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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Evan gives Kane a bow.

"Thank you so much! You look like someone with a lot on his mind (if not a lot in his mind to say the least). I will be happy to have a collector of knowledge with us on this journey. Hopefully we will be able to find my village soon."
Kane chuckles at the jibe. "I am h-happy t-to be underestim-m-mated."

The eyes in Kane's head rolls back.

Kane conjures his ghostly hand to deliver Evan a swift cuff behind the ears. He projects his ghastly voice to surge from behind Evan.

"But I, Soth, Demon Lord of the Seventh Gate of the 6th Hell, faithful servant of Kane Arcane, the genius that stands before you, do not take kindly to veiled insults. Mind your tongue in his presence lest I blacken it and call a horde of bar-Igura to inhabit your soul!"

He turns around to hide his mirth and asks for that drink he has been waiting for. "Bring me my drink now or you will be roasted ... ehem ..."

His eyes roll forward. "S-sorry. I m-mean drink p-please."
He continues to chuckle quietly to himself.

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FINALLY! Evan thinks, seeing the large weapon brought to bear by Ignatz, A real fighter! That'll teach those fools who messed with my village!

This thought is quickly interrupted by an invisible punch to the back of his ear, followed by a rather scary, demonic sounding voice that brought a quiver to Evan's knees.

"I...I...I think you misunderstand...I was simply saying that you seem smart and deep in thought...but..but...here..."

Evan shakily walks over to the bar and gets an ale from the bartender, setting it before the swordmage. He wasn't entirely sure he wanted the man along for the journey, now that he knew that demonic forces were involved...but he really couldn't afford to be picky right now. Not with his villager's lives on the line. He would just have to keep an eye on that one...

Turning back to the multi-toothed grin of Ignatz (but keeping Kane in his peripheral vision), he nodded to the Half-Orc.

"Glad to have you along, Ignatz. I hope that it doesn't really come to a big fight...but if it does, I'll sure be happy you're there with us."

OOC: For the lvl 6 adventure I'm about to run for you guys, I have had responses from the following:

VanderLegion's Vander
jbear's Kane Arcane
phoenix8008's Kama'zer
pathfinder1's Joy
WEContact's Ignatz

So all we need now is for rb780nm's Sound of Stone to reply and we can move to a real adventure thread!


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As a variety of heroes stepped up to offer their assistance to young Evan, there was a soft, nearly unnoticeable trill of music throughout the tavern- a trill as of a sailor's hornpipe, that seemed to have no visible source. In the silence which followed, the front door of the tavern slid open, revealing a woman silhouetted in the entryway.

She was just over average height, with gold-toned skin and a wavy cascade of glossy black hair which hung halfway down her back. A sword which seemed perhaps a bit too large for her hung over one shoulder, and a small satchel on the other- she wore a corselet of bright scarlet scales under a black longcoat, rather like a sailor's oilcloth. As she stood in the doorway, she seemed to survey the room- but her eyes were featureless white orbs. Surely she must be blind...

She took two long strides forward, and if her strange eyes compromised her vision, there was no sign of it. She gave a nod of her head in the direction of the young hunter, and spoke in a clear ringing voice, the tones of a trained singer. "You must be Evan. Word on the street is that you are looking for help, something about missing villagers..." She paused, looking around at the others gathered nearby. "It seems like you have found a few volunteers, but I would like to join your crew, if you have the room. It might do me good to be out of town for a while, and I think I might be able to help a bit." She paused once again, and raised one hand, as if remembering something, then turned towards one of the tavern staff. The server blinked and gave a brief, bewildered smile. "You're Joy!," she blurted, and the woman tipped a nod of acknowledgement.

Evan is entranced by the vision before him. "Thank you...uh...Joy is it? It will be nice to have someone with us who's spirit is as uplifting as yours." he says, eying the over-sized blade strapped to the singer's back. "You...uh...know how to use that thing?" he asks, nodding in the direction of the blade's hilt and handle.

Voda Vosa

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The door of the tavern slowly opens, by a pale hand, banded in green cloth. Following is a man clad in a heavy monastic tunic, of vibrant green and yellow. His hace is also pale, painted with black designs, his long black hair tided up behind. Clearly hailing from the Jade Kingdom. His milky green eyes fixes on several of the patrons, before moving in with calculated and sharp movements. "Sheng from the Zim clan." he announces proudly, before moving like a viper among the people standing, towards a table. "Tea" he demands.

Sheng Zim, level 12 monkish Sorceror


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Evan is entranced by the vision before him. "Thank you...uh...Joy is it? It will be nice to have someone with us who's spirit is as uplifting as yours." he says, eying the over-sized blade strapped to the singer's back. "You...uh...know how to use that thing?" he asks, nodding in the direction of the blade's hilt and handle.

The woman smiled broadly- the kind of smile which might stop a weak man's heart, or bind him forever. She fixed her strange white eyes on Evan, and reached back with one hand to brush the sword's hilt. Throughout the tavern, there was a low boiling rumble which could have been far-off thunder or massed war drums- once again a sound which seemed to come from every direction and none at all. "Yes, and in more than the usual way," she replied, a phrase that Evan would hear echo inside his head as well as in his ears.


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"Glad to have you along, Ignatz. I hope that it doesn't really come to a big fight...but if it does, I'll sure be happy you're there with us."
Ignatz's eyebrows fly skyward in surprise, his grin (somehow) grows even wider, and he puffs out his chest. "Hoy, hyu know my name! Hy'z famous!" Joy's entrance captures the whole of Ignatz's attention before Evan has a chance to reply. With one swift motion his gouge is slung across his back, his arm is slung around Joy's shoulder, and he's doing his best cool guy impression, arching one eyebrow and rubbing his fingernails (claws) against his tattered cavalryman's coat. Then he turns his face to her, inches away, wearing a ridiculous smirk. His breath isn't awful, but it's by no means sweet, and the powerful, animal smell washes over her. "Hey, schveethot, hy am a famous guy around here, did hyu know? Hy tink mebbe hyu should show Ignatz de odder vays hyu ken use dot pocketknife hyu gots dere."

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