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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

The bartender, having heard Vyrna's question, simply shook his head and continued working behind the bar.

The black clad halfling-like woman let out an irritated sigh through her nose, lips pursed and eyes narrowed. This was a rather big town, and she couldn't just rough up people for information here. Might work in a small rural community of farmers, but she was only one girl in a very large city now, and the authorities would likely take objection to that kind of behavior. So she would play it cool for now, smooth over the locals, and perhaps she'd get her answers, or at least a lead.

There were more men than women here, which meant that seduction might be the tool of choice in this situation.

Vyrna sat down on one of the stools near the bar and crossed her mostly exposed legs flashily and then placed her elbows on the bar so that her back would arch, showing off her well formed feminine assets.

"Any of you men care to buy me a drink?"


OOC: Forgot to mention in my last post, but Vyrna is a lvl 1 Revenant Vampire, ready for action!

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CrimsonFlameWielder said:
While the crowd in the Hanged Man gossips, drinks, sulks, and drinks some more, the doors open quietly and in strides a short halfling-like woman. Her skin is extremely pale, which is a stark contrast to the raven black hair that peeks out from the deep hood of her dark gray cloak. Pulling back the hood, she reveals eyes of the lightest icy blue. They would be rather pretty if they didn't have such a hungry cast to them.

The fighter unknowingly takes notice of Vyrna entering the Tavern. He doesn't know why, but there was something in her eyes that made cold shivers go down his spine. He couldn't put a finger on it, but as so many times this eerie feeling had saved his neck before.

Contemplating what he just witnessed, he releases his hold on Randal. Finally free from his companions grip, the zombie throws up a half-eaten woollen sock on the table " Ryan...why... " he says embarrassed.

" why do you torture me so? You know there are only three things I can taste. Number one Brains, Number two alcohol and Number three dirty wool, which is by the way, not great ! "
CrimsonFlameWielder said:
Vyrna sat down on one of the stools near the bar and crossed her mostly exposed legs flashily and then placed her elbows on the bar so that her back would arch, showing off her well formed feminine assets.

Waiting for a response Randal notices his friend's narrow gaze and with small jumps turns around to see what he is looking at. Randal's jaw drops down to the table with a thunk. " Hubba-Hubba! " he says with glee " so that's why you let go! A little too young for you, eh? "

CrimsonFlameWielder said:
"Any of you men care to buy me a drink?"

Randal almost screams " ME, I'll buy you anything from the bar hot stuff! " and sends Vyrna his familiar sexy wink.
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Vyrna watches as the fighter involuntarily shutters. Whether from the want of her or the fear of her, she liked it.

When the decapitated (yet surprisingly animate) head called out to her, she turned her gaze on it and for only the merest split second, let her full vampiric visage show through, flashing her fangs at him before looking back at the fighter in the sexiest, sweetest manner should knew how.

"Like what you see, friend?" she asked the warrior, striding over to him with the grace of a panther. As she passes the zombie head, she nonchalantly flicks it with her toe, sending it rolling away toward the bar behind her.


First Post
Seeing the severed head's attention wander, 7 Rabbit quickly ducks over to Haruka. "Did I hear you say you were from the Valley of Bone? So am I!" he says quickly. Rapidfire, he continues, "It's been a long time since I've talked to anybody from home, want to catch up? Come join us away from all this commotion!" He jerks his head towards the table he shares with Lilli, keeping one eye on Ryan and Randal in case they come back suddenly.


A short, homely female enters the room. From her height and facial features, she appears no more than a girl, but her skin bears the scars of many battles. Her features are actually attractive in an earthy sort of way, the homeliness being more a product of the fact that she is unkempt and smells slightly of sewer water. Her hide armor seems to shift with her surroundings, though in the taver, that means it just seems to catch the trees through the windows and reflect the firelight, "Hello Blagarm!" she calls to the bartender, "What in the name of all that has roots and leaves are you doing here?"

The bartender looks up, "Mikara Li Mesadh!" the bartender's eyes light up at the sight of the elf, "Oh, Mah Dearie! Exile! Jahred fahnd oot 'bout Hahlm'ster's fellahs in the cellah." he shrugs, "Bettah tha' th' hangm'n's noose, heh?"

"To be sure," the girl agrees, "I'll have my usual." She takes a seat at the bar next to the pale lady...because it's the closest seat, not because she shows any interest in her, as the bartender proceeds to pour eight mugs from a keg marked, "STARK'S BREWERY/WANE'S ALE".

"Thahre ya go Dierie." Her appearance and odor don't seem to surprise the bartender in the least, yet he appears happy to serve her as if she were one of the town council.

"May you find a better home here!" She downs the first ale to the bartender's health as soon as it's delivered, wipes the foam from her mouth, sighing satisfiedly, slams the mug down on the table, and patiently waits for the other seven to queue up in front of her.
Vyrna sat down on one of the stools near the bar and crossed her mostly exposed legs flashily and then placed her elbows on the bar so that her back would arch, showing off her well formed feminine assets.
Mikara rolls her eyes
Here we go again!
"Like what you see, friend?"
Again, she rolls her eyes, this time puffing at her bangs in an exasperated expression, releasing a small, but audible whisp of air, much like air escaping an inflated bladder.


