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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


OOC: [MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION]: You call that defusing!?
Brastrix smiles at Phoenix again, "He certainly is coming, and from what I've learned, he'll be alone." A shadow darkens the doorway of The Hanged Man, but both Brastrix and Phoenix quickly realize that it is too small to be Rhagast. A fleeting alertness reveals itself in the dragonborn's eyes, but changes quickly to one of simple recognition.

A scrawny dwarf comes running into The Hanged Man at a sprint, huffing and puffing as he heads straight for Brastrix. If the fellow's beard were not tucked into his belt, he would have tripped over it the moment he started running. As it is, it forces his head down with every step such that it makes him look like he is nodding in acknowledgement of each person he passes as he runs.

The dwarf pulls up short of Brastrix, and when he speaks, it's clear that he's running out of a sense of urgency and not out of fear.

"Cap'n!" the dwarf salutes, "'E's 'eddn this-a-way!" the dwarf looks around Brastrix, and is surprised to recognize the bartender, "Oi! 'Ellow Blag'am! Fancy meetin' yoo -" the dwarf suddenly remembers himself, "'E'll be 'ere in nary a moment Cap'n"

"Excellent Robin," Brastrix's pleasant smile, fades as his teeth begin to grit, "Fetch Toy and Martel, and tell them to round around back."

"'Tis already done Cap'n!" the dwarf snickers, proud of himself.

"And what of Riannah?" Brastrix adds

"She's a'ready 'ere," replies the dwarf, giggling and pointing to a stool by the front door, where a female shifter wearing a read bandana lifts a mug toward the dragonborn swashbuckler.

"Ah," Brastrix looks genuinely surprised, "Stealthy as ever my love," He turns back to the dwarf, "Alright you two, take your positions."

The dwarf scurries to the door opposite of Riannah, and surprising as it may seem, they both manage to blend in with the crowd at the table.

The dwarf places a finger aside of his nose to the patrons at either side of the door, "Ssshhhh," he whispers, "Ye don' wanna make this fellah, Rhagast, mad."

Brastrix raises his voice in his trademark, charismatic fashion, "Gentlemen, I know that many of you are not atuned to the virtues of piracy, but, if you cooperate with one, another might be brought to justice. If you attempt to ensnare both, you may find that you have squandered your opportunity for either." He pauses to let his words sink in, "Therefore I implore you to go about your business, and make merry as if this approaching menace is yet another customer." he pauses again, shorter this time out of urgency, "And if you wish to pick a side in the struggle that will ensue, I pray, for your sake, that you choose the one that prevails."

Brastrix then sits down and waits for the crowd to calm down.

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Iron Sky

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"And if you wish to pick a side in the struggle that will ensue, I pray, for your sake, that you choose the one that prevails."

Brastrix then sits down and waits for the crowd to calm down.

Phoenix remains standing, looking away from the door only with a flat, hard glance to emphasize Brastrix' last words.

Rippling flames swirl around her, burning the rushes to ash at her feet and singing the dirty-covered floorboards as she waits, feet spread wide in a battle stance, tense and ready.


Brastrix once again leans back on his stool and rests against the bar adopting a posture more fitting of someone expecting an old freind than of someone preparing for a fight.

The atmosphere is tense and quiet: a quiet not born of fear, but of excited anticipation. Conversations are hushed, and every now and then a pair of eyes shifts in the direction of the doorway.they would
Nobody comes....

Just when the patrons of The Hanged Man begin to wonder if Brastrix is playing some poor excuse for a hoax, footsteps are heard just outside. As the steps draw closer, a voice explodes from across the street, forcing the innfolk to cover their ears in pain, even at this distance,

"'Oooevar's Thar in th'Anged Man'd bettar be fetchin' me some rum!"

A shadow looms before the doorway of The Hanged Man, and the encroaching footsteps pound the earth with every step. As the light from the tavern washes over the figure, he is revealed to be an enormous minortaur. Clad in stark contrast to Brastrix, his garb is soiled and ripped. A cutlass hangs at his waist, having seen little use on account of the heavily nocked battleaxe the secondary purpose of which is a rather useful walking stick. The light also reveals an explanation for the creature's thundering footsteps. One of his hooves is missing below the knee, replaced by a teak stump with a brass tip, crushed and mushroomed at the bottom...

With every approaching step, the light continues its upward cascade, as if a black, silk, scarf was unveiling a lothesome statue. A brass ring pierces the pirate's bovine nose, and his horns are broken, splintered on the end with sharp, fractured edges. His patch covers a missing eye as is evident from the hideous gash that protrudes to either side of its fiducial covering.

With one booming step, and then another, the beast-man arrives at the threshold of The Hanged Man.

