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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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The door to the Hanged Man in opens and weathered dwarf slowly makes his way in. He was short for a male dwarf, not ever four and a half feet tall. His hair and thick beard bears a strong black color, almost blue. His clothes, plain and tight fitting in dull greys and blues, marked him as a sailor of Daunton. His rough skin matched that estimation. Though he wore no armor, a large axe was strapped to his back, though keen eyes might guess it sees little use.

His eyes tend to linger on each individual they fell on. He was judging. A moment passes and he speaks up.

"I am Captain Grubeus Flintstone, of the MainMist." He announced gruffly. "Two days and some odd out at see, near enough the Isle of Opposition, that I reglar make sail, my crew and I has come across a new island, that dun shifted in. We seen a building on this island looking old and small, with a symbol on it, I am told is one of the Imperiums for the Jailkeep of Death, Hadeys. My crew aint adventurers more than sailors be, so we see the door open but have not gone near.

Still, as far as I figure, a door to death is best not left open. If you are of like mind, and less to live fer" at which chuckles "then I'll offer some of you passage to such an island, free a charge, along my regular route." He looks out at the gathered men and women, many looking a bit odd for his tastes, and seems to be wondering what happens next.

[sblock=Underneath Hadeys' Door]Hello there!

Underneath Hadeys' Door is a new adventure looking for 5-6 adventurers. It was designed for a level 2 party, and as such I will be accepting people who are levels 1 through 4.

It is a classic dungeon delve, and may offer less immediate story than other PbP games, with more of an exploration, and creative decision making challenge.

If you are interested, and/or have questions, please say so/ask in or out of character.

This is not first come first serve. The Captain will only take so many strangers on board at once and will choose people based on his seaman's gut.

I will be looking at people's mechanics first, to make sure the party has a composition that I think can achieve most of the adventure and have fun. Secondarily, I will consider whether you have another character in play and whether you may have a tied in background.

Thank you![/sblock]

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Corvus turns away from the thri-kreen and walks to the dwarf. "Greetings captain, Corvus Raine at your service. You require a group to close that door? A small squad of specialists? I have led men in battle and while this is far from the front lines of war, there is a risk of combat. My skills would certainly be of use here, if you'll have me" Corvus says.

Level 2 Bravura Warlord - http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Corvus_Raine_(Cleverusername). My other PC is on Mewness' adventure. [/sblock]


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The human at the bar moves next to the thri-kreen, "Sound of Stone? That's an interesting name. How did you come up with such a moniker and how did you lose your ... clutchmates? Is that family?" the man known as Corvus asks.


The strange insectoid creature stands on its two rear limbs looking at you. Stranger still, it is wearing clothing - just a simple loin cloth and few bandoleers, strung with bags and pouches. It carries a crude stone tipped spear in it's upper pair of arms and in the slightly smaller pair of arms below that, it has a sling and a handful of stones.
Its face is dominated by two features: Large, sharp mandibles surrounding a small mouth and pair of giant, amber eyes. The eyes hold your attention for a moment, as you see yourself reflected back a thousand thousand times from the many facets.

The mandibles clack and a series of high pitched click and whistles emerge from the thing's face. Then, astoundingly, it switches to rudimentary common "In speech of my people, that is my name. In your tongue, it means, roughly, 'Sound of a Stone Striking Hot Metal to Make a Blade, of the Three-Twelves and Seventh Clutch of the Red Granite' - That too long for your people, so I called Sound of Stone here"

"My clutchmates are those from the eggs that hatched with mine at the Red Granite. We were brought to these lands by a strange storm, and then dispersed by the magical energies - I seek to find them."


First Post
Corvus said:
"Greetings captain, Corvus Raine at your service. You require a group to close that door? A small squad of specialists? I have led men in battle and while this is far from the front lines of war, there is a risk of combat. My skills would certainly be of use here, if you'll have me"

The Dwarf looks Corvus up and down appraisingly. He seems to like the man enough. "Aye, I'm no man of clothe but I suspect it may be wise to close the door. Strange things are often blown with the mysts and the threat of combat is real enough."

Sound of Stone said:
"Captain, This one may be able to assist explorations of the island. My clutchmates and I were dispersed by the strange energies which brought us to these isles - perhaps one or more of them ended up on this island?"

Captain Flintstone looks oddly at Sound of Stone, a little taken aback by his appearance. His words give him pause. "You bug people get swept up in wind eh? Well if I got tossed by a god's breathe onto an island I sure as what's under me would seek shelter. I think it would be wiser, that whoever be going spend some time looking in, before closing it all up."


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A shifter stands hurriedly from his place at the bar, adjusting the plates of his armor. The over-sized wolf, in armor-plating by his side, lazily watches as the shifter walks toward the seafaring dwarf. As the werewolf like creature nears Grubeus, a strong odor of death washes over the area, a mix of old decay and new rot. What used to be white robes, now stained deeply with blood, hide pockets full of sacrament to the gods of Death.

Please allow me pilgrimage to this holy site. Kamotz indicates Corvus and Sound of Stone, I can assist these two, or any who take the journey, I am Kamotz servant of Death. I would explore this temple, from top to bottom, but must we close the door? Could some monastic group use the place after we clear it of danger? The question hangs on the air for a moment. The humanoid skull hanging from Kamotz' belt twirls slightly, until empty eyes gaze past the dwarf.


Interested in the adventure ScorpiusRisk.

Kamotz lvl 4 Cleric|Paladin (Hybrid) Longtooth Shifter

Gil, my other character, is on adventure.



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A very large Dragonborn enters the tavern, cloak unable to conceal the fine plate armor he wears. Satisfied after scanning the crowd he makes his way to the bar.

"It's been weeks Skalisss, what has kept you?" the Barkeep asks.

"A plague throughout the city, caused by a madman, if you can believe it" Skalisss responds. "It took a group of usss to bring him to jussstice".

"Well after all that I'll bet you could use a drink..." the Barkeep offers.

"Aye, indeed."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Skalisss L7 Dragonborn Paladin
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First Post
Kamotz said:
Please allow me pilgrimage to this holy site. I can assist these two, or any who take the journey, I am Kamotz servant of Death. I would explore this temple, from top to bottom, but must we close the door? Could some monastic group use the place after we clear it of danger?

The poor captain just keeps meeting stranger individuals. "Well aint my island Mr, errr priest sir. You likely be more expert than me. I jus wanna make sure we all stay safe like."


First Post
A true mariners statement. Kamotz laughs, a high pitched cackling sound, I travel with a pack. the shifter points to the lazy dire wolf at the end of the bar, That going to be a problem?


Even if Whiggins can't go in the actual building, Kamotz will want to take him to the island.




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*Hunzu a shardmind stands from his stool next to the bar. He dusts off his tux and fixes his top hat before making his way over to the other and the Captain. He speaks telepathically to the Captain Grubeus Flintstone.*

I am known as Hunzu Seisoku-Kurisutaru. I may be of service to you Captain Grubeus Flintstone as I have already grown accustomed to the ways of the sea having recently defended a vessel from pirates and the ilk.

[sblock=OOC]Hunzu level 2 Enchanter (Controller)


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