chance to get a good look at him. He is a young half-orc, tall but still possessed of a slighlty awkward gangliness. He has a thick mane of brown hair tied off behind his neck, and a smattering of incongruous freckles across his nose. A simple greatsword hangs across his back, with a single tiger's eye glinting dully in the pommel.


After a moment, Owen realizes that some of the tavern's occupants are watching him expectantly. That's right, the sames stories that lead him here said that he was supposed to ...

He steps into the room, hesitantly at first, but with growing confidence as he reaches the bar and turns to address the room and bows slightly.

"Owen Skarlson, at your services. I have come seeking adventure, and I hear that this is the place where it can come seeking me in turn."


Shortly after Owen announces himself, the tavern door opens once again. In steps a young blonde man with no weapons or armor visible. He does, however, carry a strange sphere-shaped object in a belt satchel. The man stops short just past the doorway, looking about the room curiously. The expectant gaze of the bouncer soon brings him back to reality.

"Ah, so you expect the custom I heard tell of? Very well." He clears his throat and speaks loudly to the other patrons. "Allow me to introduce myself. You look upon Lenard, noted scholar and enchanter."

Lenard nods, satisfied with the introduction, and then walks with graceful poise to the bar. He takes a seat besides Owen, pausing only momentarily when he realizes that the young man is a half-orc. Lenard makes no immediate move to address him.

[sblock=Lenard stat block]http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Lenard_(Dekana)- Male Human Mage 1
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12
AC:15, Fort:12, Reflex:16, Will:15 -- Speed:6
HP:28/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:7/7
Initiative +0
Action Points: 1


Arc Lightning, Beguiling Strands, Hypnotism, Light, Magic Missile, Prestidigitation
Conduit of Ice, Second Wind, Suggestion
Flaming Sphere

Conduit of Ice, Illusory Obstacles
Flaming Sphere, Sleep[/sblock][/sblock]
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First Post
After buzzing about Queen, sketching details of the minuscule faux-creature for a handful of uninterrupted minutes, the most fascinating oddity occurred before Gil! The tiny construct lifted off, and delivered a simple message before inertly falling into his lap. Fantastic! This gets filed away immediately. A small jar is produced from one of the belt pouches, filled with cotton from another, and sealed with the construct inside in the blink of an eye. Thank... er, All of you, Queen! On my future desires, I'd like to learn a universal code of ethics, or master value system. As a sentient inorganic person, surely you have an interesting understanding of the subject! What is good?

As Gil becomes more comfortable that he's in a safe environment he loosens up considerably. He waves whenever newcomers enter, and leaves them with an inviting smile, before continuing to take note of most anything that seemed worthwhile to remember. The Kreen took some of his attention along with the plethora of other races that he was completely unaccustomed too; outside of school books at least...


First Post
Queen stares blankly at the new arrivals, attempting to appraise them in turn. Queen being the pebble Warforged from what appear to be the construct table.

Thank... er, All of you, Queen! On my future desires, I'd like to learn a universal code of ethics, or master value system. As a sentient inorganic person, surely you have an interesting understanding of the subject! What is good?

Good? As in Good versus Evil? It would seem that it is subjective to the mind of the individual.

Although, our friend once said "Sin seen from the thought, is a diminution or less: seen from the conscience or will, it is pravity or bad. The intellect names it shade, absence of light, and no essence. The conscience must feel it as essence, essential evil. This it is not: it has an objective existence, but no subjective. "

He also said that "Morality was frivolously imposed on us by the will of the creators." and that we should just "Ask a paladin"

That definition of Good?
Queens head tilts at a 45 degree angle.
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First Post
Ha! One of the better I've had the pleasure of hearing... Most haven't considered the ramifications of a universal system; seems that your friend had. A broad smile splattered across his face, Gil continues, An objective understanding of the nature of goodness could possibly be found via the wonder of magic. That's my thesis at least, if I'm wrong, it's going to be a long road back to my parents house...

The wizard orders another round of whatever the table is having, and joins the constructs, seeing as Artemis and the others he'd met had already left.


First Post
An objective understanding of the nature of goodness could possibly be found via the wonder of magic.

Why "Goodness" and not the full alignment spectrum? Or Neutrality?

The wizard orders another round of whatever the table is having, and joins the constructs.

A round what? Queen looks around considering the tables, coasters and other roundish objects.


Owen makes way for the new arrival, sitting at the bar and sipping quietly at a drink as he surveys the room. He notes Lenard's brief pause, but makes nothing of it, accustomed to worse receptions. He ignores the silent man for a moment and focuses on the construct and the artist who seem much more talkative. However, their conversation soon lapses into deep philosophy and Owen's eyes quickly glaze over.

After a brief pause, he turns to Lenard and smiles amicably.

"A scholar, you said? What is it that you study, exactly? Just enchanting, or are you a more varied student of the world?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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