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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Sharpe was thinking of the the representative whatshisface at the table. It would be fun to string him up by his thumbs and shove hot coals in his boots, but the peasants would not like that. Perhaps the man is part of some evil scheme, which he could foil and then adopt to his own purposes later. Then he could put hot coals in his boots.

OOC: @pathfinderq1 just wanted to make sure you saw the above post :)

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"I would bet they already know it's not drinking problem or they would just send a militia men to get them back, but this man needs to feel important. Minor noble would be my guess or even someone common who climbed up the ladder and the success got to his head. Like a dragon whos pride will be his downfall, so will he face our success with sour face." whispers Drew to Felix, trying not to be heard, but not too hard.


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"Big fish in a little pond. Has to make himself look bigger somehow, no?" Felix looks up to see the representative has noticed their aside and smiles exaggeratedly as he asks, "What?" in his most innocent voice.


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There was a brief pause in the conversation around the representative's table. A moment later, the woman seated at another table nearby rose to her feet and stepped forward. A hooded cloak of deep emerald green concealed her features, but a rune-carved staff in one hand spoke of her likely occupation. When she spoke, her words were in fluent Allarian, but her voice held the musical tones of one whose native speech was Eladrin. "I am am sure these fine gentlemen will be able to help you, if your task is as simple as you imply- but if the disappearances are due to 'unusual' factors, I may be able to assist." She bowed, just enough for the gesture to be noticed. "You may call me Mina."

[sblock= OOC] Back, and slowing getting back up to speed.
Mina is a level 1 eladrin Wizard (Mage) http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Mina_(pathfinderq1) [/sblock]


Slightly entitled.
"Well, Mina, if you will take a seat next to the rest of your esteemed adventurers, we can get down to the crux of the matter." He motions to the final empty seat.

He turns to the group as a whole and begins, "This does not appear to be a disappearance, as Mina so succinctly put it, so much as a failure to report and as one of the missing militia is a relative of our Mayor Brunt, he takes a personal interest in locating and escorting them back to Daunton. The two militiamen were sent out to the mine to check on claims, made by Kalavar Coppernight, that there might be precious metals located there."

The representative pauses a moment, perhaps to suppress is disgust at the next portion of his charge, before continuing, "As such, the Mayor is offering each of you a sum of two hundred gold...a piece." He shakes his head. "This map," which he unfolds on the table, "will show you the location of the newly opening mining operation." He points to the relevant spot. "It's only a four hour trek. You should be able to complete your "mission" in one day's time."

"If you have no further questions..." he stands and brushes down his vest.

[sblock=Streetwise 15]You've heard talk of this Kalavar Coppernight. A couple of months ago, he, and a group of about 15 other dwarves, made their way through Daunton, claiming that there was an ancient dwarven ruins located very near to the city and he aimed to find them.[/sblock]
OOC: If you have any questions, feel free to ask. You may also make any skill checks you deem relative. Otherwise, I'll start the thread for the adventure tomorrow sometime.


Prime whistles some steam and puts both metallic hands on the table.





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*A large being enters the tavern. His face completely shadowed by the heavy cowl draw over his head. He was mass towering in at over 7 feet tall. His ragged black cloak bellowed out around him like a wraith when he continued to move inside. The wooden floor boards, creaked and moaned taking the heavy weight as his dirt encrusted leather boots moved across the bar. He took a seat upon a barstool at the bar. His deep voice resounding outwards.*

Barkeep an ale.

*He reaches up and pulls back his hood revealing something a little different. Something not really from around here. A head of an anthropomorphic tiger, a Kan (reskinned Bugbear) gazed at the barkeep.*

Names Cyrus. Looking for some work around here. Anything going on as of lately?

[sblock=Cyrus]Level 1 Executioner (Striker). Ready for some action.[/sblock]
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Felix looks about the table and nods, "Like I said, I need to grab my kit. Meet at the North Gate in half an hour?" He pauses and glances at the representative, "You're not coming, right? I don't think I could handle your shining personality the whole walk there. I might go blind."


Felix hasn't been in the area long enough for anything like a History check. Between the Tavern and the gate he'll ask around about the mine and Coppernight (Streetwise: 19).
Also, no idea if there is a "North gate." Sub in any relevant location if there isn't. I couldn't sort it out (this early in the morning) from the wiki.[/sblock]
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He turns to the group as a whole and begins, "This does not appear to be a disappearance, as Mina so succinctly put it, so much as a failure to report and as one of the missing militia is a relative of our Mayor Brunt, he takes a personal interest in locating and escorting them back to Daunton. The two militiamen were sent out to the mine to check on claims, made by Kalavar Coppernight, that there might be precious metals located there."

The representative pauses a moment, perhaps to suppress is disgust at the next portion of his charge, before continuing, "As such, the Mayor is offering each of you a sum of two hundred gold...a piece." He shakes his head. "This map," which he unfolds on the table, "will show you the location of the newly opening mining operation." He points to the relevant spot. "It's only a four hour trek. You should be able to complete your "mission" in one day's time."

"If you have no further questions..." he stands and brushes down his vest.
I think I just failed a skill check... Sharpe mumbles, then shakes his head, must not be anything.

Let us get this merryist bandith onward to find those people and claimith our dragon gold! Sharpe says, looking forward to the last part.

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