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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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OOC: VanderLegion: I think this is part of the reason the last "brawl" was outside the tavern.

Tenchuu: Mewness's new character is actually female, but other than that, I can work with that intro.

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VanderLegion: I think this is part of the reason the last "brawl" was outside the tavern.

OOC: I don't think there's a rule about only having 1 character in the Tavern at a time; at least I don't remember reading it - more custom than anything (unless someone can point me to the rule I missed). Especially if your 1st character is in another thread, bring your 2nd character in.


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OOC: I don't think there's a rule about only having 1 character in the Tavern at a time; at least I don't remember reading it - more custom than anything (unless someone can point me to the rule I missed). Especially if your 1st character is in another thread, bring your 2nd character in.
Characters played by the same player may not interact with each other in any meaningful way. They shouldn't ever be in the same place at the same time, and no exchanging items or services with yourself, even through a third party.
OOC: I think that's where I got the idea from. If it's not an issue, than I'll bring Tyris into the Tavern and just not have him interact with Graven.


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Sound of Stone leaves a coin on the bar as payment for his drinks and heads towards the newcomer. "Preything Mallaby, I am Sound of Stone. My spear and I will accompany you," he says. "I search for my Clutchmates - there is no word of them here, but perhaps we will encounter some on the way."

L4 Thri-kreen Monk, "volunteering" to accompany the party
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"Now I an I 'as seen ereting," Spider said as the Thri-kreen approached. "Sound a Stone, dis be some name ya got. An," Spider said, looking him over in awe, "I an I aint neva seen someting like dis. Ya like... 'alf mantis 'alf amazin."

"Da name issa Jarro," he said, producing his hand for a shake, "bu' dey call dis won da Spidah. I an I gon git 'long jus fine, dis da tru."


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A short, slender human dressed in all black enters the tavern. A large hood hides his features as he takes in the fight at the bar, then looks around the room. Upon seeing Spider and Lord Mallaby at one of the tables, the man pauses, then makes his way over to them. He sits in one of the unoccupied chairs, pushes back his hood a bit so they can make out his face, and nods first to Spider, then more deeply to Lord Mallaby.


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"An, I an I do rememba dere bein a spirit-ooman back in Allaria, who I tol bout all dem tings I an I done last time. She seem ta be really inta it, so iffn she still dere when I an I return, I bet dat ooman join up right quick."
"Sounds intriguing," Mallaby says. "If you vouch for her, I'm certain I would welcome her."
"So, did dem tings work out with da beautiful Ismene?"
"Ah, it is she who I speak of. It is on her behalf that I am forming this expedition. I will explain further when we have gathered all of our forces, but I am most glad to have you along, because she already knows you, and I will not be accompanying you, for much remains for me to do here in Daunton."
"Preything Mallaby, I am Sound of Stone. My spear and I will accompany you," he says. "I search for my Clutchmates - there is no word of them here, but perhaps we will encounter some on the way."
Mallaby seems nonplussed by the title "preything", but only for a second.
"I would welcome a bold spear...man?" he says. "Perhaps Allaria is the place for you to search. There are many strange creatures there."
OOC: So far we've got within the level range I'm hoping for:

Pharodeys--Shaman (Leader/Controller)
Spider--Barbarian (Striker)
Tyris--Assassin (Striker)
Sound of Stone--Monk (Striker)

If [MENTION=98561]bluesfella[/MENTION] joins in, we've got Zardi, who's another striker.

In either case, I think we've got enough strikers.

Any level 3-4 (or even late 2 or 5) defenders available?


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When he is done speaking, Mallaby notices Tyris.

"Another old comrade," he says, shaking the assassin's hand.
"I am glad to see you again. I am planning another expedition, and would be gratified if you would join."


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The tavern door opens and a teenage human girl enters. She is pretty in a thin, wan sort of way, and her manner and simple homespun clothes convey an air of dignified poverty. She brightens instantly when she notices Spider: he recognizes her as May, the girl that Goldenhorn engaged as a servant when he first came to Daunton.

She approaches Lord Mallaby with a purposeful air, but shoots a quick smile at Spider before curtseying to Mallaby and starting to speak. "Lord Mallaby, my master, Prince Goldenhorn, sends his warmest greetings and his most sincere regrets. He requested me to inform you that he was delighted to receive your message, for he was concerned that you might not be in the best of spirits, and you have reassured him otherwise, to his immense relief. Prince Goldenhorn also desires that I convey his deepest apologies, for he cannot aid you in your current venture, owing to the fact that he has recently been called home by his father, King Dalfred, to deal with an urgent family matter. The prince set off in great haste this very morning, and hopes that this regrettable absence will not be a great inconvenience to you. He wishes you the very best in all of your pursuits, and hopes with great anxiety to find you well when his family business is resolved and he is able to return."

Much relieved at having remembered this entire speech, the girl heaves an audible sigh of relief, then starts and looks around anxiously, hoping that nobody noticed.

[sblock=ooc]Just an NPC tying up a loose end.[/sblock]


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Lord Mallaby nods at the girl, and smiles warmly.

"My compliments to Prince Goldenhorn, and I thank him for his kindness in informing me." he says. "Alas, we will miss his companionship in this endeavor, but I understand that family duties come first and foremost, and that such pursuits as mine, while worthwhile, are but a trifle when one's familial honor or tranquility is at stake.

"When your master returns, please ask him to send me word, so that I may wait upon him at his earliest convenience. I would like his advice in a few matters of small import here in Daunton Also, please inform him that I have said that the demeanor and politeness of his servant reflects well upon him."

Voidrunner's Codex

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