"Stop right there Rhagast!"

Brastrix's voice is surprisingly loud and confident, "There's no rum waiting for you in here, only a painful and honorless death!"

Steam erupts from the minotaur's nostrils, "Brastrix! Ha!" the blast of laughter shakes the tavern's timbers, "I'd no'dea I'd made such an'mpression on ye. I'm honarred that ye'd chase me all this dist'nce." Rhagast, leans against the doorposts, casting an evil pair of eyes across the common room.

"I might have chased you, but it appears that you are the one who has arrived thirsty and out of breath." Brastrix winks at Phoenix, "Not yet love"

"Had I known ye'd be here, I'd've brought me strongbox so's I could fill me up s'more loot." a flat-toothed smile spread's across the minotaur's face, "Ye're a shure glutt'n far pun'shm'nt' ye are." He turns to Blagarm who is standing at the bar, immobile with fear, "Well hearty!? Whare's me rum!?"

"Ah...c..c...commin' raht up!" Blagarm snaps to and starts pouring a pint.

"Not so fast!" Brastrix's voice raises once more, "I'm warning you Rhagast. You don't know what's waiting for you should you enter this sanctuary of lost adventurers."

Rhagast looks around the commonroom and laughs, "I think I'll take me chances, thank'ee kindly." And with that, he steps across the threshold.

GM: Anyone who wants to go a round with a LvL 16 Solo Brute...

  • Roll Initiative
  • Post a link to a token image for your character
  • Give me starting coordinates on the map (Must be at or adjacent to a stool). FYI: The tavern entrance (and Rhagast's Current Location) is at Q13-Q14
If you do not post intention to join, you will not be attacked.

Option to join closes tomorrow at 9:00pm USEST (GMT-5)

Note that not all rows and columns are numbered (Columns -1, and 13 for instance). Please interpolate when specifying coordinates.

Map: Compliments of "Steel Rat" on RPG Mapshare.

P.S.: Don't worry. This won't take as long as Malinkirk's callout (if you can remember that one, give me the link to it).
OOC: Initiative:

Rhagast: 1d20+9=22

Brastrix: 1d20+9=20

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Phoenix physically shakes as Rhagast enters, exploding into flame once again.

Her voice is a harsh whisper, voice rasping as though holding herself back from physically hurling herself at him.

"Finally. For more than a decade I've hunted you, walked through the wanton and careless wreckage you leave in your wake. I've answered 'survivor's' pleas for death and buried more men and women and children than I can count - all victims of your butchery."

When Rhagast looks at her without recognition, just a derisive snort, her usual faint smile appears.

"I had thought you might not remember, but maybe these will help." She tears her cowl and clothes free, her hair billowing in the flames that burn so bright almost nothing of her can be seen. A massive knot of scars at the base of her spine and hairless, disfigured lumps on her head that were hidden by the cowl are visible despite the flames.

"You did unspeakable things to my mother as you forced me to watch, then dragged her away to sell as a slave, or worse. When I tried to resist, you hewed off my tail and horns and threw me into our burning house to die. I lay in the fire and ash as you laughed and walked away, but I wouldn't die. I rose from the flames and made them part of me and I've been walking behind you ever since. No longer."

She glances about the tavern. "Anyone who would rid the world of one of its truest monsters, step forward and I shall call you friend - but know now that if you face him not only you but your families and everyone you know might become his prey if we should fail. Those who wouldn't, stand clear, though I know my allies, my fire doesn't."

She looks back to Rhagast. "This ends here."

OOC: Maybe we should take this to another thread should other people want to enter the tavern while it goes on?

Initiative: 1d20+7=25
Starting Position: I5[/sblock]

[sblock=Phoenix's Statblock]Phoenix, Female Tiefling Mage 9
Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 20
AC: 21, Fort:19, Reflex: 23, Will:20, Resist Fire 9 -- Speed:6
HP:53/53, Bloodied:26, Surge Value:13, Surges left:8/8
Initiative +7, Action Points: 1
MBA: +8 AC, 1d4+1 damage. RBA: Range 20, 10 force damage.

Powers: Magic Missile, Scorching Burst, Hypnotism, Infernal Wrath, Burning Spray, Fire Shroud, Ardent Rain, Fire Burst,Shield, Second Wind, Flaming Sphere, Summon Magma Beast, Summon Hell Hound, Fire Shield
Items: Spidersilk Mantle, Dagger of Speed, Healing Potion x 1, Flame Bracers
Notes: *No OAs for Ranged or Area attacks. *Attacks ignore fire resistance. *+1 to hit, +2 damage vs bloodied. *+1d6+2d8 damage on crit.[/sblock]
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