First Post
CrimsonFlameWielder said:
When the decapitated (yet surprisingly animate) head called out to her, she turned her gaze on it and for only the merest split second, let her full vampiric visage show through, flashing her fangs at him before looking back at the fighter in the sexiest, sweetest manner should knew how.

Randal's joy quickly evaporates as the vampire looses her guise for just second. Horrified he can only muster one word " CRAAAAP ! " and is about to alert his companion when Vyrna deftly sends him rolling behind the bar.

Caught in his own thoughts, Ryan hardly notices his friend disappear and suddenly his thoughts trail off to his time in servitude. There was something about this alluring halfling that made him clearly remember a thing from the past. Namely the tales of charming and appealing women, luring men down from their post, never to be seen again. He had never seen one during his service and the only undead he had ever met were hardly attractive, but the men in is company, whom had claimed to have seen these women, often spoke of their enthralling icy blue eyes.

H.M.Gimlord said:
A short, homely female enters the room. From her height and facial features, she appears no more than a girl, but her skin bears the scars of many battles. Her features are actually attractive in an earthy sort of way, the homeliness being more a product of the fact that she is unkempt and smells slightly of sewer water.

CrimsonFlamesWielder said:
"Like what you see, friend?"

Shacking off this feeling of dread, he notices another newcommer enter the tavern before turning his full attention to Vyrna. ” Yes ” he answers with a teasing smile ” she just walked in ” and nods in approval at sight the of Mikara.

” We could discuss what I like and what I don't like lass, but I'd rather swap stories and share good ale ” and indicates at his almost empty mug.

” We are all strangers here at this table ” and with a gesture of his hand invites her to sit on a vaccant stool next to the table. ” Please, join us ”
Better keep an close eye on her...and where the hell is Randal
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[sblock=OOC @ Karlowitch]
Shacking off this feeling of dread, he notices another newcommer enter the tavern before turning his full attention to Vyrna. ” Yes ” he answers with a teasing smile ” she just walked in ” and nods in approval at sight the of Mikara.
LOL, Nice deflection! [/sblock]

"But you wound me!" Vyrna says in an obvious mockery of hurt feelings. "However, I do like a man who knows what he wants and when he wants it. It is settled then. I will take you up on your offer for drinks and a few stories. Please lead the way to your friends."

Signaling the bartender, she orders the first round of drinks and has them sent over to the table while she waits for her new "friend" to lead her there.



First Post
[sblock=OOC @ Karlowitch]LOL, Nice deflection! [/sblock] "But you wound me!" Vyrna says in an obvious mockery of hurt feelings. "However, I do like a man who knows what he wants and when he wants it. It is settled then. I will take you up on your offer for drinks and a few stories. Please lead the way to your friends."
Signaling the bartender, she orders the first round of drinks and has them sent over to the table while she waits for her new "friend" to lead her there.
[sblock=OOC @ CrimsonFlameWielder] thanks ^_^ ! [/sblock]

Ryan rises and escorts Vyrna to the table, while looking for signs of his undead friend " you haven't seen my friend...the talking head " he asks. " he has a bad habit of stealing my gold and suddenly disappear...which can be disturbing at times "

However, before the fair undead has a chance to answer, Ryan hears a familiar voice behind the bar stuttering " I ..am ...g..oo.od " and the decayed head peaks from the right corner of the bar " besides... there are free drinks here...on the floor... "

Ryan sends Randal a questionable disapproval look before the animated head once more hides behind the bar desk. As interested he is to know why his companion is so distressed, he was at the moment far too caught up with Vyrna and knowing who she is... or what she is.

After taking a seat at the table he bluntly asks while raising his mug in a friendly greeting " what's your name lass, and where are ya from ? "
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After taking a seat at the table he bluntly asks while raising his mug in a friendly greeting " what's your name lass, and where are ya from ? "

It was so good to get some attention. And the more the attention was on her, the more likely she was to have the chance at asking her questions and getting some answers. Or if no answers could be given, perhaps she could at least get an idea of what (or who) to do next. Now she had time on her hands. She didn't have to be rash or hasty (at least Vyrna thought not. The Voice might have other ideas, but he wasn't exactly too forthcoming on details as of yet).

"When you've got me all alone, you can call me whatever you want, but for now, I suppose Vyrna will suffice. As for where I'm from...well, that's a more difficult answer. I was born in a small coastal town of Allaria, not far from Hzaka. But since the age of about ten, I've been traveling all around. I even spent a long stint in the Laughing Gallows."

Vyrna put emphasis on the name of that deadly place. For most people, who were afraid of those from Bacarte, just the mention of the Laughing Gallows was enough to bring a cold sweat to their brows. Just thinking of that possibility brought an involuntary sinister grin to her lips. Catching herself before she could give herself away, put on a showy smile.

"How about yourself, my tasty morsel?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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